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Everything posted by ahpook

  1. sorry to hear about it jono...i had this many years ago...a result of too much keyboard work (directory enquiries) and band bass habit. fingers crossed that with a bit of rest and posture re-think you'll be ok. the killer was that i had to stop playing bass for a few weeks...but it was worth it in the long run. fingers crossed for you mano
  2. ahpook

    Modding a CS-3

    [quote name='clauster' post='108544' date='Dec 23 2007, 01:46 PM']Finally ordered the monte allum kit - went for the opto plus. Reviews to follow asap[/quote] i'd be very interested to hear how it sounds after the mod...i've had one for years, and apart from using it to coax lots of feedback out of my telecaster i find it almost entirely useless. at the very least i'm intending to change the input cap to stop it sucking bass.
  3. top stuff...always nice to some modding yourself
  4. my 1979/80 sabre's something stupid like 12 lbs... it hurts it does
  5. [quote name='BassManKev' post='104943' date='Dec 16 2007, 03:30 PM']big muffs all models work equally well with passive or active basses[/quote] my lbm certainly does
  6. [quote name='cheddatom' post='103780' date='Dec 13 2007, 11:33 AM']That's not necessarily the case - It depends on the pedal and the bass and what sound you like/want.[/quote] totally in agreement - i use both active and passive basses and use overdrives all the time. i don't think you can say that active basses don't work well with overdrives...i get good sounds with both. ymmv of course
  7. i tried one when i was in new york a few years ago and was just plain appalled how such an expensive pedal sounds so horrible. i couldn't get one useable sound out of it, even with the guy in the shop's help. ymmv of course
  8. [quote name='cris the man' post='92988' date='Nov 22 2007, 08:48 PM']is that a jaguar?[/quote] no - it's a fender vi...it's like a quitar, but tuned an octave lower...E to E still a bass though !
  9. my 1979 sabre only cost me £550 i'd haggle VERY hard
  10. ahpook


    [quote name='Motocross_nick' post='92420' date='Nov 21 2007, 10:47 PM']yeah must say the price did tempt me, can pick up one for 25 quid on the 'bay! Nick oliveri is the former bassist of the Queens of the stone age, he played a p bass through an overdriven ampeg svt. just ragged gritty but not too ott tone. cheers, Nick[/quote] then i'd say go buy one ! ragged it certainly the way i'd describe it ! it's certainly not polite, but then i don't like polite
  11. ahpook


    [quote name='Motocross_nick' post='91519' date='Nov 20 2007, 02:56 PM']could you tell me what the EHX double muff is like? saw one the other day and wandering if it was worth it. kinda going for a nick oliveri slightly overdriven sound. any samples would be greatly appreciated![/quote] i love it - i used it last night at my new band's practice and it sounds amazing (sorry tayste_2000 !!) !!! it's not a pretty sound, very ragged, but i don't think that's what it's for...no appreciable bass loss and adds a nice roughness to the sound. i was using it solely on the single muff setting, AND ran it before a little big muff and the sound was frankly immense. i've no idea who nick oliveri is i'm afraid... for the price, i'd say give it a whirl
  12. short of opening up the amp and wiring in a footswitch...
  13. my mum and dad bought me the rockshool book and cassette just ater i started playing bass...
  14. [quote name='David Nimrod' post='91017' date='Nov 19 2007, 07:03 PM']Now I would *love* one of them ;-) I know Schecter did a version a while back... I certainly couldn't afford the Fender reissue. An E to E bass would be excellent.[/quote] well it certainly wasn't cheap ! i love it though - i'm trying out for a krautrock/drone band tomoz...if i'm in i'll deffo see about playing the vi
  15. my 6-stringer already has a trem
  16. [quote name='DHA' post='89931' date='Nov 17 2007, 04:26 PM']Hi, Try pushing the black lead against the earth and see if you get any noise when playing? If it fell off somewhere there must be a cue as to where like a blob of solder, broken wire or a pin on a pot not connected anymore. Dave[/quote] exactly what i did...thankfully there was a fairly obvious lump of solder on the edge of the pcb. all done and sounding great again... at least it got my arse in gear to restring the sabre as well !! thanks for the advice folks
  17. i've no pictures of mine, but it's a fender mexican precision ("cowpoke") similar to this... if it were passive i'd be able to figure it out quite easily...i'm hoping that even though it's active i can look at the pcb and work out where to connect a new cable to
  18. the output jack was cracking so i removed the plate it sits in and a short black wire just dropped out onto the floor !! and now, no sound so i've no idea what it connects to except i presume the jack socket... i'm going to open it up tonight and see if i can make any sense of the wiring. i really hope i can fix it...i love it. trying to find the silver lining i restrung my jazz bass and played that last night. wish me luck !!
  19. [quote name='Mottlefeeder' post='86664' date='Nov 10 2007, 09:45 PM']3) buy a small S/H mixer, like a Behringer 502 or 802, which will drive headpones, and allow you to mix in your CD player etc. - £20-30[/quote] and is a useful thing to have anyway... top advice there mottlefeeder
  20. exactly the p-up combination i've always thought was the most sensible. nice bit o wood there !
  21. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='86519' date='Nov 10 2007, 04:40 PM']I hope those aren't reusable filtered water bottles that are to be refilled by the catering staff. If so they might start getting peed off that someone keeps nicking the seals...[/quote] oh... now i feel bad
  22. [quote name='Lfalex v1.1' post='84818' date='Nov 7 2007, 10:57 AM']Bah! if it's minimalism you want, just take 'em both off and just leave the output socket! [/quote] OR...fit a wireless system inside the bass and get rid of the output jack !! it's the 'shaved look'
  23. [quote name='LukeFRC' post='84720' date='Nov 7 2007, 12:57 AM']went to look at the laney website. look at the pictures, bottom right of the back, is that a computer input?[/quote] the manual lists it as the footswitch connector
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