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Everything posted by Michaelg

  1. Sold! Gone to a good home. Might as well keep the links to the pictures here, they are gorgeous! [url="http://photobucket.com/GretschBass"]http://photobucket.com/GretschBass[/url] [url="http://i1183.photobucket.com/albums/x463/blahblah144/Gretsch%20Bass%20Guitar/DSC00853.jpg"]http://i1183.photobu...ar/DSC00853.jpg[/url] [url="http://i1183.photobucket.com/albums/x463/blahblah144/Gretsch%20Bass%20Guitar/DSC00855.jpg"]http://i1183.photobu...ar/DSC00855.jpg[/url]
  2. 50s/60s pop on my own. Particularly in to Baroque pop
  3. Michaelg

    Guitar Porn

    [quote name='the_krysh' timestamp='1325805723' post='1488240'] nice gear guys, here are mine: [/quote] flipping heck! is that hollow body Guild bass a starfire model? How did you get hold of that?! Ever since I learnt the starfire was Jack Casady's instrument of choice I've been searching the internet for them... http://youtu.be/6ljxpyH4dnA from 0.19 - 0.27 is pure bass bliss
  4. flatwounds are a korma nylon tapewounds are a phall
  5. if you squint it looks like someone has just stretched a jazz bass
  6. [media]http://youtu.be/i6ZVEMzvZIY[/media] and, er... our band http://youtu.be/oSSjWNlzeXU
  7. [media]http://youtu.be/xXk3dB9VOdY[/media] [media]http://youtu.be/HBfgQvM7wtE[/media]
  8. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1325090110' post='1479730'] Only that mine didn't have them and I've never seen them before on other pics. Are they painted on or what? [/quote] They're metal, possibly brass. they must be fixed on by adhesive, its a very tidy job at that. What baffles me a bit is that it is a bass thats hardly been played/used - why would someone go to the effort of customising an instrument they didn't use? who knows eh!
  9. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1325036485' post='1479396'] That's in lovely condition. My very first bass was exactly that model and colour. I bought it used (in 1973, I think) for £30. The gold symbols are not original. [/quote] excellent! do you have any information about the gold symbols?
  10. I've recently acquired this interesting instrument. The story behind it is marvellous: A gentleman bought this bass back when it was made in 1962/1963, played it for a year or so then put it back in its case for 40 years. He then decided to offer it to the bass tutor at one of my local guitar shops 10 or so years ago, after having a clear out. The tutor took it, didn't like playing it but thought it was pretty so hung it on his wall. He then decided to trade it in earlier this year. I gladly took it off his hands and have loved it ever since! As I understand (and correct me if i'm wrong), the bass was designed to be an affordable version of the Fender P-bass, the instrument which was of course dominating the market at the time. It came with its [i]original [/i]strings - big, heavy black nylon strings. They of course broke as soon as I tried to do anything with them but luckily found a replacement pair quickly. Anyway if you've read this far you deserve to see some pictures: I also took a few pictures after taking it apart. The pickups are currently in for repair: [url="http://s1183.photobucket.com/albums/x463/blahblah144/"]http://s1183.photobu...63/blahblah144/[/url] I haven't been able to identify/understand the two golden J symbols on the scratchplate - does anyone out there have any ideas?
  11. i had a beatles afternoon and managed to learn 'being for the benefit of mr kite' and 'lovely rita' [media]http://youtu.be/vCiG7xoEb2Y[/media] and today i've been working through 'Graham Greene' by John Cale. http://youtu.be/n_g_n_SxVgc
  12. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1321881051' post='1443957'] Like it! Like the 'In The Labyrinth'/'The Thomas Crown Affair' split-screen treatment, too. [/quote] Ta! We do like the thomas crown affair
  13. I'm glad you like the track!
  14. [quote name='Linus27' timestamp='1321876902' post='1443890'] You are Pulp's love children and I claim my £5 [/quote] from whom do you claim this monetary sum? Not from me surely, I've just helped sing a song about not having any money.
  15. Hello This is our new single 'Welcome to Austerity'. Its the lead track from our soon to be released EP 'Olymipics Critical'. Graham Sutton was kind enough to spread his musical mess all over our track and the end result is not too shabby. [url="http://dt4f.get-ctrl.com/#/music/discography/singles/welcome-to-austerity"]http://dt4f.get-ctrl...me-to-austerity[/url] edit: The YouTube has us too http://youtu.be/aXg3LFrF2tA
  16. well i use my thumb or a pick so i can't contribute much to this thread. Leemarc's sig is [i]fantastic[/i]
  17. there is only ever one. http://youtu.be/N-zgdGQB4S4 http://youtu.be/NcCZVzKXR-0
  18. [quote name='mep' timestamp='1320932476' post='1433356'] Have a great one. As is fairly common with a lot of bands there are no gigs down in the south west peninsula where I live. A shame as some bands will play Plymouth Pavillions which is the nearsest decent venue on some tours. [/quote] We were at the white rabbit in plymouth as well as the Thekla and at the Croft in Bristol 6 months ago! Maybe next time eh
  19. perfection [url="http://youtu.be/NcCZVzKXR-0"]http://youtu.be/NcCZVzKXR-0[/url]
  20. go to your local shop and try out amps and basses.
  21. Hello all, We'll be supporting The Undertones on another UK tour. We've toured with them before and they're an absolute blast! Would be great to see some BC faces. See you! edit: Forgot to mention, we'll be playing in llangollen on the 29th at the R.A.F.A. club and Dukes Corner in Dundee on the 30th. Also forgot to mention our band is called Doyle & The Fourfathers [center][url="http://www.facebook.com/doyleandthefourfathers"]http://www.facebook.com/doyleandthefourfathers[/url][/center] [center]1st December - Inverness - The Ironworks - [url="http://www.ironworksvenue.com/"]www.ironworksvenue.com[/url] -[/center] [center]2nd December - Darlington - Inside / Out - [url="http://www.ticketweb.co.uk/"]www.ticketweb.co.uk[/url] -[/center] [center]3rd December Leamington Spa - [url="http://www.leamingtonassembly.com/"]www.leamingtonassembly.com[/url][/center] [center]4th December -Portsmouth - The Wedgewood Rooms - [url="http://www.seetickets.com/"]www.seetickets.com[/url][/center] [center]8th December - Gloucester - The Guildhall - [url="http://www.gloucester.gov.uk/guildhall"]www.gloucester.gov.uk/guildhall[/url][/center] [center]9th December - Leeds - The Cockpit - [url="http://www.thecockpit.co.uk/"]www.thecockpit.co.uk[/url][/center] [center]10th December Brighton - Concorde 2 - [url="http://www.seetickets.com/"]www.seetickets.com[/url][/center]
  22. [quote name='northstreet' timestamp='1318621652' post='1404607'] My originals band are thinking of recording some decent demo tracks. I said I'd ask the wise souls on Basschat if they could recommend somewhere suitable. We're a 5 piece (2x guitar, bass, drums, vocals) playing indie-ish rock, all based around the Wood Green/Enfield area of North London. Aiming to record maybe 3 tracks. Budget would cover probably 2 days recording plus mastering. This would be the first time in the studio for most, so we're looking for somewhere who wouldn't get phased by some complete novices. So good, friendly, reasonably priced and based in North London. Not much to ask for, really! But seriously, any recommendations would be appreciated. [/quote] If i'm honest London isn't the cheapest place to record - someone prove me wrong! I can however recommend a place called the Ranch which is near Southampton (a mere hour drive away if you bomb it down the M3). [url="http://www.ranchproductions.co.uk/fr_home.cfm"]http://www.ranchprod....uk/fr_home.cfm[/url] The engineers there are excellent - I recommend Neil or Steven. It's an very good place to start - they're used to dealing with all sorts of bands with varying levels of recording experience. They do now have overnight facilities should you need to sleep there. edit: we made our first album with them, see what you think of these tracks... [url="http://youtu.be/_5Zbv6E2a3E"]http://youtu.be/_5Zbv6E2a3E[/url] [url="http://youtu.be/fJFDUGNYXPU"]http://youtu.be/fJFDUGNYXPU[/url]
  23. Can you not ask him/her to measure the bass?
  24. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1318100414' post='1398153'] [b]Digital Tuners - Have They Killed The Vibe?[/b] Had a discussion last night about digital tuners and how, since their use has become commonplace, everyone can easily be in tune all the time. Particularly with the rise of reliable electronic keyboards and synths rather than temperamental acoustic pianos and humidity-sensitive Hammond organs, Leslie cabinets and so forth. In ye olde days, if a band had a pianist (for example) the chances were that you would need to tune up to the piano, which hopefully would at least be in tune with itself. And before accurate, reliable electronic tuners arrived, this would mean tuning by ear, so the chances were the overall effect would be, if not actually wrong, then harmonically slightly 'different'. About 150 years ago I seem to remember even name bands shambling on stage and proceeding to tune up in front of the audience, sometimes at length and with varying degrees of success depending on how drunk/stoned/tripping/mad the musicians were at the time. My question is, have accurate, reliable digital tuners killed some of the feel and vibe that you got from (for example), sixties and seventies live bands now that everyone is playing exactly in tune? And is this at least part of the reason why some bands can now sound a little anodyne, clinical, bland, boring, unexciting, uninspiring, uninteresting and/or mind-bogglingly dull? Edit: Spelling. [/quote] Interesting point. With older amplifiers, especially electric guitar amps, they would often produce harmonics and/or overtones that were slightly out of tune. Did this give them a more interesting edge/vibe over other bands? maybe. I suppose its similar to the digital camera vs 35mm camera argument!
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