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Everything posted by SisterAbdullahX

  1. [quote name='poptart' post='654579' date='Nov 14 2009, 03:46 PM']Hi all I am going to be at the show myself this year, Ped and Machines very kindly ran my stand last year brilliantly whilst I was stuck at Music live! I will bringing a good selection of gear with me but if there is anything in particular that you would like to see or play please let me know. See you next Sunday :-) Regards Mark[/quote] Would love to see some Berg cabs, Genz Benz amps (especially Shuttle Max), Clover, Nordstrand and Mayones basses, if that's ok.
  2. [quote name='Musicman20' post='656453' date='Nov 16 2009, 09:38 PM']The Tecamp 212 is a perfect lightweight solution and is much better than I imagined a lightweight cab could be....Im very impressed. The Aguilar gives you that ceramic thump, and I think its slightly darker and 'dirtier' yet still clear and articulate. Plus Brown cabs...how cool is that?! Totally different horns on them as well....I like them both! The Tecamp retails for more because of its weight... I neeed to AB them both....properly. But, I really like what Ive got. No more, nothing...Im a lucky guy and I should just enjoy what Ive got. If you can get either...I would! The Aguilars will be getting more play soon when the Genz 9.0 comes as they are 8 ohms cabs (better for a tube amp as the Orange is 200 tube watts no matter what ohmage...or 4ohm minimum....went all out with two DB212s) and the Shuttle 9.0 pumps in a lot more...so they effectively become one cab solutions as well as a huge stack![/quote] Cheers, it's actually 112's I'm after, but the Aggie DBs and the TecAmps are the ones that interest me, along with the Glock Space Deluxes. Aye, the Shuttle 9.0 should be something to behold. Makes total sense to me, being able to get the full power from it with one 4ohm or two 8ohm cabs, which you can't do with the Max 12.0. I'm waiting for Genz to take my advice and release a Shuttle Max 9.0! So far they keep denying it, but it must be on the cards someday soon. Aye, the brown Aggies look cool. If I ever go for the DB112s they'll be the White Hot babies. Love 'em!
  3. [quote name='Musicman20' post='655534' date='Nov 15 2009, 10:48 PM']She doesnt know about the Shuttle 9.0 yet! I'll try and confuse her about it. [/quote] Might be an idea! Not wishing to hijack thread, but DB212 and Tecamp 212, which is best?
  4. [quote name='Musicman20' post='648628' date='Nov 8 2009, 11:11 AM']Id really like an amp shootout with the Genz Shuttle 9.0/LM3/RH450....we should do this![/quote] It's probably only a matter of time before you own all 3 so you'll be able to do the shootout yourself! (Sorry, I'm just jealous!) Great collection. Your missus must be the most understanding woman around.
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  6. [quote name='andyonbass' post='641648' date='Oct 31 2009, 06:45 AM']Which model configuration is it? ie is it a single pickup 3 knob version or what? Have you a cash price in mind? [Edit] just noticed your sig - I guess its a 2 pickup version?[/quote] Yeah it's the 2 pickup Jazz plate, you can check em out on the ACG website. 6 months old, £150. Prefer trade for pre if pos. Cheers.
  7. Toying with trading my East/ACG02 filter based preamp for a J-Retro Deluxe (or maybe even a Sadowsky WITH VTC).
  8. Carvin has been making great quality everything at knockout prices for the American market for years, however, having only a handful (3) dealers in the UK who would only have a limited stock meant that there were few takers for their gear. You can now (don't know how long they've been doing it) buy direct from them via the CarvinWorld website, and they will ship direct to the UK. Obviously, there is still the problem that you can't try before you buy. I have always quite liked the look of their BRX10.4 4x10 neo cab, 1200 watts, 4ohms, 26Hz to 24kHz, 104dB@1Watt. 34.5kgs, nice DuraTex finish (like the Berg AE cabs), and blow me, I've just priced one up. Including shipping and taxes they are £520!! And the BX500, 500 watts at 4 or 2 ohms, Class D SMPS, 4 band eq with para mids, 9 band graphic, compressor, 5lbs; £358! Some of their basses look great as well! Anyone tried the BRX10.4 neo? I can't think of another cab with those specs for that price. I imagine a pair of these with a Shuttle Max 12.0 sitting on top would be a serious rig. Or is it a case of the specs not telling the full story?
  9. [quote name='Musicman20' post='615910' date='Oct 3 2009, 06:09 PM']Well, after people mentioned it before, its actually true, the Shuttle 3.0/6.0 was given less low end compared to the Shuttle 9.0 because they were made especially for smaller cabinets, hence they didnt want to have people damaging speakers. That would clear up the whole issue about ithe 6.0 lacking the ummmphhh the other micro heads have. Shuttle 9.0 seems absolutely fantastic: [url="http://genzbenz.com/?fa=shuttle9"]http://genzbenz.com/?fa=shuttle9[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqancBS121M"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqancBS121M[/url][/quote] How long before the Shuttle Max 9.0 comes out, dou you reckon? Would seem to be the logical way to go. In fact, it would be more logical than the 12.0.
  10. [quote name='spinynorman' post='487110' date='May 13 2009, 06:13 PM']My thoughts are a bit different. A Fender makes me think "this guy is a musician who just wants something that works". That accounts for about 80% of the people I see playing, whether live or on TV. For almost anything else, there's an underlying statement about personality or lifestyle. Sometimes it's hard to see, others are more obvious. For example, if you play a Gibson TBird, you must be on heroin - or, if not, you'd like to be. That kind of thing. [/quote] "Dinsdale!"
  11. [quote name='chardbass' post='484097' date='May 10 2009, 12:20 AM']I find the Sadowsky a simple, no fuss pre. I had a J-retro dlx before which had too many options for me- boost, cut, bright, mid etc. A very comprehensive piece of kit but a bit too involved when paired with what is essentially a simple bass. I used to have a 5 string jazz with an old Bart pre which was v similar to the Sad- bass and treble boost only. I've never ever cut bass or treble on any bass I've had tbh The VTC if turned down will give you a duller sound. Any other tweaking gets done on my amp. I bought mine before the £ went through the floor against the $ so it was worth a punt [/quote] Is that you, Rich?
  12. [quote name='alexclaber' post='627575' date='Oct 16 2009, 09:12 AM']One of those pre-Peavey Trace Elliott 500W heads (the smaller sister to the triamp thing from about 1999), a Mesa/Boogie 1516, DI'd to the oversized FOH in the Prince Albert in Brighton, played by a young chap who'd only switched from guitar 6 months ago, with a fairly cheap 4-string P/J thing. Not his rig, don't think he'd touched any of the settings on it, yet the resulting sound was the closest I've ever heard to one of the overdriven but not fullbore distortion sounds Tim Commerford got on RATM - Evil Empire. Said bassist was frankly flabbergasted when I told him this - am guessing the stage sound wasn't as perfect but out in the room it was one of those - "that is IT" moments. Good playing too. Alex[/quote] Last time I was back up in Newcastle I heard the sound of a bass playing busker, probably 50 yards or so away, playing solos and grooves with no accompaniment. He sounded so good that I was actually scared to go and investigate closer in case it was a 16 year old kid, and I'd have to give up and sell all my gear in disgust at my own ability. His sound was just as a bass should sound for me, thick, not a hint of clackiness, but defined all through the register, almost Jaco-esque. On the way back to the car I walked past said busker, packing his gear up and counting his money, he was a black guy playing what looked like an old Ibanez or something, through a little no-name amp on a trolley! I know people pay silly money on basses and amplification to reach their idea of "tone", this guy looked like he'd spent about 200 quid on bass and amp and sounded just incredible! Anyone know who he is?
  13. [quote name='ped' post='569643' date='Aug 14 2009, 11:50 PM']Vigier Passion series 2, active With feeler gauges 3rd 1.2mm 12th 1.5mm 17th 2mm Pickups - between 2.5 and 4mm from strings Elixir .40-.95 Tuned DADG Low[/quote] My Vigier has the lowest (best) action (and neck) of all my basses. Haven't had the feeler gauges out, but looks about the same as yours, to the eye.
  14. [quote name='Rumple' post='608707' date='Sep 25 2009, 03:39 PM']If You Want Me To Stay - Sly And The Family Stone. R.[/quote] +1. Woah yeah.
  15. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='602514' date='Sep 18 2009, 08:31 PM']Again in the 80s, I was at a trade show on the Burns Bass stand. On that stand were alo those strange drums whose shells protruded out and those amps that Alan Holdsworth endorsed in those days (to be honest, Holdsworth is the king of endorsements), but I can't remember the names. Anyway, I was browsing the Burns stand and picked up a bass. Suddenly, a guy approached me and asked if I would like to accompany Alan while he demo'ed the amps. The same guy also asked the drummer who was seated on the aforementioned kit (come to think of it, I think he was the srummer out of Supertramp and he invented this kit). This guy then said he was Alan's guitar tech and proceeded to tell us what Alan would be playiong and the chords involved. He rattled off a million jazz chords, and I just nodded. Anyway, on came Holdsworth. He started a chord progression and me and the drummer just stared at each other in disbelief. He attempted to play in time with Alan, and I just hit a few root nortes in the hope they might fit. After about 60 seconds Alan stopped playing and announced he was 'going to the bar'.[/quote] I met Holdsworth when he played at the Guildhall in Newcastle around 1990ish. I was at Newcastle College on their "Jazz Degree" (my arse) course, in my first year. During the course of the gig I must've had 8 or 9 bottles of Brown Ale, just kept going back to the bar all through the gig. This is on top of all the real ale I'd had before the gig (in the Cooperage!). After the gig finished me and my mates stumbled straight across to the Red House which is right across the road from the Guildhall. The place was totally empty apart from, you guessed it, Alan Holdsworth and his band. I remember being about as drunk as I'd ever been up to then, and stumbling over to Holdsworth, where I proceded to go on and on and on about how great he was. I must've been at it for about 5 minutes, probably completely incoherent, when mid sentence, he slowly turned his back on me, Naboo style! Obviously unable to learn a lesson I did the same thing on two different occasions to Rob Andrew and John Barnes, (both in Julies Nightclub!) Ahhh, good days!
  16. [quote name='Musicman20' post='606107' date='Sep 22 2009, 09:18 PM']Tell me about it! Still interesting though...as much as I dont need any more, its always good to buy it when you can, because as soon as I move down south and have a gap between jobs, ill be skint.[/quote] Well, just don't let that lady of yours get you anywhere near a jewellers while you're down there or you'll (or more like she'll) be spending all your money on flowers, function rooms and big white dresses. Then the nearest you'll get to a new rig will be looking on in envy at everyone elses, like I have to every night!
  17. [quote name='Musicman20' post='541477' date='Jul 15 2009, 05:51 PM']Righty, as it approaches the middle of the month, and thus the all glorious pay day at the end, I think Im going to get one 1x12 and start my modular rig. I really like the tone of my Markbass Little Mark 3, and I want something that is small and easy to move. I need to make some decisions about it! Decision #1 – Go with another Aguilar Setup, to it would be two DB112s eventually. Advantages = I already like the tone, I know what I’m getting, the handles are on the side thus I wont be plonking my LM3 onto a handle and making it sit funny, the Tweed looks great, the price isn’t so bad, covers are very padded, pack a hell of a punch for a small cab, modular. Disadvantages = Not light, I already have Aguilar gear so maybe this is overkill, not as crisp and articulate compared to the Bergs. Decision #2 – Go with a Bergantino AE112 setup, so it would be two AE112s, eventually. Advantages = The glowing reviews, lighter, Bergantino quality, very very articulate crisp and clear, nice and modular. Disadvantages = Handles are on the top, so you need to cut out foam or something to raise your amp, (seems very strange considering the amount you pay) I have seen a few guys lose a lot of money selling them on these very forums, (am I at risk of losing virtually half of what I paid?!) which leads to the other disadvantage which is expense, and in addition with their expense, I might not use them as much as I should through worrying about them getting knocked, etc, does not have the thick bottom end that the Aguilar’s have, nowhere near as many users in the UK, I can buy Geoffs HS410 for less than one of these!!!! In addition, the spray finish looks excellent, but no corners?! I cant see them withstanding a lot. Please don’t think I’m attacking anyone with the disadvantages, I’m just looking at it from my point of view.[/quote] LIke I said in one of your other threads, you've got quite enough gear to be going on with, young sir! Leave some for the rest of us!!
  18. [quote name='Mcgiver69' post='605953' date='Sep 22 2009, 06:59 PM']To me Jaco was not a great soloist, his case was as other say "hit & miss" but when we talk about groove, well there is no one better. For some great Jaco's groove check these ones: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFM-ZX5Trro"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFM-ZX5Trro[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMQUFvv0WRY"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMQUFvv0WRY[/url] This one is not bad and please remember that all that was in the 70's when no one was doing it. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RdY-KAmj5fU"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RdY-KAmj5fU[/url][/quote] "In France They Kiss On Mainstreet" is a masterclass in groove playing. There is a series of Jaco videos on YouTube that left me feeling sick when I saw them last week. Titled "Jaco Lives", it's a recording of an interview from towards the end of his life. Quite frankly, who ever posted it should be ashamed.
  19. [quote name='Doddy' post='605973' date='Sep 22 2009, 07:18 PM']That's exactly how I felt about the Matt Freeman Video. I am a huge Jaco fan-to the point of having a large canvas print of him in my living room- but I don't think that his improvised solos were all that good. The composed solos,like Havona, are pure brilliance,but where improvising is concerned Jeff Berlin was way ahead. However Jaco opened the door to a new way of playing,and whether you like him or not,you have to respect how he advanced the Bass Guitar in a way that no one else has..... with the exception of Stanley Clarke.[/quote] Yeah, that's exactly how I felt about the Matt Freeman video as well. And I for one love Jaco's solos! Lets see yer Jaco canvas then! Where did you get it?
  20. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='605498' date='Sep 22 2009, 12:40 PM']Oh dear.....[/quote] Don't be silly.
  21. [quote name='GreeneKing' post='583155' date='Aug 28 2009, 07:13 AM']Every now and again someone posts a photo of a bass that is so stunning I keep finding myself revisiting it over and over again to drool. Sometimes it's just one particular shot that appeals to the bass fetish in me. The most recent, that I've checked out 3 times just for the warm feeling it gives me, is this one: There are a fair few more. What's yours?[/quote] Yeah. It is lovely innit? The Finn is the best looking AC, in my opinion. How much more black....?
  22. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='604774' date='Sep 21 2009, 05:51 PM']This has to be a record number of times I've posted this but may I introduce Matt Freeman. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RsgWs4sNHwM"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RsgWs4sNHwM[/url][/quote] Oh dear.......
  23. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='601895' date='Sep 18 2009, 01:03 AM']I don't think I've ever met any of my favourite bassists. Except Norwood, but I was chatting to Angelo (who's a top guy) so I didn't get a chance to speak to him. I suppose Norman, Horace and both of the Bruces would be the players I grew up on, but I've never bumped into them and their bands had all broke up by the time I started going to gigs.[/quote] Fishbone is RED HOT!!!
  24. 22 years ago today we lost the greatest. God bless you Jaco.
  25. [quote name='Musicman20' post='601553' date='Sep 17 2009, 06:32 PM']I nearly went for one of these, the 12.0 Has anyone tried them out yet? Apparently the MAX gets rid of the limiter problems and adds more ummmpph in the lower frequencies.[/quote] I want one as well. After I've paid for our wedding. You've got more than enough gear to be going on with!
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