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Everything posted by Tinman

  1. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='645511' date='Nov 4 2009, 05:41 PM']Are you looking at the current model?[/quote] Yes....well I guess so. It's difficult to tell from shop websites as to whether they're 09 models or not.
  2. Did a search about these on here and couldn't find much. So, I'm Gassing for a P Bass Special and the Mex ones look reasonably priced. My question is: Tonally and buildwise, are they of a decent standard or would I be wasting my money? I've read here that the Mex built instruments have improved greatly but I would like to hear from anyone who has one/has played one. The main reason for asking is that I'm off to the States again in a couple of weeks and some of you know what happened last time. Any info would be very much appreciated. Cheers Pete
  3. I've had one from Roqsolid and one from Silverstone (www.ampcovers.co.uk) both companys have been excellent with their service and the covers are great. Pete
  4. Steer clear of the Mike Dirnt sig if you have trouble with chunky necks. I tried one and found it to be huge but then I have small hands
  5. To all those users of flats, can I ask what genres of music you're playing. I've been thinking about a set of La Bellas for quite a while now but I'm concerned as to whether they'd suit the general rock/indie that I play.
  6. This is generally how I interact with the audience
  7. Wow, just think of how many new ones you could get for that money
  8. Here's mine (as seen elswhere ) [url="http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b294/incapuppy/DSC01207.jpg"]http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b294/inc...py/DSC01207.jpg[/url] [url="http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b294/incapuppy/DSC01210.jpg"]http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b294/inc...py/DSC01210.jpg[/url] [url="http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b294/incapuppy/DSC01209.jpg"]http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b294/inc...py/DSC01209.jpg[/url] Anyway, loving the look of yours Pete
  9. Absolutely love that Buckeye Burl. Quite different to that which is on my Shuker, I had much more yellow pieces put on it. Beautiful.
  10. Try Parcel Monkey [url="http://www.parcelmonkey.co.uk/"]http://www.parcelmonkey.co.uk/[/url] They use a variety of carriers and you can tailor your insurance to the value of the item. I sent a Trace V-Type all the way to Falkirk on next day delivery, insured up to £600 for just shy of £29. Mind you, most of that price was due to the fact that the final package weighed 38Kg and was fairly large. The service was good and the item arrived safe and sound the next day.
  11. [quote name='alexclaber' post='624799' date='Oct 13 2009, 11:03 AM']Red is bad if you want a squeaky clean tone - they should have gone a step further and explained that you can choose to overdrive the preamp if you wish. There's nothing wrong with overdriving solidstate preamps if it gets you the sound you want - bear in mind that most distortion pedals are entirely solidstate. If clipping damaged preamps (or power amps come to that) then guitarists would be forever killing their amps. Alex[/quote] Cheers Alex. That clears that up quite nicely. I'll have a go with that when I get home (at the outlaws) and see what sort of sounds I get out of it. Thanks Pete
  12. [quote name='alexclaber' post='624778' date='Oct 13 2009, 10:37 AM']One other thing - clipping the input won't damage anything. And if you like the sound of it clipping (especially if it's a valve input stage so you can get some nice overdrive) then feel free to let it distort as much as you like! Alex[/quote] Sorry Alex, you're going to have to explain that one. If what you're saying is true, why does the manual for my Trace say that you should have the input gain set so that the red (clip) light only comes on rarely if at all. The manual takes great pains to point out that red is bad. Cheers Pete
  13. UK dealers appear few and far between. However, just had a quick Google and Allparts.uk.com came up. Not cheap mind you. Pete
  14. It gives it a nice, almost exotic twist. I like very much.
  15. I can't remember the last time I got a song right all the way through I usually drop a note here and there whether the song is easy or difficult (most of our stuff is dead easy) It's probably because our stuff is easy that I screw it up, I have a tendency to try and stick extra bits in and end up making a mess of it.
  16. [quote name='wotnwhy' post='599401' date='Sep 15 2009, 04:57 PM'].........why NOT buy an expensive bass if you like it??[/quote] Beat me to it Just because you can, obviously doesn't mean you necessarily have to but I bought my Shuker because I wanted to, simple as....
  17. [quote name='Weird War' post='599192' date='Sep 15 2009, 01:23 PM']Hi Pete I have SCNs in a passive Jazz and I like them, haven't noticed them being quiet (apart from less hum ) - have you tried raising the pups at all? In terms of hum cancelling alternatives, Nordstrand do some and I've used Bill Lawrence J-45s before which were excellent. Doug[/quote] Hey Doug Yeah, I've tried adjusting the height to no avail. I guess I just don't like them. I'll have a look into Bill Lawrences and see what the blurb is. Thanks Pete
  18. Odd that they would put them in a passive really. Si, I take it that the DiMarzios have a good powerful output? Pete
  19. [quote name='Sibob' post='597555' date='Sep 13 2009, 06:26 PM']I've had some very nice results from my Dimarzio Ultrajazzes! Check them out Never used SCN's in anger I have to say, but I wouldn't have thought they'd be too shabby, I assume the jazz you have is an 'active deluxe' of some sort!? Si[/quote] Dimarzios , interesting The Jazz is a passive FSR and I'm thinking that there's where the problem lies. From the research I've done, the SCN pickups are normally fitted to actives. There's just no bite to them at all. Pete
  20. Right, I've played it some more and I'm getting close to thinking that these pickups are not for me. So, what I need are some recommendations. What I'm looking for are very high output, preferably hum canceling, bottom end and low mid heavy pickups. Please help, this is driving me nuts Pete
  21. Ok, so the Jazz I picked up in the States has SCN pickups fitted to it and I'm not sure about them at all. They seem awfully quiet and if I'm honest, a bit dead. Is there anyone out there who has come across this issue and if so, what did you do to improve things?
  22. Thanks OTPJ, that's really useful as I've just discovered why the lo-riders I have on my Jazz are not really the string for me. I'm off to change the for a set of MMs Ta Pete
  23. Looking at the Fender site - it reckons a maximum of 3.6mm under the E string. I guess it's a matter of taste though and as 7string says, if you hear weird overtones then take it down some more.
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