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Marky L

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Everything posted by Marky L

  1. [quote name='Prosebass' post='429176' date='Mar 9 2009, 11:24 AM']Very much so +1 Commando , my personal favorite, very apt at the moment. I saw them in 77 / 78 Free Trade Hall Manchester, 1 hour of solid sound with just the 1,2,3,4 between songs, classic.[/quote] I'd like to blame them for my ear damage. Saw them at a similar time at the Village Bowl in Bournemouth. (What a fantastic venue.. sadly very long gone). Low ceilings, all black and scuzzy and the 'Mones hammering it out. I have read that in those dats they played at the same volume what ever the venue. The fact that it was my own fault that I stood for a while of it with my head in some stupidly big '70s bass bin is purely coincidental.. m'lud!
  2. Just going through this now with my band. I think a very definite YES. You have to provide something to a prospective venue - myspace link, CD or something that demos your skills/sounds. If I had a venue I wouldn't book anyone without a demo (or if I hadn't seen them play).
  3. Thanks It's the idiot drummer that is conviced we can get the 5 tracks done in the 8 hours, he just can not see further than his nose. I think we are likely to play the basis of the tracks "live" and then over dub the vox, lead guitars and other stuff. I do understand that these songs are by no means going to be rated as a high quality job, but I really really want to get life, bounce and passion into them. I don't mind a bit of raw! I have made a list for each song of the parts that I think we need to do and will ask each band member to note down their settings and other info to make them think about what they are aiming for. My sound? I would like to DI from my amp and may also look at micing up the cab to get that volatile live edge (only cos I read JJ Burnel did that!!). I have suggested we take two days or at least a second half day to work on finalising the mixes, you know, fresh ears. I'll tell ya, if it turns out to be a time and money waste due to that idiot's misunderstanding, then I may end up off of the board for a while as I languish in jail for murder!
  4. +1,000,000 Simple yet not simple. With some very deep stuff in some of those lyrics. Rockaway Beach is one of my all time favs. If only I was in a band that would play it live Def the earlier stuff for me, not much I like after Turn Of The Century (and a deal of that is ropey).
  5. Hi all. After what seems like a never ending battle I have managed to get the covers band I am in to book some studio time to get a 5 tracks down to bang on our myspace page and hopefully get some more gigs out of it. I was hoping to get a few pointers on using studio time effectively and efficiently. I totally agree with having the songs down pat and am insisting on 2 or 3 rehearsals before hand being solely on these songs and getting them polished to a good level (we know them pretty well anyway). What I was wondering is if there is a good way of planning each song.. like number of guitar parts, extra percussion etc so we can be prepared as best as we can. I am battling against our (crap) drummer who seems to think 8 hours will be enough.. the one member of the band that will need vast amounts of production “cut and pasting”!!. Thanks Mark
  6. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='425999' date='Mar 5 2009, 11:55 AM']The classic 70s style logo would be a must. To get this I would look at a highway1 Precision (latest version) or a MIJ 70s reissue. Or alternatively a Squier and a dodgy 70s style logo transfer from ebay.[/quote] +1 Gotta have the big logo and a dodgy Ebay one (or do your own) is a great option.
  7. Wow, there is some crazy sh*t going on in here. Get a white P bass, Squire, MIM, MIJ, US.. copy.. whatever (battered around a bit is better). If it doesn't say fender on the headstock, then scratch what's on there off and marker pen FENDER on it. You're a step on the way then. Volume and crunch is what you need, not loadsa diverse sounds, maybe roll off the treble sometimes for some Clash. Just go big and arsey with your sound. As for most punk bands in the '70s having little substance.. meh, there were some FANTASTIC bands out there that came from that 1st gen punk explosion, with more depth and imagination than many realise. (But yes, there was some utter sh!te too). Oh and doesn't Matlock use Laney now? Some big tube bugger anyhoo. And anyway, dressing up like a total knob was half the fun too!
  8. Check this guy out. Always has a fresh selection of original parts on his page and he doesn't seem quite so over the top pricewise as some. Unfortunately they are US based so exchange rates don't help right now. - [url="http://stores.ebay.co.uk/the-parts-drawer_W0QQssPageNameZstrkQ3amefsxQ3asstQQtZkm"]http://stores.ebay.co.uk/the-parts-drawer_...fsxQ3asstQQtZkm[/url]
  9. Just bought a set of Quarter Pounds from Jon. Top class fellow to deal with and the PUPs arrived well packed and in great condition. Can't wait to give them a thrashing! Thanks again for your help Jon
  10. How's about getting a nice used MIJ/CIJ Fender jazz? It might become your number 1
  11. I get into an annoying routine of rubbing my fretting hand on the side of my trousers after every song. It started so I could wipe a bit of sweat off but is now a bit of a habit.
  12. Great ideas here chaps, thanks v much. I'm going to re-string it shortly so I'll see what the results are after that. Funny, I usually leave too much length on the strings and curse violently as I wind the damn things up for seems like an eternity! M.
  13. Mornin’ all! Gave my new P bass a proper thrashing last night in rehearsals and decided I want to change the PUPs. The output is noticeably quieter than my CIJ P bass. The tone from the original PUPs is pretty much what I want, but I do want a bit more grunt and grind (oh, sounds a bit saucy!) so I reckon on fitting some Quarter Pounders. Never having done that before, is it relatively easy? Also where is my best bet at getting them for a sexy low groovy price? Anyone clearing out a set on here? Cheers y’all Mark
  14. Thanks for that. Certainly agree with neat winding and having the string as low on the post as possible. Need to look closer to see if it is the slot depth or width. Thanks for the offer of help BM, I'd have jumped at the offer, but you are just that bit too far away. I'll try the paper test tonight!
  15. My P bass has a replacement brass nut and I have noticed when playing hard I can pop the A string out of the nut groove. (not sure of the string guage, they were fitted when I bought it, but they're not overly heavy). I guess it's just a case of banging a file through the slot, but I was interested in any points of view before I start hacking away like a lunatic.
  16. Lovely jubbly. Just a point to mention seeing in your pics you have it on a wall hanger (the headstock sat in the hanger). My T'bird has the finish sort of melted off in the exact same positions as the wall hanger holds the headstock. I think it must have been a reaction with the finish and the hanger.
  17. I'd possibly suggest not doing a slavish video based copy of Mann Gegen Mann though!! Volkerball is a great DVD to add to your collection. You'll soon be stomping around your neighbourhood grumbling along to German lyrics on your ipod.
  18. Hope you have a good budget aside for fireworks n stuff!! Def lots of drop tuning. I like the fact there are very few lead solos and the drummer plays some fantastically different stuff for an industrial metal? band. Lots of good songs to choose from, how about Du Reicht So Gut, or Asche Zu Asche and Amerika. Could be really good fun there, good luck. Oh I hope you like dressing up in some rather dubious leather gear too PS I haven't checked the German spelling, but you'll get the jist!
  19. [quote name='~tl' post='406760' date='Feb 11 2009, 06:14 PM']The '57 Precision had an aluminium scratchplate with 10-holes, so I guess that is what's been fitted to your bass. Aside from that, 13-holes is standard.[/quote] That's what my thinking is. An off the shelf metal plate, copied from the '57 style metal plate and then fitted to my bass. Poking around at it, I can definitely see the lost holes through the touching up paint job!
  20. [quote name='simon1964' post='407512' date='Feb 12 2009, 12:36 PM']The nearest I've got (without resorting to ripping speaker cones!) was by using my Precision with a Hartke VXL Bass Attack pedal. Not 100% right, but you can get that trebly gritty sound. The Ashdown James Lomenzo gets close as well - maybe Ashdown should do a JJB signature pedal?![/quote] Recommend it to them dude.. if you don't I will!
  21. Just looking to get a replacement scratch plate for my 76 P bass and am hitting an interesting question.. how many screw holes do I need. The metal one I have taken off, which fits very well, only has 10 and this must have been custom made. There are no other screw holes in the body that would have been hidden by the plate, but a couple of suppliers have said it should be 13 holes. Can any 70's owners give me some pointers? Thanks EDIT: Hmm looking a bit closer, I think that at some time back in it's past it's had a bit of a refinish as I think I can see a small pin prick or two which would like up with some of the other holes. Which makes me thing the after market plate was fited at the time of the re-finish. Probably!
  22. Rammstein tend to wobble strings around a low C too on some songs if I recall.
  23. Thanks for the advice everyone. Personally, as I am going to have to chip in.. (which I still don't see as right, like did I get some band financial assistance when upgrade my amp??) I want low cost so used is the way I think we'll have to go. And yeah, how come they hold their prices so well?
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