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Everything posted by MichaelDean

  1. I'd recommend contacting them for clarification. Or you can always get them to make up one with the top handle hole.
  2. Or some lollipops. That would give it a different look, but not out of place.
  3. Idles are a shouty and angry band. Lovely bunch of blokes too by all accounts (that I've heard). I was at their first ever Glasto appearance back in 2019 and it was an amazing set.
  4. When I had my Mark Bass CMD102P, I'd quite often put it on its side if it was a smaller stage or I wanted a seat at practice! That was always fine. I didn't really notice any difference in the tone either.
  5. I was happy sounding like myself for ages. It wasn't until I was about 20 when Sigur Ros released Með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust and was in a post rock band of my own. The tone on Við Spilum Endalaust was what I wanted. I saw the bassist was using a Mustang so I had to have one! Still love that bass.
  6. Are the side dots in the right place for fretless? If so then you'd probably want them to be moved too. Seems like a faff to me. Get a fretted neck to bolt onto it. It would probably be cheaper than getting that one fretted.
  7. I didn't find that overdrive or distortion worked that well with my SUB Ray 5 either. I couldn't get a dirty sound that I liked. It does work well with my Dingwall though. I think it's more the instrument itself. See if you can try it out with your pedalboard.
  8. I've used my Combustion (with the EMG preamp) in a function band. Sounded great. I've just restrung it with Payson strings specifically for drop C for a Doom band I've joined and it sounds huge for that. You could have a look on YouTube for Claudio Rocha. He's a Dingwall artist who doesn't play metal exclusively. Also, on Talkbass there are plenty of people who use their Dingwalls for other stuff. There is a massive thread over there. I'd suggest a day trip to Bass Direct and playing a few to see if it matches your style. Maybe bring your head and any pedals to see what you think with your gear.
  9. I had a go with the GX-100 on my lunch break. Really impressed. It can doom and be all ambient. Pretty easy to use based on a 20 minute play. I didn't see the point of the touchscreen - it didn't work the way I expected it to and I could do everything from the controls anyway. Also played it with a very nice Yamaha BBP35. Now currently wondering how I can sneak the thing into the house! 😅
  10. I was surprised when I got my B3n - even more so after loading some of the guitar effects on to it. Although the dirt pedals on it aren't up to snuff (in my opinion, I know some people on here do use them), it was a massive jump from the first Zoom pedal my brother had about 20 years ago. And the tech has just gotten better since.
  11. Thanks @T-Bay! Really useful. I spotted one in PMT in Bristol. I ought to go have a play.
  12. From another thread, it seems like @T-Bayhas a GX-100. I'd be keen to hear impressions as well, if you don't mind. Particularly on the distortions.
  13. I've recently joined a doom band (very fun so far!) and my Joyo Ultimate Drive has died, leaving space on my pedalboard. Already on my board is a TC Electronic MojoMojo and EHX Bass Big Muff, which are working for me, but I'd like another flavour of noise making. Up to £50 new or secondhand, what do you recommend?
  14. This sounds really cool! Here's what I'd be looking for: - 6 footswitches seems like a good number, with the option to set one as an instantaneous tuner/output mute and have plenty to play with. I hate that the tuners always need to share with tap tempo, or you have to long press it. - The option for parallel processing. - A stereo effects loop, with the ability to split the routing on the stereo jacks to mono so you can make into two that can be placed anywhere in the chain if needed. - Expression pedal output. - I really like the idea of using VST/AUs as the signal processors - I'd like to be able to run some really big delays and reverbs and maybe more than one of each, so plenty of processing power please! - The ability to sync the preset with a tempo, so all of the delays are matched up if I want. - Balanced jack and XLR out with independent level controls and the ability to leave an amp and cab SIM on for the XLR, but leave it off for the jack out. - Audio in and headphone out might be good for practice and possibly receiving an in ear monitor mix.
  15. @BigRedX the lightning connector is a standard that can't upgrade from USB 2 though. This means that the transfer speed is capped at 480Mbps. USB C is capable of adapting to USB 4, and potential transfer speeds of 40Gbps. That's a massive increase and means it can stay a relevant connector for much longer. Also important for iPhones as the latest ones are rumoured to shoot 8K videos, which would result in massive files. Trying to transfer that via a lightning cable would be a massive pain in the derriere. Plus, USB C can also carry much more power than a lightning connector, which means you can do fast charging for your phone/tablet/laptop, so you don't need to rely on them all needing charging at the same time. Or if they do, it's half an hour and done. Rather than three hours attached to the wall. USB A connectors may well stay on the charger end too, it's the device itself that needs to have the USB C connector.
  16. Do you remember mobile phones before they all became some sort of USB charging port? Each brand had their own proprietary charging connector where the cable itself was also usually pretty poor quality and moulded into the plug. So if the cable then broke, you're stuck paying whatever they have the gall to charge for a replacement.
  17. I'm pretty sure you'd see some magic smoke. It'd be worth saying what your amp is or posting a picture of the speaker out connectors in case it says something you've missed or someone here knows more though.
  18. I got a glued up body blank to my specification from https://guitarandbassbuilds.com/ as I don't own the required clamps. They were really helpful and it was dispatched quickly.
  19. Really cool! I've got my Jag SS stashed for my daughter, should she show the inclination. She's only 6 months old right now, but seems to be into bass...
  20. Anotehr option is the Hotone Ampero Control footswitch. It can be wireless, or you can plug it in via USB or MIDI. https://www.andertons.co.uk/guitar-dept/guitar-pedals/footswitches/hotone-ampero-control-bluetooth-midi-controller-footswitch
  21. I booked an extra seat for a cello once. Had to call up the airline, and they were really good about it and I seem to remember that I didn't have to pay tax on that seat (may have changed, don't quote me on that!). Then, when I got on the plane, they had a strap extender ready to go for me. Did mean I missed out on the window seat though!
  22. The TC clip on ones are great. If a clip on is something you'd find useful, I'd recommend picking one up. My Unitune is almost as quick as the pedal and seems to cope with a B string just fine.
  23. Can't remember where I stumbled accross Maximum the Hormone, but they seem to strike a balance that works for me. Going from full on screamy metal to something quite melodic and nice sounding and back again. Reminds me a bit of System of a Down (very happy to be PM'd anything else similar!)
  24. If you're really worried or it proves to be an issue once built, you could do something like fill the tubing with expanding foam or epoxy? Just something to stop any resonance. Though I imagine epoxy would add a fair amount to the weight!
  25. Everyone goes on about the "best B string in the business". I think the E sounds pretty huge too. Almost like you get more of the fundamental like with a short scale, but with the tension of long scale.
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