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Everything posted by MichaelDean

  1. My GX-100 is amazing. So pleased I took a punt on it and didn't settle for something with fewer footswitches. I've got a great sounding patch with an amp on one channel that I can send to the desk, while the other goes to my amp. Plus it's much lighter than my pedalboard full of pedals and has a smaller footprint. Not that weight reduction was a motivating factor, but it is handy.
  2. I think it's because they have to get rid of the Mustang bridge to get the jazz pickup in the right place. Throws the whole design out (in my opinion). The American performer is a bit better, but the bridge is too angular.
  3. I couldn't afford it anyway. Just a pipe dream at the moment unfortunately!
  4. Hopefully Santa delivers from Scotland to Bristol 😅
  5. Well then, how will it affect you? Personally, I find it makes it harder to read someone else's hands to learn new riffs if my strings aren't doing the same thing. Plus transposing riffs you already know might be a pain if you've got some muscle memory going on. If it's an option, it might just be best to bring a regularly tuned 4 string and your normal bass along to the next practice to see how it goes.
  6. Might also make a difference what type of doom you're playing. If its a sludgy thing, then I really like the low notes to fill that out loads. If its a bit more metal, something a bit higher up the fretboard can work nicely. Could always use an octave down pedal if you needed the low lows?
  7. I had to be ready to let go of them. My first bass was a jazz bass copy. Sounded ok, but just didn't work for me tonally, so last year after 20 something years of ownership, I sold it. I was a bit sad at first, but I wasn't playing it, the sound didn't get me going and it was a it of a boat anchor. I'm ok with the decision now.
  8. I don't think an octave and chorus are what you're hearing. I've certainly never heard of it as a standard thing. I might also be wrong! A lot of recorded bass has a touch of overdrive on it (sometimes more than a touch!). That will introduce some harmonics and can round out the sound and can often sound clean in a mix. Guy kept the valve drive in his signature Ashdown head for a reason...
  9. Do you need the highest string of a fiver strung in drop C? I'm currently doing the same and I haven't found I've ventured that high with what we're playing. If I didn't love my Dingwall so much, I'd be cracking out one of my fours with strings to match.
  10. I've just been using the Planet Waves bass string winder. I find it makes short work of a B string. https://amzn.eu/d/7s37zLU
  11. This was corrected in the 70s! My 76 Mustang has very comfortable contours. I guess it's probably a cost cutting exercise. They can reduce machining time and make more bodies.
  12. The Pro versions weren't available when I bought my ZS10s. The Pros were then marketed as an upgrade, with a relatively large price increase, on their release.
  13. According to the website, it's a flat rate of £10 for orders under £149 and under 30kg.
  14. As long as the bass sounds good, plays comfortably and you like it, it doesn't matter. You need it for a couple of songs, so the bass has to come to gigs/practice anyway. Then because you need it, you feel it's easier to play everything on it rather than switching out. So play it. If anyone came at you with reasoning like that about something else would you even question it?
  15. You could also use in ears with a long extension cable. Years ago, I was in a band that needed IEMs, so had had a 20ft planet waves one taped to my lead so it ended at the right point where my cable went through my strap. It was a really good solution for me and kept things neat and tidy. If I paired that with my current KZ ZX10 IEMs, I'd have been a very happy bunny. Might even need to resurrect the idea for practice now. I do still have that cable...
  16. There'd be some overhang with the CTM 100 though. Don't know how @BassAdder60feels about that! I do love a good 212 though. Zilla might make a slightly wider one for you as a custom order. I adore my Bass Fatboy. Plus it's around 25kg.
  17. Could see if a Barefaced 410 or 610 does what you need? The 410 seems to be a bit lighter than one of the Ashdown cabs on its own.
  18. Doesn't that state that musical instruments made before 1975 with less than 20% ivory are exempt. So, anything made after 1975 is not exempt?
  19. I hadn't managed to have a band practice with this since I bought it after a couple of weeks of band members having COVID and others away. Tonight was the night! I did managed to use the practice space the last couple of weeks though to work on patches as we'd already paid for the room. What I thought would work well on headphones didn't translate well to through my amp, but it was really useful being able to tinker at full volume, which I never get to do at home. Then tonight, a proper band practice happened and it feels like the perfect solution for me. Really easy to tweak, the display is really clear, lots of switches that I can map to anything, and most importantly, it sounds great. Oh, I want to add in an octave up to thicken it up while the guitarist solos? Bosh - done! Full approval from the rest of the band. Thanks @T-Bay for the lowdown! Need to sell my old pedals now!
  20. I had a set of those Rotosounds on a bass for a while to try out drop C. Not a fan of the feel - very rough. But I do find stainless steel tend to be a bit rougher than nickel. Strings Direct can offer a few alternatives though. https://www.stringsdirect.co.uk/strings-c1/string-sets-c865/bass-guitar-c34#t1355:t944:t1385
  21. As far as I know, you'd need to draw one up or get someone else to. There are a few harder contours on the fiver around the horns and arm contour that I think are a key part of the look too.
  22. I've genuinely managed to not sell my short scale Jag by saying our daughter might Ike to play 🤣
  23. You can try one out on Thomann's website! It's only an option for a relatively small sample of pedals, but it's a really cool feature. You can even use an audio interface to play through it in real-time or pre-record some audio so you can knob tweak. https://www.thomann.de/gb/stompenberg_fender_dowtown_express_bass_station.html
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