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Everything posted by Nibody

  1. [url="http://www.cashconverters.co.uk/auction-item/431115/orange-terror-bass-1000-1000w-bass-amplifier-head"]http://www.cashconverters.co.uk/auction-item/431115/orange-terror-bass-1000-1000w-bass-amplifier-head[/url] Wouldnt fancy it posted, but if anyone is near leeds this looks like a bargain - I know the 500w ones sell for about £320 ish on here, and new these are around £650
  2. [quote name='StevieD_FenderP2009' timestamp='1332456112' post='1588777'] My "it's getting more ridiculous by the minute" bass rig... From top to bottom Rhino 20u shock mounted flight case Samson PB10 Pro power conditioner blank panel AKG wms pro 40 wireless reciever Aphex Aural Exciter 103A (for adding harmonic overdrive to my tone) Yamaha SPX 90 MKII effects processor (for chorus effect on solo sections) 2u locking rack drawer (tools and stuff...) Trace Elliot AH350SMX GP12 head (considering selling with original footswitch) Korg DTR1000 tuner ('cos we all need to be in tune SOMEtimes) Behringer t1952 stereo valve driven compressor/limiter (I use a lot of treble, I need to reduce the hiss) Space for a pair of C Audio SR 707 MKII power amps (not yet bought) 2u rack tray (for the few pedals I want to use. Haven't got the tray in the picture though) Off from that we go to: Marshall 1935A JCM800 Bass series 4x12 (celestion G12-65 speakers, Eminence PXB5k crossover and Eminence APT80 super tweeter fitted) Marshall 1935B JCM800 Bass series 2x15 (celestion G15-75 speakers, ported) [/quote] Steve, I hope you have a Roadie!
  3. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1328440293' post='1526835'] I`ve got an Ampeg PF500, and it`s a really great amp. It definatley provides that full, rich Ampeg sound. Rather than go through my opinions, here is my full review of it: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/136339-ampeg-pf-500/"]http://basschat.co.u...9-ampeg-pf-500/[/url] [/quote] +1 Love my PF-500. They will be releasing a 4x10 PF cab soon as well
  4. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/220981698645?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/220981698645?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649[/url] Interesting copy, and a cheap project for someone?
  5. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1332324612' post='1586531'] Just go for it. Why do you need to tell Guitarist A about it? If it's a completely different project then it's none of his beeswax, surely? The fact that he initially introduced you to the others has nothing to do with it. It's a completely different situation. Look at it this way. If he had introduced you to some bird you subsequently had a relationship with, you wouldn't ring him up and tell him every time you shagged her, would you? [/quote] BUT if it was his bird in the first place, he would be mightily p******d off I would imagine...
  6. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1332321832' post='1586474'] Ooh look, a random note generator (the one on the left). [/quote] That was a freebie... I can get several random notes out of it, but it sounds like i'm going "Resevoir Dogs" on next doors cat... LOL
  7. [i]Nooooooooo..... only just got my cabs... aaahhhggg.. lol[/i]
  8. Lined all this up to take a picture and was quite shocked by how much I have! [attachment=103086:DSCF2945.JPG] The Folk section (never guess my parents were folkies would you...) [attachment=103087:DSCF2946.JPG] Token Guitar stuff - learned bass first, then started toying with guitars. Amp is a Crate G80XL. [attachment=103088:DSCF2947.JPG] And finaly the bass collection - nothing exotic or particularly expensive - mostly self builds bitsas apart from the Jazz and the Westfield [attachment=103089:DSCF2948.JPG] Bass amp is my new baby - Ampeg Portaflex PF-500 head, with matching PF210HE and PF115HE cabs, toped off with a Senheiser Freeport Wireless system.
  9. You can get adapters for the "Euro" Plugs from Maplins and the like. My PF500 (despite being sold in this country) came with a Euro plug kettle lead from new.
  10. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1332243148' post='1585302'] Me like very much! How does [i]that [/i]sound!? And what's that other rig just behind it and to the left... the big white one? [/quote] Thats the wifes rig.. oh sh*** she's reading over my shoulder.... Now i've had a few rigs in my time, Marshall and Ampeg Combo's, Carlsbro stack, Trace Elliot 7215 combo, and played through quite a few (Peaveys, HH, Ashdown, Ampeg V4B and SVT). There are only 3 Set-ups that I have tried that have really made me go "WOW!". Being this, the V4B and the SVT. I was offered an early SVT head with an 8x10 Cab in the 90's but didnt have the money the guy wanted. But after playing through that I realised what I wanted and couldn't afford. I haven't had chance to get it over "Bedroom" level yet - the 1x15 only arrived today and our walls are paper thin!! But I have manged to get a nice sound with the bare minimum of tweaking. It's not an SVT but it certainly sounds like an Ampeg. Don't think I'd swap it for anything.
  11. If the '77 in your sig is the White one from the picture on "The Daves" website, I am equally as envious!
  12. [quote name='thumperbob 2002' timestamp='1332170301' post='1584202'] Really too much with the 1 x 15 as well- same rig as one in my office. Just the 2 x 10 is emough for anyone- unless you are playing bigger venues- ( then you would be going through the pa anyway ) Look great though dont they? [attachment=102939:photo pf500.JPG] [/quote] SNAP!
  13. [quote name='Quest_bikerider' timestamp='1332228884' post='1584983'] As a newbie only been playing a short while I thought I would push the boat out a little (at least for me anyway ) & try & learn Norman Wot-Roy's classic bassline to "Hit me with your rythem stick" Ian Dury & The Blockheads. Iv allways wanted to have a crack at this. I must confess I have used utube & tab to work it out (chastisement accepted ) & I think Iv got the main parts learnt, I think its mainly minor pentatonic scales, & its taken me a couple of days . The problem is playing it at the right speed, @ 105 bpm plus the rythem, I think its a hard bassline to master. Would you agree, or should I be getting this? I'v tried playing along to the song but the intro starts so fast my fingures (left & right) are in knots by the end of the second bar. Just wonderd what is the best way to overcome this Iv tried playing to a metronome at a slower speed, I do find it quite hard to listen to the metronomes anoying click & playing, listening to the song gives me more clues as to whare Im suposed to be if this make sense,is this the right approach? Its not impossible is it? Any sugestions. [/quote] Don't feel bad, I've been playing 20 years and I cant play that - Norman is a veritable bass icon . When I'm learning new stuff I use a combination of Youtube, Tab and "ear". Just take it a part at a time, and when you're comfortable with it do the next bit. I also use Amplitube 3, both for the amp sims for practice and also as it will play MP3's and slow them whilst staying in pitch. One of the first basslines I learnt was "Phantom of th Opera" by Iron Maiden. Doesnt hurt to aim high.
  14. Yep.. I had an Ebony one for my VM Jazz a few monthys back. Good quality, same service. Much nicer than the plastic rubbish you can buy.
  15. Our Guitarist has a Randall (ex-aAnthrax, still has Kirk Hammets settings pencilled on it from when Metallica toured with them and shared gear). Its rather loud. Hence the overkill.. lol
  16. I likey. If I hadnt just spent £312 on a second portaflex cab, I'b buy one.
  17. Well, have already recieved my PF-500 and PF210HE, and have just ordered the matching PF115HE cab. I am positively moist.
  18. [quote name='razze06' timestamp='1328891203' post='1534478'] More like a salvage yard special... Is there such a thing as a rat rig? [attachment=99654:newrig..jpg] The two fender neo 1x12 cabs, with some 70's technology on top of them (I only use one OR the other head) [/quote] Loving the old HH.. used to use one of those in rehersal years ago.
  19. May have just scraped enough together for the 115 now.. its like christmas all over again! Had a "bedroom level" tryout with the PF 500 and the 2x10. Wow. Just Wow. Think the addition of the 1x15 will make one hell of a rig.
  20. i love Zeppelin, not so much Sabbath - though I like an odd mix of Ozzy/Dio stuff. It's horses for courses really. Me personaly I cant stand "screamo" stuff (sing a bit, scream a bit. Sing some more) and could never get into Death Metal. I like Jazz but mostly John Coltrane/Ella Fitzgerald type stuff - I cant stand listening to modern jazz - a group noodling endlessly away invarious scales and modes. Yeh its all technicaly proficient etc etc just doesnt rock my personal boat.
  21. [quote name='Monckyman' timestamp='1332093731' post='1583131'] Gah! Ta. Cash burning through my pants pocket... [/quote] Lol! I know that feeling. Am £100 short on getting the 15" Cab to go with the 2x10".. trying to resist the urge to spend the other £200 on sumat else.
  22. Hersham Boys - Sham 69 Just cant be happy today - The Damned Turning Japanese - The Vapours My Perfect Cousin - The Undertones Rat Trap - Boomtown Rats Love Tenpole Tudor!!
  23. Have a "won't be parted with my PF-500" bump on me
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