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Everything posted by cheddatom

  1. Primus! Between the Les and Herb (or is it brain? the 1st one) they must have 50 recorded mistakes, at least. I could try to write some down, but, i'd be risking ruining the CDs for myself.
  2. Does the wah have a footswitch or is it like the cool guitar ones where you just step on it and it starts to wah?
  3. Surely that's an awesome deal? If I needed a head, i'd grab it!
  4. cheddatom

    Multi effects

    That's cool. Try a bypass loop then. I suppose that wont work for people using the DI from the Zoom.
  5. [quote name='Mrs Tinman' post='121969' date='Jan 17 2008, 09:27 AM']You actually look quite sweet and innocent under that gorilla suit. My, how appearances can be deceptive [/quote] I think, to be honest, that picture is from quite a while ago when I was quite genuinley sweet and innocent.
  6. I use an A/B as a mute switch to tune, but sometimes we'll string songs together so that I don't get a break for 8-10 minutes.
  7. Yeh, but changing the lead fixed the problem! That's weird.
  8. cheddatom

    Multi effects

    That is a bit crap, but you could just put it in a bypass loop which wouldn't cost much. I find working with a bypass patch at every other position works fine though.
  9. I'd love to have a go of your rig joe! You fiend.
  10. cheddatom


    B & Q but you have to make sure it's bonded to the pedal allright. I ended up using superglue after the pedals came loose as it's quite expensive stuff to get! (i'm talking about the bond between the velcro and the pedal, or the velcro and the board, not the bond between velcro and velcro, which for the B&Q brand, is particularly strong). I'm hoping someone else is going to post some cheaper, and stickier links!
  11. [quote name='Bassassin' post='121416' date='Jan 16 2008, 12:38 PM']It's all about the music, maaan. Jon.[/quote] We wish!
  12. cheddatom

    Multi effects

    You could write the patch numbers down next to your set list? To be honest, I find the letter/number thing a bit crap compared to the way I could name patches on my GFX707.
  13. cheddatom

    Multi effects

    [quote name='King Tut' post='121437' date='Jan 16 2008, 01:01 PM']I think my problem is I play in 3 different bands, and the set lists change every gig, so I couldn't set up the patches in order.[/quote] You can have 50 odd patches though, how many different sounds do you have? To be honest, if you're like me and you really do have a sh!t load of different sounds, I would integrate the Zoom into a pedal board in the manner you're suggesting. If you use a lot of normal, clean bass, then you can use an extra footswitch to operate the bypass while you're switching through/setting up your next patch. Are you saying that if this unit had the same system as the old Zoom, then you would have 50 different patches set up, and scroll through them until you get the right one, and then press both switches at the same time? This sounds like a rather unreliable/difficult method. I still think you'd get away with creating bypass patches at every other position.
  14. I'm interested, i'd like to know how much he wants for it?
  15. Heh, yeh, obviously. I'd like ANOTHER one! I wonder what a 6 string precision would look like.
  16. I wanted a 6 string a few years ago, and could only afford cheap stuff. I bought a "Brice" bass from Rondo music. I don't know if they're anything to do with SX, and I'm certainly no expert on bass, but I love my Brice, and it plays as well as my Schecter Studio 6 which brand new would have been around 5 times the price of the Brice! I also used to know an excellent bassist called Lee (from stoke, are you here Lee?) who played 3 different status and a very nice Fender jazz, and he loved my Brice. It's interesting how little difference there is sometimes between a cheap and an expensive instrument.
  17. I tune my bass at sound check, and then (depending on the venue/general situation) I try to leave it on stage to "warm up". That way it doesn't go out of tune when I start playing. Sometimes it's just not possible to let the bass get used to the temperature, and it's really annoying! It has on occasion meant that we can't kick straight into the next song, which is always dissapointing.
  18. Our drummer HAS to wear shorts. We've been wearing shirts and ties recently. I don't know if it looks good, but at least it feels like we're making an effort.
  19. Not your floor? Pfffffff. I love the black/red colours on your bass. I'd like a 6 string like that.
  20. Yeh, I meant to say Kev - That's one nice looking bass! (I also like your floor, but no-one's going to get that here )
  21. cheddatom

    Multi effects

    I don't know what thread it was in. I think the title was irrelevant. I think the reason you're not getting the best out of it is 'cos it's a bit of a bitch to program. As in it's kind of common sense how to get around patch switching, but it'll take ages to get all your patches in. At the moment, I have one main patch at (I can't remember the naming convention?) position 2, and the two most common effects I use at position 1 and 3. So this main patch, could be bypass for example. Then, I copy my main patch from 2, to 4,6,8,10 etc, and put all of the other effects I need in between. If I'm playing in bypass at position 2, and I want to switch to the effects on patch 3 for a bit, I can do that. Then, (this is where you have to think) if the next bit in the song will required a different patch, I will have to decided to go up or down to my main patch. I can switch to bypass at position 4 queueing up the choice of patch 3 or 5, or I could switch to bypass in position 2 with the choice of 1 or 3. Get it? So if you have a song with 10 different sounds in, but need to bypass in between every single one (is this going to happen?) you can do it, as long as you got the patches in the right order. If you want to switch straight from one patch to the next with no bypass, just tap the switch twice quickly, which is almost as seamless. The other option is to plug an extra footswitch in, and set it to scroll through banks of 10 (I think this is the available function?). Are there some "finger buttons" for switching up and down by 10 patches? There were on my old Zoom GFX707, and I wired them to a couple of footswitches so that I could go up or down 10 with my foot - giving me even more flexibility.
  22. cheddatom

    Multi effects

    I would highly recommend the Zoom. I don't think patch switching is a problem, there are loads of ways around this which have been detailed in threads before. The limiter is deffinitely much better than the comp which is a bit crap, but, at least there's a limiter! The DI is good (although in my rig I can't use that as it's only a portion of my sound) and the usb connectivity for 0 latency recording is a great feature too!
  23. [quote name='Sean' post='120576' date='Jan 15 2008, 07:47 AM']Always do a last sweep of the venue for your gear before you leave[/quote] Great advice. Don't leave it up to another band member to tell you "yeh, i've got all your gear" either. Everyone should know that everything they took into the venue has been taken out again. It sounds like common sense but.........
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