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Everything posted by Kev

  1. Posts regarding the value of this bass, or any other bass, will be removed. Thank you.
  2. No it doesn't make sense, it's just not a reliced bass! 😅
  3. The bass, the finish, the woods used, none of it is "Old Stock". Maybe if they were using a pot of finish/paint from the 60s, or woods from the 60s. Or something that qualifies the word "Old" being used. Before reading this thread, had I saw a Fender Custom shop bass be described as being NOS, I would have assumed this was a body and/or neck stored in the factory for 50 years, which would be pretty cool and well worth the ££££ to some I'm sure. Again, I'm not trying to be argumentative, I just still haven't heard a reason why they are using this phrase to describe a finish. But i realise a byproduct of being unsatisfied with justifications posted is indeed turning out to be argumentative, so I'll stop 😅
  4. Light relic is fine though, I can imagine exactly what that would be. Levels of relic are fine. I don't understand how NOS is a level of relic, given by its nature NOS is as-new.
  5. Its just misleading. Claiming something is NOS, when in fact is just, well, isn't. There are plenty of phrases they could have used. Isn't closet classic something similar? Meaningless phrase outside of Fender, but at least it doesnt specifically mean something it isn't. Also, I thought I read a description somewhere saying "NOS treatment". So, again, what is that? What "treatment" is done to the finish to make it NOS?
  6. That's just shocking then, to be honest. It just seems to be taking advantage of people who'll get excited by a buzz phrase. But, I guess more fool those who hand over that kind of money, as clearly many do!
  7. I'm not being facetious, but I still don't understand what they do to a period correct nitro finish to make it "NOS". Does anyone know?
  8. Can you explain to me how it is "reliced"? Like I said, NOS means it's flawless and like new, so I don't understand what differentiates a NOS laquer finish from a period correct laquer finish on a presumed lower priced instrument.
  9. I don't understand reliced basses really. But now, they seem totally rational. I mean, what do they do to it? NOS means its finish is as-new, so given the bass is new, the finish is naturally as new. And presuming they've used a period correct finish for the bass, itll be a replica. What makes it NOS???
  10. Am I reading that right? Fender are now advertising a finish on a bass to make it look like it did in the 60s, when new? What the hell does that mean?? I thought NOS was just something literally unplayed, so surely a bass finish in the same finish that would have been applied at the time would work, period correct? But NOS finish? Totally lost.
  11. Alpher Mako, and I bet pale moon ebony tastes nicer than chocolate and vanilla.
  12. Don't you just wish you had enough money to keep basses around, even if you don't play them? Any Alpher for this kind of money is a bargain, top notch build on these yorkshire instruments. GLWTS!
  13. Oh that's fantastic, don't see many 4H's and certainly not in that finish!
  14. Just sold this chap a rather bling StingRay, made the poor sod meet me at a services that, naturally, had a very missable junction! Sorry bud, but glad you're enjoying the bass!
  15. Kev


    Picked up a rather wonderful bass from @molan, great to have a chat and see his rather splendid bass cave! Cheers bud.
  16. There is absolutely no chance that the reason I think its stupid is anything to do with having bought new gear. None.
  17. Hey, we agree on stuff in this thread BSSM is honestly the only album I think I've heard where I wouldn't change anything on it. No filler (even track 17), perfect mix, love it all the more after watching the funky monks DVD and seeing where some of the music came from. Wonderful.
  18. Someone asked for images of the back of the bass/neck, so figured I would post them here Neck is perfect, no dings or dongs on the back etc Any more needed, please ask!
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