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Everything posted by BassBus

  1. The ACG is just gorgeous. What is the facing wood?
  2. One for the Major. How do you apply your rosin, in one direction or both directions. I've tried both but I seem to get a better grip when I apply it from frog to tip only. I know it's another topic people get hot under the coler about.
  3. I don't have any experience of them but here's a link to the BGM review some months ago. [url="http://bassguitarmagazine.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=102:tanglewood-canyon-i-ii-and-iii-four-string-basses-issue-29&catid=37:bassguitars"]http://bassguitarmagazine.com/index.php?op...=37:bassguitars[/url]
  4. Thanks guys. The Tokai started out as a fretted but I had the frets taken out in the late 80s. Never really used it after that until I started playing in jazz in 2001. Set of halfwounds onit and a setup and it is just great now.
  5. I've never felt a dogs whatsits but if they feel as good as the Spectorcore does then I've been missing out.
  6. Never shown my fretted ones before so here they are. Columbus Series 3, Yamaha TRB6 II, Yamaha BB1100s, Washburn Status 1000, Hohner B2A (front) And the fretless ones for good measure. Back - Stentor Arcadia DB, NS CR4M Front - Spectorcore, Status S2, Tokai Jazzsound
  7. BassBus

    Help me ?

    Try going here, [url="http://www.statii.com/forum/downloads/Status_Bass_09_Inc-&-Ex.pdf"]http://www.statii.com/forum/downloads/Stat...nc-&-Ex.pdf[/url] for the current Status price list. T-bass is on page 5.
  8. Japan, Czech Republic, Korea and the Toy Factory in Colchester. Continue to upsize!!
  9. She's certainly very sexy dressed in black. Mmmm!
  10. Just read the reviews on TB. Not sure they would suit a CR4M sound wise. These basses are bright at the best of times but adding a bright sounding string? Any other thoughts?
  11. [quote name='6stringbassist' post='497289' date='May 25 2009, 02:28 PM']Wow, I just found the price of a set [url="http://www.contrabass.co.uk/la_bella_set_no_7710.htm"]http://www.contrabass.co.uk/la_bella_set_no_7710.htm[/url] Anyone have any experience with these strings [url="http://www.stringmail.co.uk/dbass6.htm"]http://www.stringmail.co.uk/dbass6.htm[/url] They're a good deal cheaper.[/quote] They look great. Bit pricey at Contrabass Shoppe though. Thomann is cheaper and with the pound/euro rate improving might be a choice. [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/la_bella_7710_black_nylon.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/gb/la_bella_7710_black_nylon.htm[/url] I like the sound of putting them on a CR4M. I'd like to put proper DB strings on mine so if you buy a set let us know how they work.
  12. BassBus

    Weird Bass

    [quote name='MacDaddy' post='495417' date='May 22 2009, 05:45 PM']beat you to it [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=40198"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=40198[/url][/quote] Well, if we're going to play games like that, I beat you all to it. Unless you know different. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=32449&hl="]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=32449&hl=[/url] Mr. Bighead
  13. That's a mighty fine coffee table but I wouldn't dare put a coffee cup on it, not even with a coaster. And it's a single cut. Lucky man. Look after it.
  14. Mmmm indeed, Rich. Dribble :wub: I know your not so keen on the revamp of the Streamline but I think it sharpens it up a lot. Not so girlly. Maybe I could give myself a reward for finishing my degree next year. Have to start earning some more money first.
  15. Maybe that's the answer, to use a mic. It will probaly reproduce a more natural sound anyway. Having a good sound engineer on hand as well could be useful.
  16. [quote name='bassace' post='484533' date='May 10 2009, 07:55 PM']BB do you really use a Sansamp with a Double Bass? I've searched all over and found plenty of refs re bass guitars but no instances of DB. Is it really that good?[/quote] Hi Bassace Well all I can say is the BDDI is the box I go back to every time when amplifying the DB. It seems to cut the mids naturally. I don't like a lot of mids in my sound from a DB as the natural acoustic sound has less of them anyway. The sound I get seems to fit jazz just fine. If you click the link in my signature for Reverbnation the track 'The New Dresser' has the DB recorded direct through the BDDI I seem to remember. I'll let you make up your own mind. Graham
  17. Can't understand why this hasn't sold yet. Saw it over at Statii.com. Lovely bass. Have a bump.
  18. Fishmans are good but I have never had a sound I like from mine. I use the SansAmp Bass driver DI and get just the right sound for me. My DB has a Shadow SH950 pup and goes through the BDDI into an AI Contra. Lovely warm sound, much more so than I get from the Fishman.
  19. Don't think anyone will see it as a budget bass. It just looks too good. Lucky you!
  20. I should try putting the price up as well. You'll be well aware of what you paid for that. I paid that price for my fretless four string last year, new!
  21. That will be a bass worth adding to your armory Nick. Is it a 4 or 5 string? I really should stop looking at these posts. It just makes me want even more basses.
  22. Thanks for the replies guys. So it would be OK to run my Acoustic Image Contra out into a 15", 8 ohm cab. The AI site states that the amps detect different impedences down to 2 ohms. The internal speakers are 4ohms. Ta!
  23. The KB2 looks good as a fiver. The extra string fills out the body a bit more. That design grows on me all the time.
  24. That looks nice. Simple but I bet it does a great job with the Status neck.
  25. Sibob doesn't make girlfriends, but if he did they'd probably be the best girlfriends in the world.
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