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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. I'm willing to help out if it's in my neck of the woods.
  2. It's cool, I've managed to snag one off ebay from the states for a reasonable price, it's more the Badass story that concerns me.
  3. I have been trying to get my hands on a black Badass V for a project for a while now, was waiting for about a month for stock from one place in the states, they finally gave up waiting for stock and warned me that they had no idea when new stock would arrive. Cool enough, got my refund and toddled across the wibbly wobbly web to WD (UK) and ordered one there. Got a call today saying they only had them left in gold (yuck!) but would try to get one from WD (USA) and told me that Badass (I presume he meant Leo Quan) were stopping making bridges! I raised an eyebrow at that one. Anyone heard anything similar, or is it a case of chinese whispers (probably on my part)?
  4. [quote name='BeLow' post='104144' date='Dec 14 2007, 12:08 AM']Be careful it is not going to nose dive on a strap due to short upper horn[/quote] I think (hope) it'll be OK, the horn extends to between the 15th and 16th frets, it's only 32.5" scale and I'll use Hipshot Ultralites. Whatever happens, it can't neck dive worse than my EB-3
  5. [quote name='Brave Sir Robin' post='104007' date='Dec 13 2007, 06:58 PM']nice shape. Reminds me of a Gibson Les Paul, with a upper horn and contours. Maple/walnut neck, mahogany body, walnut top and back, black accent, pau ferro fretboard... [/quote] Goddamn it, I've basically gone and recreated the Les Paul Money Bass, haven't I? Except for the top cutaway isn't as deep and the curve at the top is more elongated. Plus I've made it ever so slightly oblique. Ach. Well, I guess it just goes to show how hard it is to create anything original these days, maybe we're all subconsciously influenced by existing designs. I still like the shape and I'm going to go with it though.
  6. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='103715' date='Dec 13 2007, 09:24 AM'] Yes I sometimes come across feeling aggrieved about eBay and having a personal grudge. Hmmm maybe I have... nah even if I wasn't banned [b]I'd still think they were selective with their policing and terms & conditions[/b]. [/quote] +1 They don't give a toss and have done nothing about any of the scam auctions I've reported. Watch RIC or someone else corporate snap their fingers and *whoof* auction disappears. Idiots. All they care about is collecting their fees.
  7. More designs - [b]very [/b]provisional headstock design
  8. Steve Harris still jumping around the place at 51...
  9. Well done, that looks like a well tidy piece of kit!
  10. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='101335' date='Dec 8 2007, 01:13 PM']Is this the place to point out people who get someone else to drive the bid price up? Its pretty obvious when somone bids x.99 that they aren't hoping to win. Heres an example: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=330195063652&ssPageName=STRK:MEDW:IT&ih=014"]<a href="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=330195063652&ssPageName=STRK:MEDW:IT&ih=014" target="_blank">http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...W:IT&ih=014[/url]</a> Incarante is me: catherineh5281( 82Feedback score is 50 to 99) £5.99 08-Dec-07 11:01:07 GMT catherineh5281( 82Feedback score is 50 to 99) £5.99 08-Dec-07 10:57:04 GMT incarante( 66Feedback score is 50 to 99) £5.55 07-Dec-07 20:52:13 GMT catherineh5281( 82Feedback score is 50 to 99) £4.99 08-Dec-07 10:56:48 GMT Starting Price £3.99 03-Dec-07 11:15:09 GMT[/quote] Oh well, if it's a shill bidding scam, the item will reappear because the "bidder" isn't wanting the item. If not then perhaps you were simply outbid and the person actually wanted the item. You did bid A) a day before the end of the listing and a mere 56p above the person's initial stab at beating you. It's such a low value item that it's feasible that catherineh did the following: 1. tried to beat you with 4.99. Failed 2. beat you with 5.99 3. saw how close behind you were 4. put in a higher maximum bid to ensure the win. Feasible?
  11. [quote name='BeLow' post='101129' date='Dec 7 2007, 08:58 PM']Hi - unless you really want want a walnut neck I would suggest maple - there is a reason why it is so widely used it is very good for the neck build. A good piece of quarter sawn maple can be used without laminating.[/quote] I hear what you're saying about sticking with the familiar, but in walnut's defence Warmoth list it as a suitable neck wood, it's hardness being superior to mahogany (although granted not as hard as maple). With the lesser string tension because of the 32.5" scale I reckon I'll be alright. I have a suitable piece of walnut already, which is also influencing my choice. It's going to be a bolt on, so if it all turns into a pretzel, I'll make a new neck. [quote]Laminating the neck blank is a worthile thing to do, if you split and oppose the outer splices the tendency warp should be reduced as the opposing parts are likely to counteract on another's tendency to warp. The downs side is that you have to block the neck pieces out then glue them together, then square them off again.[/quote] Yeah, I might well do this, even though it is a bit of a scutter. Failing that, I could embed some stiffening rods in addition to the truss rod. [quote]I have found drawing up the plan full size helps to make sure you understand the geometry of the bass better, and it reduces the tendency to make gross c*ck ups, this is good for working out the neck dimensions.[/quote] Don't worry, the actual drawing in the CAD package is 1:1 on an A0 paper. [quote]The fb radius should not be too much of a problem I would guess, I can't remeber the way the raidus and fretboard choking interact, I think the flatter the board the better in that respect, but flat boards can be a bit uncomfortable. a p bass is a pretty standard one and a good compromise.[/quote] Yeah, in this respect I'm quite willing to respect tradition [quote]The shape reminds me of a Status Kingbass.[/quote] It will have a headstock, if that helps. The body started off a lot more like the Kingbass before I offset it slightly, lengthened the top horn and deepened the bottom cutout.
  12. Well, here is an initial idea, fresh off the AllyCAD drawing board. I can't help thinking I've seen the body shape somewhere before. I suppose it's a little Jazz like, with the slightly offset waist and the slight angle at the bottom, but it's nowhere like as pronounced as a Jazz. The bottom is rounder (ooer). The initial inspiration came from a Warmoth guitar body (the LPS) - [url="http://www.warmoth.com/guitar/bodies/lps.cfm?fuseaction=flatop_lps"]http://www.warmoth.com/guitar/bodies/lps.c...tion=flatop_lps[/url] but the horns moved and extended and ended up as you see now. Some specifications: Strings: 4 Scale length: 32.5" (825.5mm) Neck width at nut: 1.614" (41mm) String spread at nut: 1.369" (34.77mm) Nut: Graph Tech Trem-Nut PT-1212-00 String spread at bridge: 2.25" (57.15mm) Bridge: Hipshot A style (chrome or black NOT GOLD) Tuners: Hipshot Ultralite 1/2" post cloverleaf key Woods: Body: Walnut Neck: Walnut Fingerboard: not sure yet, quite like the look of Padauk, mmm warm orangey red. More design tweaking still to do (like design a headstock for instance), but I'll keep you posted. Opinions welcomed and encouraged.
  13. The only way to guarantee not having to fill/drill holes is to go the custom tracing route. Take your time and use a sharp pencil/fine pen!
  14. I had a great experience with WD Music, who actually took the time to send me an outline of a P-bass pickguard on paper to see if it would fit the body I had. Failing that, they do a custom pickguard service where you supply them with a tracing of your current pickguard and they make it for you.
  15. For my first custom build, I wiped a few layers (4 ish) of Colron French Polish onto the neck using a rubber (cotton wool inside some old white t-shirt material). It ended up looking like this: Vintage enough for you? I "French polished" the whole thing, I don't think that applies to your situation bodywise. I'm about to have a go with spray cans of nitrocellulose lacquer from the Manchester Guitar Tech (nice friendly guy, more than happy to answer any questions I had), maybe they might do what you're looking for: [url="http://www.manchesterguitartech.co.uk/lacquer.html"]http://www.manchesterguitartech.co.uk/lacquer.html[/url] Decals? There are some links in this sticky in the repairs/tech forum: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=248"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=248[/url]
  16. Also I find having a few small plastic bags handy for keeping related items and their screws together (eg. bridge + screws, tuners + screws etc.). The closeable ones are ideal, but even food/sandwich bags would do.
  17. The bargain count on eBay is dwindling anyway, too many people fighting for stuff. Used (and abused) Squier Bronco > £80 + postage when you can get a new one for £88 + postage? Some people are craaaaaaazy!
  18. [quote name='radansey' post='93553' date='Nov 23 2007, 10:02 PM']I have replaced the crappy bar-type string retainer with two Fender types, looks much better IMHO [attachment=3727:DSC_2592.JPG][/quote] Rather than the two round string trees, I would have used one of these: [url="http://www.hipshotproducts.com/cart.php?m=product_detail&p=236"]http://www.hipshotproducts.com/cart.php?m=...etail&p=236[/url] Some good modding going on there though.
  19. Just received the SD QP P-bass pup this morning. Good communication, nice friendly chap, would not hesitate to do business with him again.
  20. [quote name='andytoad' post='97140' date='Dec 1 2007, 11:01 AM']Hi, I have a Fender Precision 1967 in sunburst. All the electrics are original, the fretboard has been replaced at some point, although it is show a little wear. Its an excelent sounding bass that looks fantastic! Due to christmas and a baby on the way, I have to sell up! I would be happy to email you some pictures, please contact me at [email protected] or on 07850 788 838. I am looking for £2400, but would take an offer. when you see it and play it, you wont be disapointed![/quote] Why not post the pics up here?
  21. Could have just used pictures. Can't be bothered mucking about with stupid video clips.
  22. Good and bad news: Good news: nitro lacquer arrived. Hagstrom headstock logo arrived from Sweden. Bad news: they sent a NECKPLATE instead of a JACKPLATE. Arrrrrgh! How frustrating! However, it won't hold up the works too much. I'll be spraying/curing lacquer while I sort out the neckplate/jackplate confusion. Still, arrrrgh!
  23. [quote name='OldGit' post='96500' date='Nov 30 2007, 08:42 AM']did you sign him up for basschat too? [/quote] I did include a link to this thread, so you never know...
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