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Everything posted by joeystrange

  1. It's generally only the big guys that get stuff for free. Although that does have a downside too. Just ask Dave Mustaine.
  2. [quote name='SlapbassSteve' timestamp='1340190758' post='1700612'] I'm not endorsed but it's something I'd love to look into- how does one go about getting an endorsement? [/quote] I currently have a few endorsements, mostly through our manager. My old band had a few that we got ourselves though. If you don't have a manager or anyone to do it for you then just try it for yourself. Of course, if you do have a manager it helps but it is do-able. We just e-mailed a load of companies (try and find their artist relations contact if you can) and basically asked them directly. Tell them what you're doing, what you've done and what you have planned (it always helps to word it well and big yourself up a bit too) and ask if they can do you any kind of deal. If it's a company who's gear you already use then tell them that and send pics etc. If not then just tell them you really like their gear. Some never got back to us and some offered us great deals! By doing this we got deals with some really good companies including Hiwatt, Gibson, and a custom drum company. We just figured we had nothing to lose by trying.
  3. I have two 12" speakers from an [url="http://www.ashdownmusic.com/bass/detail.asp?section=dt&ID=257"]Ashdown VS-212-200[/url] cab for sale. The speakers are 200W/16 ohms each and have barely been used. Looking for £80 for the pair. I can ship to the UK for an additional cost (TBA with the buyer) or will arrange collection from Nottingham for anyone local. Cheers.
  4. We're playing a Lancashire village called Whalley that are having a Jubilee festival type thing on Sunday. Our stage time recently got moved from 5pm to 12:30 pm. Can't say I'm looking forward to that bit!
  5. [url="http://www.facebook.com/jdandthefdcs"]http://www.facebook.com/jdandthefdcs[/url] A fair bit going on at the minute leading up to our album launch!
  6. Following on from open mic nights, see if you can find a local blues jam too. That might be a good idea. You can often get away with playing a really simple 12-bar and you'll get to play with (and learn from) different musicians. When I was younger I learned a lot from playing in a blues band and it improved my playing no end. If you've been taking lessons and learning theory for a year I'd bet you'd be more than good enough to start playing with other people. Just be confident in yourself and go for it. If you make any mistakes don't let it get you down. We all do it and it's part of the learning curve. Just go and have fun!
  7. I remember playing a gig in Tenby once. I think there were about 8 bands playing and we were on next to last. The last band soundchecked then the engineer asked us to soundcheck. We played half a song and then asked for some changes onstage. To which the engineer replied "There's no point, it'll sound completely different when you go on anyway." I've still got no idea why he even asked us to soundcheck!
  8. I don't mind letting people use my cab but not my head. That's way easier to break than the cab. It does get annoying when people don't even thank you for letting them use it though. I used it for the second half of an all-dayer a few weeks ago and out of the 8 bands that used it only two of them thanked me. And they were friends anyway. I agree with the OP too... A lot of London bands are terrible. They just get on the tube with their guitar and expect to use all your gear that you've brought to their doorstep from 150 miles away. Then they get told, ever so kindly, to f*** right off.
  9. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1336902050' post='1652421']At the other end of the scale our drummer packs his gear away wearing cotton gloves. The acidity of the sweat on your fingers attacks the cymbals. Apparently. [/quote] I'm guessing he never chokes his cymbals whilst playing then? Or does he quickly whip out the polish if he does?
  10. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1336662163' post='1649122'] Actually, there's one thing worse than that... [/quote] Nickelback??
  11. [quote name='Prime_BASS' timestamp='1336144369' post='1641630']I think the section on other bassists from not very well known bands is a pretty good section, gives coverage for quiet promising acts and opens up readers to new music. [/quote] You should pay particularly good attention to this month's! I bought BGM for the first time this weekend and, I have to say, there was very little in it that interested me. Although, that said, I've never been all that interested in technical kinda stuff and I don't know if any similar magazines would be any different to this.
  12. I think it might take a little while to get used to it. I'll be using it properly for the first time on Sunday but it's an all day gig with 15 minute change overs so I might not have a lot of time to get it sounding just right until the next rehearsal. I just didn't like the whole 'cartoony' look of the logo, the colour included. It's the sound that counts though!
  13. [quote name='Icunningham' timestamp='1335893777' post='1637700'] it would be awesome if you could do a youtube demo of it rather than listening to the americans talk rather than the amp [/quote] I can't play at any reasonable kind of volume at home, unfortunately. I did notice that there are surprisingly few demos of this amp online though. Just the heritage model. I think I actually might have to join the gym too!
  14. If you don't know her already, Emma Scott is always looking for Birmingham bands for her gigs. I know it's local for you but her gigs are usually really good. Plus she'll probably put you on her podcast/radio show which will help your exposure. [url="http://www.emmascottpresents.com"]http://www.emmascottpresents.com[/url] Try The Maze in Nottingham too, they seem to be cool about putting out-of-town bands on. [url="http://www.themazerocks.com/"]http://www.themazerocks.com/[/url] Of course getting gigs further afield is a lot easier if you're willing to do gigs for little or no money. But, with petrol they way it is, it's a lot less feasible to do that these days.
  15. Picked up a 1998 Ampeg SVT CL yesterday. Sounds incredible although I haven't had chance to put it through my 8x10 yet. I've seen a few of these amps before and the logo put me off for a while but I figured it doesn't really matter, at the end of the day. It's pretty heavy by itself but in the flight case it's just ridiculous! Anyway, I'm happy with it. Looking forward to trying it out properly at a gig next weekend!
  16. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1335616925' post='1633753'] Photo from Wednesday's gig... [/quote] Are you sure you've got the right singer? He's wearing clothes!!
  17. I currently have a Squier VM and Fender MIM (both Precisions) and, to be honest, there's not a lot between them. They both play and feel almost identical. The wood is different which makes the Fender feel a bit sturdier, as it's a bit heavier. I think I preferred the Duncan Design pups in the Squier to the Fender stock pups too, although I swapped out the Fenders almost as soon as I got it. I know the build quality of these basses can vary but I think I got a good VM and a good MIM.
  18. I hope I'm allowed to post this here. This is my band's new video that we shot back in February. It got finished last week and is online today to coincide nicely with the release of the track on 7". I think it's a good bit of fun. Maybe you'll like it too! [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anF6Q5BNgGw[/media]
  19. I pretty much always wear two sweatbands. I much prefer thin ones to the big fluffy type ones and all the double-wide ones seem to be the fluffy kind so I've stuck with two. Failing everything else, the singer in my band used to use socks... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0d3XMuy004"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0d3XMuy004[/url]
  20. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1334859108' post='1622559']Mr Venom managed to break the cast iron base of his microphone stand! We are going to have to invest in something much more seriously built because at the moment no stand is last more than a couple of gigs - some have died during the first song! [/quote] Have a look at these: [url="http://www.rebelmicstands.com/rope_mic_stand.html"]http://www.rebelmicstands.com/rope_mic_stand.html I[/url] reckon he'll have a job getting through that!
  21. Has anyone heard this yet? I'm not a big Rush fan but it's pretty cool to hear it like this. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ir-NYVFsSB4[/media]
  22. [quote name='ThomBassmonkey' timestamp='1334653296' post='1619041'] It wasn't too long I don't think, maybe a couple of months. I don't really remember. The whole UK had ran out of stock at the time so one was being shipped over from the US especially. I do love my rigs. I need to get the big rig out again at a gig but it's so much effort to move it about. The "mini" rig is so easy in comparison haha. I mentioned to Joe that you guys would be interested in playing with us at the Bell again btw and he's up for it. Just give him a buzz or a nudge on facebook or something and assuming the Bell stops having all these problems it's having currently, I'm sure we'll find a space for you. [/quote] Cool, I'll mention it to the rest of the band. Cheers mate!
  23. [quote name='ThomBassmonkey' timestamp='1334651890' post='1619009'] Damn, that sucks. I had the same thing with GK with one of my cabs. Luckily a 2001RB into one 410RBH was plenty. These bloody endorsements, they're not all they're cracked up to be. [/quote] How long did you have to wait for the second cab? Your rig sounds pretty sweet!
  24. I asked that and he said that judging by the amount of back orders they have there might be many dealers that have any and that he couldn't tell a dealer to do that anyway. I also asked if they had a ex-demo unit that I could buy and he said they sold the one they had a couple of weeks ago. I'm sure it'll work out eventually, it's just a pain right now.
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