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Everything posted by Noisyjon

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  2. A quick update - I've now got a MarkBass SA450 and rehearsed it along with my Compact cabs today. All good and a killer of an amp! Cheers, Jon.
  3. [quote name='Legion' post='525260' date='Jun 26 2009, 08:06 PM']...don't worry I got it second hand at a very good price ...[/quote] Wa sit the one on eBay by any chance?
  4. Bought Myke's Mark Bass amp off him and it was a very fast and smooth transaction. Thanks for getting it to me so quickly, it is much appreciated. A highly recommended Basschatter. Cheers, Jon
  5. Now those are seriously good looking! If only only I had more space and easier access to my flat then this is what I'd have gone for.
  6. [quote name='Platypus' post='523061' date='Jun 24 2009, 10:31 PM']Incoming - probably next week sometime.....[/quote] WOW that looks nice. Fancy a mini Harrow bass bash so I can have a ganders please Cheers, Jon
  7. Noisyjon

    obbm's feedback

    Thanks Dave for the fast delivery on my 2 bass speaker cables. A top man and top products, Cheers, Jon
  8. These are the ones I use and are very good - Jim Dunlop D40 Double-D Extra Long Strap: [url="http://www.stringsdirect.co.uk/products/1663-jim_dunlop_d40_double_d_extra_long_strap"]LINK HERE[/url] Cheers, Jon
  9. A great acoustic bass, I have one myself and couldn't recommend it highly enough. Sounds absolutely massive through a nice pre-amp! Cheers, Jon
  10. [quote name='Kongo' post='521312' date='Jun 22 2009, 11:35 PM']Why not get a DI box that has some EQ to it like the BassBone? Failing that, a head that puts DI signal post-EQ? But the whole idea does suck...Guitarists get mic'd yet we get DI well I dunno...COmpanies could think "Hey! Why not allow them their tone to come through the PA?" But then...the soundguy could hate your sound and EQ it his end so really, it's pointless.[/quote] Indeed - I have the Sadowsky D.I. pedal and it works well in being an 'adjustable' D.I. The thing with live sound is that even the Guitards will more than likely be gated/eq'd/compressed/limited to oblivion anyway so you are always at the sound persons mercy. This is where the Mate with a bit of sound nouse comes in handy - he/she can stand near to the soundman and speak for you!
  11. [quote name='alexclaber' post='521410' date='Jun 23 2009, 08:17 AM']...The near mythical Vintages will be ready next week, what a wait...[/quote] Any pictures available of them Alex? Cheers, Jon.
  12. [quote name='dabootsy' post='520971' date='Jun 22 2009, 06:22 PM']...My point is whats the point Do you think I should just give up thinking?[/quote] IMO Yes & No. You are correct that in a large P.A. situation your bass amp is just on stage monitoring, so just enjoy it! We pay lots of dough for that rig. Just make sure your raw bass sound going into the D.I. is the best it can be. Obviously a gig where the bass is non-P.A. supported and all the sound is coming from your rig then that's best for everyone to enjoy your gear but then you get into mechanical coupling, acoustic coupling and sound dispertion issues! Cheers, JTB
  13. Indeed! Got me thinking about a project again now! BTW what are the Fender '59 RI Precisions like? Have fancied one but never been able to try one! Cheers, Jon.
  14. Nice one, a great rock machine in the making! You're not a Jazz player are you? Just wanted to check Jon
  15. [quote name='Clarky' post='519324' date='Jun 20 2009, 02:36 PM']Flippin'eck Jon, that rig looks like it could move a Jumbo Jet![/quote] I reckon it could!
  16. If you don't mind me asking - what did it cost "all in" for this project (i.e. the bass, all the work & parts/paint) It's a great bass you've ended up with and I'm well impressed. Cheers, Jon
  17. Nice one Mike. Great bass and great playing. Jon
  18. [quote name='d-basser' post='516600' date='Jun 17 2009, 04:43 PM']Might when the sound gives the rest of my band internal bleeding and we can't gig any more ...[/quote] Wanna know a secret? For a minute, way back when, I [i]nearly[/i] ordered 2 x Big Ones to put under the Boogie Can you even imagine? The only thing that stopped me was lack of storage space! JTB
  19. Noisyjon


    Well done Clarky, what a bass! Bet it's even better in the flesh. (punk) rock n roll
  20. Noisyjon


    Very nice Clarky! Do you like the Wizard A51 Stealth pickup? I'm loving the one in Sid. Cheers, JTB
  21. Nice looking rig, wish I had the space to buy it and keep it! Have a look [url="http://www.gumtree.com/london/09/40504309.html"]HERE[/url] Let us know if you go for it! Cheers, Jon.
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