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Everything posted by WAYNESWORLD

  1. For me the the wood choice is always secondary to what sound it produces in the end. I’m sure a lot of us on the site have experienced the disappointment of laying out far more money than we could really afford on that bass that has all those advertised and recommended special tone woods only to be left unimpressed on a gig.As an uneducated person in the fine art of instrument making I’m sure all things involved in an instruments construction contribute to its final sound output.I personally don’t care what a bass is made from as long as when I play it what I hear puts a smile on my face and moreover leaves me satisfied with my choice and pleases the people that listen to what I do. I do wonder if some of the discussions we have are mostly to back up the choices we have made and post statements in the hope the majority agree with that prospective and therefore give us the satisfaction that our point of view and our purchase was the correct one.As I mentioned in another post marketing is an invention of the devil.
  2. Lovely bass guessing this is 18mm string spacing version I had one of these a while ago( should have kept it) wish I could take this off your hands just could not justify adding to the oversized family though.Glwts
  3. Mike Pacaro Peavey cirrus very underrated bass imho
  4. Far more eloquently put than my explanation. I do tend to mumble on. My view there is no better best just what works for the individual. I along with most have been influenced by trends but this venture actually seems to be paying dividends for me. Thought I’d just give my two cents worth in the hope it may help anybody thinking of testing this route. Suggest that anyone considering this you should find any of the larger stores should be only to happy to give a demonstration but certainly try before jumping in as I said before not best just different.
  5. I know what your saying some how feels like the frequencies are better separated from the rest of the band and there is real space from the guitarists settings who is trying to cover everything from low to high. Also the addition of the effects included on the pod go subtly introduced gives far more control on the end result but going through the headrush speakers doesn’t appear to carry the inherent colour of a typical bass cab.
  6. Like most here I have spent many years chasing a sound that has become an ear worm for the thick end of forty years. I have had some of the best gear on the market over that time from the standard go to brands to the more flavour of the month ranges. I have been lucky in always having good comments on what ever equipment / bass I have used with the comment that no matter what I play it always sounds like me anyway.( why do I change my gear use the same settings and expect something different? Duh) Which brings me to the point. Now playing after COVID (thank god) I have replaced my last rig in favour of a Line 6 pod go and 2 Headrush 112s my Ibanez ffr 805 via a line 6 G30. After the very first gig where we had a great local musicians support and I received brilliant comments from the band and even better from the musicians in the audience. This continued on our next few gigs.So what’s changed ?. For the first time I think the bass is actually being heard as it should be instead of me trying to over colour it with a recorded perception in how it should sound. The headrush which I suppose are glorified pa speakers do an unbelievable job in reproducing at serious volume to a very flat sound from the amp cab sim choices from the pod go.For the first time my sound has changed and become more satisfying even though it is not what I had in my head for all those years. I can still recreate that if I wanted to but the options now are much greater . Sorry if this doesn’t hold much interest for the reader but I have just been amazed even using one cab at how versatile this little set up is compared to some of the very expensive and large stuff I have owned in the past.wondered how many people have had the same experience or the opposite. My little setup has been like a breath of fresh air for me and raised my enjoyment in playing as your typical weekend warrior.
  7. Hi Folks Anyone out there replaced an Ibanez 3 band passive active 3 way mid toggle pre amp with an East uni pre amp. Would much appreciate views reviews etc. I have had several East pre amps in various Bass’s which have been excellent but just wondering if anyone has done what I am suggesting and there conclusions.I have already replace the stock pups with upgraded Bart pups.which made a big difference.I tried the Bart pre but there was not a lot of difference to the existing Ibby pre which I think is the Bart equivalent made under license.Appreciate all input. Thanks
  8. To slightly expand this topic I would like to pose the question do we try to just amplify the tone of our chosen bass or do we give our audience the perception of sound we have been influenced by from the players we admire and the sound we have in our heads. The example I would give is a band playing covers with a multitude of different bass sounds. We all know our role in the band mix. Do we choose to offer the sound we have fixed in our head or the best over all option for the gig.The opportunities for original music give far greater option for personal preferences as the choice of sound is for the band/ creator/musicians to decide upon. Leading me back to the op.For me pickup position in bass’s of the same shape is just a Personel choice there is no better or best just different.Fenders are the backbone of most players arsenal because they have always been there from the start and are most familiar to players sound engineers etc.As long as we are all happy with our choice that’s as good as it gets.But these discussions are interesting and informative as long as we don’t try to define a point of view as the absolute.All opinions are valid but they are just opinions much like mine and open to criticism.
  9. Thanks guys appreciate the feedback an knowing it’s not just me.I love the board it has far more than I will probably use.My reason for buying it was mainly as a all in one Stomp and EQ etc and maybe in ears use going forward.Also portability with maybe just one cab.This stuff is all new to me so the learning curve alone is enjoyable until the gigs become a bit more frequent hopefully. Cheers 😀
  10. Hi folks hope you knowledgeable people can give me your opinions. I just got a pod go and a couple of headrush 112s. Being a newbie to all these buttons and dial things I started to explore for hours into what I could expect to achieve.After a million different variations of amp cab mixtures along with compressor 10 band eq and then adding desired effects I decided to turn off the cab and amp. Bang there was my sound clear deep loud as hell if needed.It felt like the first time I had heard what my bass actually sounded like to my ears.Question is what am I really missing by not using the amp and speaker sim. Am I doing it all wrong ?The headrush is in essence a PA speaker so sending the processed signal to the PA shouldn’t be that far off I’m guessing. All advice welcome and if I’m an idiot be gentle.
  11. Pachouli oil was very popular with musicians when I was growing up I seem to recall. Never quite understood it’s appeal myself. Then again the Brut I was wearing covered up the smell of anything else around me for a hundred yards.!,
  12. Pleasure to start feedback for amedlock88. Absolute gent another great addition to the bass chat community.Excellent transaction deal with confidence.
  13. Oh hell yes. What for god sake is wrong with me. It’s like I don’t listen to my own advise.!
  14. Had one of these for years, very big sound quality rig.Did hundreds of gigs with it until my back could take no more. Wish I could have it for old times sake. Glwts
  15. Unfortunately the world and market place is changing and has changed. Opportunities to perform live were in decline even before COVID for a lot a lot of people. I feel very sorry for people who rely on income from this profession in all its forms.For me a weekend warrior for most of my life payment was a bonus as it made something I loved possible to enjoy doing ,and to be able to see other people enjoy appreciating or not what we offered up. As always our band had a choice if we played or not for the fee offered.But when someone turns professional that service offered is is subject to market forces.A lot of musicians have embraced technology.and learned home recording skills for probably a lot less investment than professional studios. But do we see that a betrayal of our fellow colleagues? I would dare to say not.The more popular something becomes the more we pay when that market becomes flooded with people offering the same service in a declining market we see what we see know. In the end it’s an easy choice for non professionals.For them that earn there living from music what was always a hard career choice has got harder and I wish you all the luck.When it comes to plying for free I would be happy to help our local pubs that have offered there support to our band over many years. Until they can get there business back up and running in the hope we can continue to do what we enjoy.But this is my choice not anyone else’s .
  16. £1175 For sale my great very light weight Aguilar rig in excellent condition.Comes with Aguilar gig bag for amp and one HotCovers cover for cab.Any trial welcomed inc cuppa. Dont think much explanation is needed with this set up as you all know what it does and what great quality Aguilar is all wrapped up in an unbelievable light weight package.This suff is first choice for a lot of pro players for a reason.Reason for feeler is literally fancy a change which I hope I don’t regret. Not willing to split in first instance and not really looking fo trades as required space is at a premium in the house at the moment.Only thing I may be interested in P/X would be Line 6 pod go/Boss GT 1B/ Helix as. Any trades must be mint. Collection from Stoke on Trent or may be willing to meet up depending on distance Thanks for checking this out.
  17. I had a real thing for Linda Nolan years ago. Poor girl is fighting cancer yet again. That family doesn’t have much luck at all.
  18. Hope I’m not tripping here but Lemmy and the Nolan’s rings a bell.
  19. I’ve been fortunate to own a lot of mine and other peoples” dream bass’s” Wal Status,Jaydee,Thunderbird,Musicman.many Fenders new and signature models, Warwick etc etc over a very long period.As a weekend warrior all my band income was re invested due to GAS searching for that holly grail.I have no regrets about any of my dream purchase ‘s.I was lucky and fulfilled my dreams.But this is the thing.My son and wife bought me a Ibanez 5 string fan fret for a special birthday after I expressed an interest.Not a dream bass you may say but it has become my all time favourite. Would I swap it for anything else. Not a chance What makes it special? Well to paraphrase. This is my Ibanez there are many like it,but this one is special ,this one is mine and there is no other like it. Would it be the dream bass if I had the dream in the past knowing what I know now. In a heart beat.
  20. Bose comfort 3 if you can buy used very deep sounding. Had mine 12 yrs never let me down.
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