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Everything posted by obbm

  1. Dave, I've just given mine a thorough inspection and there are no black marks or imperfections anywhere, just lovely sparkly CAR. I can take some close-up pix if you want.
  2. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='138300' date='Feb 11 2008, 05:02 PM']While we are talking cables, can someone remind me of the difference between instrument (bass to amp) cables and speaker (amp to cab) cables. I have been told this but can't remember why. And, in the answer, can you clarify why you shouldn't use an instrument cable as a speaker cable and vice versa. Yours in ignorance. Rob[/quote] I'm sure there's a sticky with this information somewhere but anyway hgere's my view. Instrument cable is required to connect the 100 or so millivolt output from the instrument to the amplifier. Because this signal is so small it is succeptible to electrical noise and interference and so in order to protect against this the cable is co-axial with the signal running down the centre with a grounded shield or screen around the outside. We are talking milliamps and millivolts so the cable strands can be quite small. Speaker cable is required to connect the output of a power amplifier to a speaker cabinet. In this case we are talking tens of volts and amps so the cable has to be a lot chunkier however because of the signal level it is no longer succeptible to interference and can be an unscreened 2-core cable capable of handling the power. For bass use 2.5 sq.mm. or higher. Use a speaker cable to connect your instrument to the amp and you will suffer from severe hum and noise. Use an instrument cable to connect your amp to your speaker and turn the wick up and you run the risk of blowing the cable and probably destroying the output stage of your amp at the same time.
  3. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='138049' date='Feb 11 2008, 11:13 AM']My New DD just turned up. Very impressed with the neck (my main worry). The action is a bit low as its buzzing a lot but it feels too low for me anyway so once i raise it up it will be great. The neck feels a bit shallower compared to my Jazz, could be flatter i guess but its very nice. Colour wise im happy. I was hoping it wouldn't be too bright and its not. I will have to change the pick guard though. whites ok but i might go for a black one as i like the red/black look of my Jazz. Nice and 70's looking. The only downer is the bass is quite dirty. quite a few grease looking marks on it and some smudges on the bridge. Nothing that wont come off though.. Cant see any fingerprints but the plastic film on the pick guard has been taken off around the bottom half by the controls. There are also a couple of small black imperfections in the paint work. Again, not a big deal, just making me think that i should get it swapped but im always like this. Its definitely been out of the box as it has Thomann tape on on top of the original. Maybe its a return or a shop model. I guess these are minor worries and although i can get it sent back im probably going to keep it if it sounds good and plays well. I wont get to play it through an amp until Sat but ill plug it in to the PC or Pandora tonight and have a play. If it sounds good and plays well it might be worth me keeping it as the next one could be worse.[/quote] Sounds to me like you got an ex-demo or a customer return. I would challenge them over this and get it replaced with a brand new one before doing anything to it.
  4. Well put Steve. Frankfurt is all about business. The exhibitors are there to launch new products to their dealers and distributors and to take orders. Trying to sell something to them is quite a challenge. All the business is really done on the trade days. When I was exhibiting there we used to send most staff home and only keep a skeleton crew there for the public days because they are a nightmare. If you have a proposition to put then do your homework before you go, and be there for a trade day because the salesman for some distributor from Southern Germany may not be the guy you really need to talk to. Putting all that to one side it's a good place to check out the players, try and make some contacts and then follow them up after the show.
  5. I believe that this would count as a formal raffle and as such there are legal implications. There is always a load of legal jargon on official raffle tickets. Doing it on the day with cloakroom tickets seems to be a way around this. Any legal experts on board?
  6. [quote name='3V17C' post='136477' date='Feb 8 2008, 12:57 PM']wrong, wrong, wrong[/quote] In addition to what bass_ferret said Speakons provide a larger contact area, lower contact resistance and higher current capacity than jacks.
  7. [quote name='BassJase' post='136962' date='Feb 9 2008, 02:27 AM']No manual for it though, and unfortunately the lead is fixed (grr...) but apart from that i'm well pleased with it.[/quote] [url="http://www.peavey.com/media/pdf/manuals/80302264.pdf"]T-Max Manual is here[/url]
  8. [quote name='BassJase' post='136842' date='Feb 8 2008, 08:40 PM']Howdy y'all, Just wondering if anyone can help me with a query i have.... I recently bought a Peavey T-Maxx 2x10 combo amp (it was sat from new in our local music shop for about 3/4 years, and they recently closed down and i got it for £180.... ) and i'll be gigging it this weekend. The thing is that i'm playing it at a venue i've never been to before, so i want to take along another extension cab in case a bit more welly is needed. The extension speaker socket on the back says "mimimum 2 ohms." Now, does that mean i'd need a 2ohm cab, or a 4ohm or a 8ohm can to make it reach its full welly? The whole ohm thing confuses me at the best of times...! Many thanks for any help, -Jase.[/quote] That was a good deal. I've just paid almost that for a T-Max pre-amp. I would suggest reading the manual and if you don't have then go to Peavey's web site and download it or google it. The T-max amp can handle a total load of 2-ohms minimum so you need to find out what the impedance is of the the speakers in the combo and work from there. Tha manual or the product data sheet should hopefully give you that. BTW my good friend funnyfreddy had a T-Max head which he ran at 2-ohms and it blew up, so don't be too quick to follow him down to the Peavey repair centre.
  9. [quote name='Bernmeister' post='136063' date='Feb 7 2008, 09:05 PM']Blimey!! that costs more than what you can get the mic stand for. Have you tried the distributor, i believe its beyer dynamic.[/quote] Nah there are plenty of places that sell it at a sensible price. I was just staggered by the mark-up at Chapples.
  10. Whilst researching where to buy me a ubiquitous K&M mic stand drinks holder, usually anything between £5 and £10, Mrs OBBM found that they are quite pricey [url="http://www.chappellofbondstreet.co.uk/product.php?product_id=KM-160-2B-DRINK"]here[/url] in Bond Street. Now I know London is expensive but...... I'd be amazed if they actually sell any.
  11. I've had good and bad experinecs with Andertons. I've been a customer since Charlie Anderton started his original music shop in about 1964 in Stoke Fields. It was the building where the original ACM was located. Always polite and helpful, but that was 44 years ago. Nowadays when I walk into the store I get the impression that the young whippersnappers they employ can't understand why a 60+ year old is looking at basses, pedals, etc. I tend to be ignored, which is not a bad thing when you're looking but annoying when you want to buy something. I think they could improve the customer service aspects of their business. On a plus note I recently wanted an EH Black Finger. I did a net search and found they had one in stock but it was more than two other places on-line dealers. I emailed and asked them to price match which they did without quibbling and put it to one side for me until I ddrove over and picked it up later in the day.
  12. [quote name='joegarcia' post='135622' date='Feb 7 2008, 11:56 AM']Thanks but is it possible for the speakers to be 8ohm if they're wired up presently for 8ohms total? Also, my amp does do 2ohms but I wanted to be able to use it with another 4ohm cab.[/quote] Only if he hasn't got all the speakers wired or he's found a way to circumvent the laws of physics, in which case I doubt that he'd be a musician. This table shows all the possible permutations. Speakers__ohms_____cab posibilities (ohms) 2__________4_________2 or 8 4__________4_________1 or 4 or 16 6__________4_________0.67 or 6 or 24 8__________4_________0.5 or 2 or 32 2__________8_________4 or 16 4__________8_________2 or 8 or 32 6__________8_________1.33 or 5.33 or 12 or 48 8__________8_________1 or 4 or 64 2_________16_________8 or 32 4_________16_________4 or 16 or 64 6_________16________2.67 or 10.67 or 24 or 96 8_________16_________2 or 8 or 128 2_________32________16 or 64 4_________32_________8 or 32 or 128 6_________32________5.33 or 21.33 or 48 or 192 8_________32_________4 or 16 or 64 or 256 I wish there was an easier way of doing a table
  13. [quote name='Hamster' post='135481' date='Feb 7 2008, 08:35 AM']He hasn't - but he wants one As above, should be able to do it with re-wiring. Hamster[/quote] Not if the cab is currently 8-ohms. There is no way to convert any 8-ohm cabinet into 4-ohms without changing the speakers.
  14. [quote name='joegarcia' post='135450' date='Feb 7 2008, 02:03 AM']Hi, Is it possilble to re-wire an 8ohm 8x10 cabinet to 4ohms by using series/parallel wiring? I don't know what the individual speakers are yet but does this sound plausible? Ta's[/quote] No. If the cab is currently 8-ohms then: If the speakers are all 4-ohm then they will get 8-ohms by having two strings of 4 speakers = 16-ohms in parallel, which brings it back down to 8-ohms. The speakers can't be 8-ohms each because you can't make 8-ohms total. If the speakers are 16-ohms then you would have two groups of 4 speakers in parallel = 4-ohms connected in series which adds up to 8-ohms. The speakers can't be 32-ohms because you can't make 8-ohms total.
  15. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='135157' date='Feb 6 2008, 05:03 PM']Well, bit the bullet and placed the order for the DD. Should be here early next week. Hopefully i wont have all the problems i had getting my HW-One. That was a nightmare.[/quote] Congrats. I'll be interested for your comments on the stock strings. Mine came with TI Flats which were put on by the previous owner. I dislike flats and have put DR Sunbeams on it.
  16. [quote name='rodl2005' post='134775' date='Feb 6 2008, 01:01 AM']Is this Lakland DD P bass a Skyline or a USA made one? I'm just wondering whether to go 4 a DD skyline or not??????? Differences?[/quote] Mines a Skyline. I can't fault it, so I couldn't justify paying a lot more and waiting 9-months for a US made one that might be marginally better. Differences [url="http://www.lakland.com/basses/dunn.htm"]here[/url]
  17. Hi Jon Welcome to the West Surrey Chapter of BC.
  18. .....so you left the Badass on it then?
  19. [quote name='steve-soar' post='132733' date='Feb 2 2008, 07:37 PM']Cheers obbm, the Crown manual says it has a maximum input gain of 22 dbu and the Boss puts out -10 to +4 dbu. It doesn't look good. [/quote] Looking at the Crown spec I'm not so sure. You may just have enough drive. Try it and see.
  20. [quote name='steve-soar' post='132718' date='Feb 2 2008, 06:56 PM']I would like to use my Boss GT6B as a preamp to drive My Crown XTi 1000 power amp but I 'm not sure what type of cable to use. The GT6B has an XLR output for balanced connection and the Crown has an XLR input, can I use a microphone cable? Can anyone tell me the best way to link the two together. Cheers Steve.[/quote] An XLR to XLR mic cable should be fine as long as the XLR output level from the Boss is high enough to drive the amp. You can do no damage by trying it.
  21. obbm


    [quote name='dood' post='132271' date='Feb 1 2008, 10:33 PM']You guys are great!!! lol.. big smiles! Thanks, I'd love to try the li'l Epi 1x12.. and salivate over the Overwaters and Wals![/quote] I'm bringing my UL112 and T112NYC as usual.
  22. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='132023' date='Feb 1 2008, 04:24 PM']Damn, thats not what i wanted to hear ;-) Did you get it with the Fralin pup in it or did you swap it out?[/quote] Neither. This one was factory made with the Dark Star. It's never been drilled to take a Fralin or any other P pickup.
  23. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Bass-Rig-Peavey-Mk9-800w-head-4-x12-trace-elliott-cabs_W0QQitemZ220197457369"] and that's 2 Trace-Elliott 4x12s[/url]
  24. Lovely bass. Great tone, Superb neck. Much lighter than my '78 P I've never tried a JO but I suspect that it's probably the same neck. It's certainly not a DJ4 neck. I'm temped to get a regular DD scratch plate and pop a Wizard Thumper in it and see what happens.
  25. [quote name='ped' post='131994' date='Feb 1 2008, 03:48 PM']...there was a fair bit of relief in the neck so wasn't very suitable for my tastes..[/quote] Mine was the same and there is no way to adjust it other than by changing strings I guess.
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