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Everything posted by cheddatom

  1. I'd love to know, but I don't. I'm watching this thread too though, so don't feel lonely!
  2. [quote name='wotnwhy' post='126472' date='Jan 23 2008, 09:45 PM']i used to own that exact peavey combo, in fact i still had it when i first owned my current rig. and i can say without a shadow of doubt that although it sounds great, it doesn't sound anywhere [i]near[/i] as good as what i've got now! [/quote] You should have tried using it's crossover outputs!
  3. [quote name='crez5150' post='126395' date='Jan 23 2008, 07:37 PM']I reckon cos a pedal tuner wouldn't fit on the board.... the rack tuner slots in nicely[/quote] Heh, no, I just bought the board off a mate who had already put the rack tuner in. He preferred it to a pedal, but now uses a pedal. Go figure!
  4. yeh some sort of interface. I think a toneport is not necessarily great value for money though. You're deffinitely plugged into the line-in and not the mic-in yeh?
  5. how do you know you're not overloading it? The level meter in soundforge will not necessarily say. If you're not playing as hard at the beginning (no speakers here sorry) then that's why it sounds fine. Use your windows mixer to lower the line input level almost to the bottom, and try again. You can turn it up after in soundforge.
  6. what are you recording into? Have you set the line input to the correct recording level? If you're overloading the input of the laptop, it may have an automatic limiter function of sorts (although i've never seen this, it could explain it!)
  7. Heh, I thought your first comment was a joke, i'm not really thinking of "upgrading".
  8. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='126088' date='Jan 23 2008, 01:55 PM']I have a boss mini board that might be better for you holds 3 boss pedals. but looks good.[/quote] Yeh, I was thinking of upgrading, i'll let you know.
  9. My rig doesn't look as cool as everyone else's, but, i'm sure it sounds as good
  10. I've added an extra little board, tried to tidy it all up a bit, gigged with it a few times, and then kind of messed it up again!
  11. I'd be really pissed off if this happened to me, and I would never be so selfish, but.... Wouldn't it be so much fun to be one of these guys who gets to chuck around fragile packages all day?!?!
  12. There's no wrong way! Only your preference/opinion. I have my limiter at the end of my chain, but that's because I like to use the different output levels on my pedals to create a more/less compressed sound, rather than louder and quieter. No unity gain on my board! Many people would say this is the wrong way
  13. [quote name='DHA' post='124680' date='Jan 21 2008, 03:21 PM']Bob the Blender is NOT a passive blender. It's active stages are valve driven. Dave[/quote] Sorry Dave, I didn't mean to mis-inform anyone about your excellent product (which really is, it's great using a guitar fuzz, with just the BOB the blender, just can't tame my whole pedalboard!). I was confusing you with another electronics expert I was discussing a passive blender with. Tom
  14. Ahh, yeh, sorry, mine has an extra "custom" switch then, to turn off the blend for 100% mix through the loop.
  15. [quote name='BigBassBob' post='124488' date='Jan 21 2008, 12:24 PM']I've got an Xotix X-blender. I chose this over the Bargeconcepts simply because I prefered the switching options (completely wet, mixed and off) and it was nice having a 2 band EQ in for versatility I'd say get the Bargeconcepts VBF if you don't need these extra functions as they're cheaper.[/quote] My VBF has footswitches to switch the effects loop in and out, to switch the blend in and out, and to switch the feedback in and out. Is this not standard?
  16. Your EQ might be really sensitive because you have quite harsh limiting after it?
  17. [quote name='BassManKev' post='123192' date='Jan 18 2008, 11:20 PM']who said that?? people have some strange opinions dont they, some guy said no logo sounded like linkin park, and your bass tone muse?? your tone is much closer to say justin chancellor than chris's![/quote] Heh, I could have sworn you said the fuzzy tone on "ammomaxia" sounded like chris! Anyway, yeh, someone did say we sound like Linkin Park, so I guess I should ignore most opinions! Ta very much for the justin Chancellor comparison! I take it you heard the new song on the myspace?
  18. I'd compare your clean patch, with the sound when "bypassed" i.e when both footswitches are pressed at the same time. With everything off, it should sound the same. If you think it's affecting your tone a bit, you could try EQing your clean patch to get the sound you want, or alternatively, as Kev said, get a TB loop.
  19. [quote name='Roady' post='123616' date='Jan 20 2008, 01:21 AM']IIRC passive blenders are not so good... I'd wait for the VFB-JR if I were you[/quote] Bob the blender is a passive blender, and after trying for ages to get it to behave with my pedal board, i've given it to my guitarist. He has no problems with it, but he doesn't have a mental pedal board in the FX loop. I have a VBF and it's seriously good. I would get the smaller one 'cos apparently it has no feedback loop, which is just boring!
  20. [quote name='MB1' post='124273' date='Jan 20 2008, 11:47 PM']MB1. A Member..... Indeed! [/quote] Nice Pun!!!!
  21. [quote name='OldGit' post='122922' date='Jan 18 2008, 03:52 PM']Really hard to fake those things on ProTools [/quote] You could just sample the squeaky pedal and have it triggered before every kick.
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  23. More output from your bass will create more compression. Turn the volume knob down on your bass, or reduce the "sustain" control appropriately, although obviously this effects more than just the threshold so it might not work for you. I would strongly advise, along with Ped that you try a LMB3 or the behringer equivalent.
  24. People reckon they have a "better low end", it's just a slightly different tone IMHO. I would describe it but it's been years since I tested the two together and decided neither was for me. Some people reckon I have a muse-like sound, but I don't use any of the pedals he uses for dist/od.
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