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Everything posted by fretmeister

  1. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1461258436' post='3033027'] Hoax. [/quote] Sky, Daily Mail, TMZ, The Mirror all saying true. not a great list I admit, but...
  2. I got the rack version and controller so I needed an external expression pedal. Just got delivered the Helix specific Mission EP-1 L6H. No set up needed, just plug it in with a pair of TS jacks and the treadle and button can be used independently. On some patches I've set it as a wah, on others the speed of a univibe, on others to increase drive levels or echo mix. If you want to go mental, then there is the Source Audio Reflex which can do all that and provide midi control to just about anything. There are usually arguments about doing more parameter fiddling than playing - but I like sound design fiddling. But in the Helix that process is so damn fast and easy to do. Set up 1 button to turn off a Roland Jazz Chorus clean amp with a klon drive and turn on a Dual Rec with a Tubescreamer and compressor all at the same time with zero control lag? Yup! I've got mine plugged into the FX return of a bass amp and then either a Zilla 2x12 guitar cab or a Barefaced bass cab. I've turned off the cab modelling on the 1/4 inch outputs.... but it's still on for the balanced outputs and the USB. So FOH can have a cab modelled sound for the PA, and I can have my physical cab do the work for backline. I haven't had this much fun with a new bit of kit for decades.
  3. [quote name='bigjimmyc' timestamp='1461245405' post='3032847'] 8 ohm because I might need a second one [/quote] Is the right answer!!
  4. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1461243179' post='3032813'] I'm glad you said that... I'll find out for myself in about three weeks. [/quote] It was amazing enough to make me sell my Berg CN112s I need to sell some unused kit and then I'll be getting another one10.
  5. I had hoped that their 4x10 would have been a taller narrower type array - offset like the older Techs or the Aguilar. The weight is too much for me anyway - but I'm betting it will sound great. My little One10 is amazing.
  6. It's a cracker! I put some flats on a P bass yesterday and set up a B-15 sort of tone. Sounds brilliant. I'm getting close to the sound of my SVP-BSP too. Using a SVT as the clean always on, then a lower gain setting on the 5150 - but with a clean blended fuzz in front of just the 5150. I still need to do some EQ tweaking, but it's close enough to use as it is. I'm just picky!
  7. I'm very impressed with it for bass. The core amp sounds are very good and the ability to split paths is wonderful. The existing drive pedals are not great for bass but Line 6 have an Ideascale page to let users vote for new features - I've put Darkglass pedal models on the list - now it just needs people to vote for them! One of my favourite metal bass sounds is from Nolly's rig rundown. I've got really close in the Helix with the GK amp model as the always on tone, and using the 5150 guitar amp in parallel for drive with a bit of careful EQ. Sounds excellent. The latest version of the firmware and the PC or Mac based Helix app now has PC editor. It needs to be plugged into the unit (for DSP calculations apparently) but it is very handy and prevents bending or squatting for setting changes! It's also dead easy to use for setting up set lists if I need specific sounds for specific songs. Very impressed with it!
  8. £1500 worth of lessons. That's a good 40 odd lessons round here. Your sight reading would be brilliant. Or - a Line 6 Helix. It's great on bass.
  9. It's a nice place. Vic seems to like hats even when it's hot.
  10. I use a Line 6 wireless one. I got it for magic performances, but it's been very useful for tiny stages too when even an extra mic stand is a problem.
  11. On my Ray5 using Ultralites instead of the big plate standards ones saved me half a pound, all at the headstock. It was a huge difference in overall comfort and balance. It saved about the same in my Sandberg TM5 as well.
  12. Not really. Same for basses. Tone, balance, weight all come way way before looks. If the first 3 items are there, then it could look like a severed head being vomited out of a putrid zombie for all I care.
  13. I've got it running. Only tried it with guitar at the moment but it sounds excellent. I have a great Zilla 2x12 with creambacks in it so I've turned off the cab sims at the moment. The UI is fantastic. I printed off all 50 pages of the sodding manual and haven't needed anything more than the simple cheat sheet so far. I'll try it with bass later on, after I've done all the software updates and downloaded the Beta PC editor.
  14. Excellent! Mine is due between 3pm and 4pm. Good job really - if it arrived this morning then I wouldn't get any work done!
  15. From my personal experience - when locking into the drums it actually gets in the way of tightness. It's fine for solos / quiet chordal bits, but for the 99% bass job it hinders. Reverb on heavy distorted guitars sounds just as bad. In most gigging situations the room has enough natural reverb (or sometimes far too much!) Reverb on a dead sound just gives a reverby dead sound. If you want more life in your sound - get some new strings!
  16. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  17. I check each time. Lately it's been Amazon. I have Prime so next day delivery most of the time if they have stock.
  18. I just got the dispatch note for mine - will be delivered on Monday.
  19. I'm hoping the Helix will do all my sounds, so I just need to put it through a poweramp or PA. There's a good selection of drive pedals with the ability to blend 4 signals so I'm quietly confident.
  20. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1459684808' post='3018586'] There's a rack version, but it costs more. Fretmeister has bought one, don't know if he's got his mitts on it yet though. [/quote] Supposed to arrive at the shop on Thursday, so it hoping I'll get it for the weekend. Fingers crossed and all that!
  21. Well that sounds rather nice!
  22. I insure with Allianz as I know they'll pay out, and I'm an Equity member so my PL needs are covered.
  23. Neotech Mega Bass Strap. I sold my others when I got them. Lovely things for my terrible back.
  24. I didn't have a compressor with any form of indication for the first 15 years of playing! I still set it by ear though.
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