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Everything posted by christhammer666

  1. John Myung - metropolis John Myung - the dance of eternity
  2. Andy mate thats just a little bit sexy
  3. hi guys im jamie 42 based in london 20 years of gigging and rec. you guys sound great would love to hook up. can provide examples of my playing
  4. ok thanks . whatever you like, i hate that
  5. Cliff Burton joins the chat
  6. was in a band where the singist and drummist would argue constantly, Myself and the 6 string overlord would just sit outside and chat and let them rage on, then once they were finished i had to sit them both down and be the mediator and try to keep the band going yes i was the oldest and most grown up
  7. IMO witch hunt is the best song on the album
  8. Didnt know Mr.S was on here, all the guys are awesome chaps. Played some banging gigs with them when I was in Ossiyan
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