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Everything posted by winterfire666

  1. Awesome basses, i recently got an AB20 and it is superb! have a bump
  2. that greenburst one is really tempting me, what is the action like?
  3. im gonna order one this weekend, ill post my findings, especially with bass profiling as there doesnt seem to be much info.
  4. Tomorrow night! lookin forward to this.
  5. i recently picked up a washburn AB20 off ebay to try out, its great, nice action, awesome preamp although its not that loud acousticaly but most acoustic basses are like that.
  6. live at Rio's in Bradford this friday night marco mendoza (thin lizzy and ex whitesnake bass player) with support from slander (nwobhm) and scorpion tears (local support) its my second gig with slander playin bass and it should be a good night, ill be usin my barefaced /tc rig which is epic! if anyone fancies popin down you can get tickets from the website or from me (which supports our bands ticket sales) [url="http://www.rioslive.com/?page=gigs&action=view&gig=2330"]http://www.rioslive....n=view&gig=2330[/url] thanks for lookin!
  7. i was thinking that myself, although i really dont need another cab, i might send the seller a message to see if pickup is a possibility. aaarrrggghh, must.....stop .......buying ......gear........just cos its cheap!!!!
  8. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Marshall-MBC-810-Series-1200W-Bass-Extension-Cabinet-/320890662294?pt=UK_MusicalInstr_Amplifiers_RL&hash=item4ab692ed96 im i missing somthing? how could this possibly be for sale brand new at this price?
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  11. [quote name='Stag' timestamp='1334521573' post='1617236'] Mmmm Im getting 112 GAS now. [/quote] GAS? have you left the oven on?
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  14. +1 for the s12, best cab ive ever used.
  15. [quote name='MacDaddy' timestamp='1333814633' post='1606910'] i checked out the GNX before getting my Johnson. I was under the impression it was just for guitarists? Obviously wrong - doh! I know Digitech own Johnson, there may be similarities between the J Station and the GNX? [/quote] i think the gnx series was an evolution of the j station, they did a genesis model which was a desktop version, they have a very simelar audio processor the mfx upgrade software also have a selection for the j station although because it is an older unit there are less upgraded models http://www.mfxsupermodels.com/ as far as im aware the gnx 1,2,3 and 3000 have just a few bass amp models but the gnx 4 has a wider selection with loads more available from the mfx website
  16. my daughter loves the Wiggles i hate to admit it but theres some pretty cool bass parts in there and they do them live too.
  17. my main bass has a fairly aggressive tone especially in the mids(seymour duncan 1/4lb pickups) and i find that the super 12t accentuates this slightly. for rock and metal its an awesome combination, especially if you play fingerstyle im more or less flat on my head with just a touch of compression. i have played loads of cabs and this one just seems to capture my sound in a way that i have never come accross before, wether it is because of the voicing of the cab or the fact that that it is just accurately recreating my bass sound im not sure but i wouldnt trade it for anything.
  18. if you are anywhere near me you are welcome to try my barefaced out.
  19. iv tried many of those and consider the SWR the best personally, but there is a barefaced vintage cab available in the for sale section which would tick all your boxes and be lighter and louder than any of those [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/163739-fsft-barefaced-vintage-t-tweeterised-vintage-only-2-made-l620/page__hl__barefaced"]http://basschat.co.u...__hl__barefaced[/url] i upgraded from a SWR goliath 3 and a SWR big ben (18'') full stack and my barefaced super 12 is louder, lighter and has more bottom end and warmth, it also punches through the mix in a 5 piece metal band with ease. they are worth every penny of the new price and occasionailly come up used here.
  20. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Trace-Elliot-Twin-Valve-Bass-Combo-/220989904892?pt=UK_MusicalInstr_Amplifiers_RL&hash=item33740657fc if i wasnt up north id snap this up immediatly. only£280 buy it now!!!
  21. i was looking for a quality modeling preamp for guitar and came across this. http://kemper-amps.com theres obviously some kind of evil witchcraft afoot as it seems to near as damn it nail the sounds its profiling every time. it does bass amp profiling too! and ships with some kind of ampeg profile as standard. if its good enough it could be the ultimate rig with potentailly countless classic bass rig sounds in one lightweight box. has anyone tried one yet?
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