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Everything posted by ahpook

  1. it's about 18 years since i broke a string..i don't have the string, but i do have the gibson plectrum that had the chunk out of it that the failing string caused. new strings do indeed sound very zingy compared with old ones...my advice ? don't gig with brand new strings !
  2. you wouldn't consider trading the octaver for my boss syb-5 would you ?
  3. or... status do a concentric bass/treble circuit - the TB5 (Stack).
  4. thanks for the ideas. i'm tempted by the stacked OBP2... although i'm going to have another look at the preamp tonight...see if anything jumps out at me.
  5. [quote name='dannybuoy' post='243227' date='Jul 19 2008, 10:05 AM']Let me know if you're ever travelling into London in the near future, I will meet up with you and take it off your hands! Swindon's a bit out of my way though![/quote] i was gonna say that !
  6. [quote name='Musky' post='238524' date='Jul 13 2008, 01:53 PM']You can try Jon Free at Black Guitars - [url="http://www.blackguitars.com/"]http://www.blackguitars.com/[/url] Based in Stoke Newington and very reasonably priced. Tell him Roger sent you! [/quote] plus the one.
  7. i've had a few cabs with tweeters and i've either found myself switching them off or rewiring the cab to take them out of the circuit. not to be captain counter-argument, but to me they're a total waste of time - all you're going to hear with them is hiss and annoying brittle-sounding top end. ymmv
  8. [quote name='Shaggy' post='242448' date='Jul 18 2008, 10:14 AM']What's the body wood out of interest? Looks like yew, v unusual on a bass. Lovely classy looking bass anyway![/quote] i've no idea at all...it's just one big mystery really
  9. [quote name='BOD2' post='242220' date='Jul 17 2008, 10:16 PM']Try to check the relative heights (from body to top of saddle) of both. Provided you can adjust the Badass within the same range as the original bridge it should fit ok. I don't think the screwholes will line up, though. It's an option, though.[/quote] as an aside...i'd like to know what the string-body clearance for a badass would be !!
  10. after a few days of no sound and cracking, i finally got round to pulling the active circuit from my fender cowpoke... and it's dead...i've tried everything i can think of, but nothing seems to want to ressurect it. so, whilst looking at it i wondered if it would be worth considering a new circuit. now...the thing is i'd not want to change the look of the bass, so i'd need two concentric controls...one for vol and pickup balance, the other for bass and treble. anyone got any ideas about suitable replacement circuits ? /scratches head and peers at broken circuit again/
  11. thanks folks, it'll need a damn good set up when it's finished, and possibly a bit of work on the edge of the frets...they'er not sharp, just lumpy feeling. shame i had to put the front strap button so far back, but i was erring on the side of caution...i didn't want to lose the upper horn !
  12. this all started about six years ago when i bought a bass neck and body from ebay - it looked like a half-finished project...a bit beaten up and most strangely no trussrod. a quick trip to howard's bass place in newcastle and that was remedied by the man himself - he also got me the first set of hardware that was destined to go on it. then we moved to london and it all got forgotten about until a few months ago, when i decided to finish it. i got hold of a pickup - a kent armstrong from Doc B here on BC, had the rout enlarged and fitted the hardware... it's set up with a volume, a tone and a single coil/humbucker switch - all it needs is a control cavity cover (being made at the mo) and some suitable screws for the pickup. so there you go...not exactly a bass i made, more one i assembled.
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  14. there's something about that HH stuff isn't there ? welcome
  15. this is what i'm hoping !! i can see this being really useful with the techno/breakbeat project.
  16. good evening ! welcome to the forum...i think you'll find us an affable bunch.
  17. [quote name='BigRedX' post='239544' date='Jul 14 2008, 09:41 PM']I like that, but I think I'd rather have an SBV 800MF...[/quote] plus the "sci-fi bendy" one
  18. [quote name='Oscar South' post='238551' date='Jul 13 2008, 02:46 PM']Haha, done that millions of times.[/quote] plus the one !
  19. if, and i can't believe i'm saying this, i wanted a bass like that then i'd want it the other way up - frets at the low end, fretless at the high...
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