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Everything posted by Wolverinebass

  1. Finally proof that owning a bass amplification company and extensive amounts of outdoor cooking leads to some pretty unsavoury results.... I had only noticed anecdotal evidence prior to this.
  2. I was going to make a derogatory comment about barbeque's and Rolling Rock, but thought that was a bit mean.
  3. See, this is what Hartke should have done for a class D. Put the HA series preamp in with a massively light power section. Job done. But no, they minced about for years giving us untold levels of crap, unreliable and fictitiously spec'd amps (TX600 anyone?!!) and now Markbass have in effect done their amp as Hartke should have done 5 years ago albeit with a pretty abysmal paint job. Congratulations Larry, you're "oot the game." Enjoy posting photos of Jaco's bass cabinet as that nostalgia is all that Hartke as a company have left.
  4. The Vanderkley 212LNT is brilliant. I love it. Am so glad of the upgrade as the Markbass cabs just aren't anywhere near as good. It's like a blanket has been lifted off my sound. Love it.
  5. Two of the 3 stingrays I've played have had serious issues. One had an incredibly weak G string. Mainly because it was a 4 string in BEAD. The second had 5 strings which is a serious design flaw as all bassists know. However, on a serious level, I like them. Very good instruments though I do prefer the HH versions. I guess it's something I might own one day, but that's for some other time.
  6. Yeah, sign me up for this. As it includes strings and anything like drum heads I need for my studio I should be fine. I'm certainly not going to be buying amps or pedals anytime soon. Definitely not basses as I have more than enough.
  7. I had a similar experience experience to @ped recently. I run my own studio part time and after discussions with the band they decided they wanted to use the studio drum kit. I said that it'd need re-skinned to get the best out of it. They agreed so I order the skins. All are "in stock." A couple of days later I've not received any dispatch email so I login. It says that it's not going to be dispatched for more than 2 weeks and if I was unlucky it might not arrive for the recording days. I phone them up and one of the skins was in Sweden. I point out the current stock situation which shows everything in stock. They basically sent it all next day for no charge.
  8. This is a great pedal. I have the EQ version which is evil. Anyone who buys this pedal will not be disappointed. It's probably one of the best fuzz pedals out there. Have a bump.
  9. I generally find out what strings work for whatever bass I have a mind to use. A while back, I was exclusively using my Wal and was using D'Addarrio pro steels. When they went off, I took out a set of roto66 swing bass. After putting them on I played them for maybe 10 minutes and took them off. Awful. They'd already started going off after 10 minutes and had none of the complex, rich harmonics and overtones which I want. Just not as alive as you would expect straight out of the packet. Maybe I got a bad set, who knows. Ironically, the nickel rounds were great on my Wal, and I use steel rounds on my 8 string which work very well. DR blues turned out to be the sound of me and my Wal in the end. I hasten to say, when the octave G on my 8 string set snapped whilst I was putting it on (I'd only got to C# whilst tuning up) Jason sent me 2 the next day. Customer service and then some.
  10. I'd not go lighter than 145 or 150. That's stupidly low. This is kind of endemic these days. It's funny how bands that are still considered "heavy" have managed it without drop tuning to Z flat. Sabbath were generally C#, Tool mostly drop D. I could go on. As someone who has 4 string basses that I'm not going to replace the nut on just to detune to wet fart territory, I make a rule that if I can't do it with DR Droptune strings or a Digitech Drop pedal ( below C# is the limit) then I'm not interested at all.
  11. And free returns when you find out its underpowered unless you use a cab the size of small country. You'll be fine with a 610, but there's no way you could use this in a loud band with anything much less. Which of course defeats the point of having an amp the size of a Kit Kat.
  12. Yes in the first point. I couldn't give a toss about image. Good music is good music. The second part I'm surely misreading. Should it not be if you (the player) don't like the music you personally play you're wasting your time? Reading that as it's written makes it sound like if you (bigredx) think something is crap, then the musicians are wasting their talents? I'm quite happy to learn from anyone, so I guess there's something to be said for not writing stuff off maybe? On the other hand, I quite enjoy the notion of using my bass playing powers for evil. Sounds fun!
  13. Obviously, the guy on the right who also played bass.
  14. I'm sick of this. 2000 watts? Of course it's not. Give an accurate value. It's like TC Electronic juicing their wattage by vast amounts of compression. Everyone is doing it. I'd never buy a class D again after my Peavey IPR1600 experience (600w my @rse) unless the wattage rating was vastly greater than what I require.
  15. I'm going to presume that there isn't any chance it's 1000w and it's really about 400w? Bring the thing round and you can compare it with my 700w Yamaha power amp. I'd certainly be interested in the result.
  16. I'm primarily a fingers player but it's just as easy to get "full harmonics" that way as with a pick. I use a different arch of my right hand and plus I pull through the strings anyway so the difference is minimal if you very subtly add some treble. Let's face it, I'm so mental I play a 12 string with fingers. I've learned to adapt my technique and it's not difficult to do.
  17. Wrong, dude. People want what they want and that's that. At the SE bash I forget who had the full beans floor version, but when asked how much they used it the reply was "3 patches." Me being me I then said "Good thing it only cost £1300." However, all sarcasm aside it's great kit. If I was in the market for a new multi fx it'd be the way I'd go.
  18. My name is Ozymandias, king of kings; Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair! Wrong thread? Oh....
  19. Not to mention the BBCITV. Or KMFDM.
  20. If that feature set is right, they've smacked Tech21 in the face brilliantly as the adjustable filters are the feature set that everyone wanted on the Dug but didn't get. Looks great. I await a non slap demo.
  21. Well, Matt Freeman is just playing very fast 16ths, however they are amazingly accurate. As for John Myung, he's technically amazing as he tends to use 4 fingers. I tried that about 10 years ago, but realised I'd never have to play fast enough that I couldn't manage with 3. However, Dream Theatre are just sooooo awful. They should just wear capes and form a yes tribute band.
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