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Everything posted by sprocketflup

  1. I use a Morley switch on stage with my band to toggle between EUB, 'normal' basses, and a mandolin. After playing the EUB, the mandolin feels like its come out of a xmas cracker
  2. Hi My band is dipping its first tentative digits into the band merchandise maelstrom. Has anyone had any experience with obtaining and using a card reader for the merch stand? Care to share your tips or horror stories here, coz I really haven't a clue where to start TIA
  3. I can relate to that totally, I'm not sure I could get up stage and play music I dnt actually like. Bit short sighted of me possibly and may exclude me from ever becoming a 'jobbing' bassist, but to be perfectly honest I'm not sure Id ever want to be. If I was a young thing just starting out then maybe, but I'm a grumpy old tw*t
  4. I'm not a fan as such, but for modern times Prince should be considered IMO
  5. I'm kind of in agreement that this sounds like its not gonna happen, however my own personal band circumstances - geographically there are 238 miles between furthest flung band members, we meet up for practice once every blue moon, and several members are involved in 'other projects' of various denominations. However, its the most fun I've ever had with a bunch of like minded plonkers....sorry, band mates, we're travelling all over the UK and to be honest we aint doing too bad. Only you can decide if this is worth waiting out, but for my two penneth, Id say don't go burning any bridges just yet, but obviously keep your eyes open. (Also) dave
  6. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1501627578' post='3346128'] He meant that, I meant the SRF705 - [url="http://www.ibanez.com/products/u_eb_detail17.php?year=2017&cat_id=2&series_id=51&data_id=100&color=CL01"]http://www.ibanez.co...=100&color=CL01[/url] [/quote] Me too.
  7. Was gonna suggest an Ibanez SRF705 but I see someone beat me to it. I got my SRF700 because after looking into it, it gave me the closest to a DB sound for the budget I had. Its probably the finest bass Ive ever played, I love it. Got a very slim neck, cant speak about the fiver. In fact Id say the neck is perfect. Only compliant is that theres no choice of colours/finishes.
  8. [quote name='sprocketflup' timestamp='1501623150' post='3346074'] Got some 9v PP3 style ones and some Eneloop AAs and AAAs all from Amazon, they've been great, no problems at all. in fact, I cant remember when I last changed the 9vs over tbh **edit** they aint called PP3s anymore are they? Lord alone knows why not. Who here knows what an HP7 is? No-one in my family does, and they look at me gone out whenever I mention it [/quote] **another edit** go for lithium Ion batts if you can, they have no memory point so you can charge them from any point in their discharge cycle with no ill effects .
  9. Got some 9v PP3 style ones and some Eneloop AAs and AAAs all from Amazon, they've been great, no problems at all. in fact, I cant remember when I last changed the 9vs over tbh **edit** they aint called PP3s anymore are they? Lord alone knows why not. Who here knows what an HP7 is? No-one in my family does, and they look at me gone out whenever I mention it
  10. I'm another that would be PMing you if I had the funds, really fancy this but sadly this isn't gonna happen for me. GLWTS mate
  11. Sure enough, just had it again.
  12. Hmm. Photobucket appears to have gone all weird, cant even find the original pics on there. Ill see if I can find another way
  13. [quote name='mep' timestamp='1500113490' post='3335686'] Got it again the other day. Pressed enter and closed the tab. Annoying but harmless. [/quote] That doesn't work with the one I get, just keeps reproducing. (fnerk fnerk) Only thing I can do is disconnect wifi, then use task manager to get rid
  14. I have to say, I've not seen it for a while now, so something that has been done has changed it for some users. Just for the record, I run windows 10 and use IE 11 as my browser.
  15. 'Spraunce'! What a delightful word!
  16. What does the spectrum pedal do? Apart from not load? (geek joke)
  17. sprocketflup


    Keep getting a Trojan/virus when i visit this site, not getting it anywhere else. Damned annoying. [attachment=246955:basschat.jpg][attachment=246956:basschat2.jpg]
  18. Hi, just noticed that when i put a term in the Search box in the private messages area, I get a 405 error saying i dont have permission. Hope Ive not broken owt
  19. Oops nearly forgot - As they say in France, one mans fish is another mans poisson.
  20. Thanks for the input fellas. Grangur - That's interesting, being offended is a subjective thing though, it, believe it or not, is your choice. Does my own dyslexia fly in the face of your revelation? Am I not allowed to poke fun at myself? If you were to not purchase items from any person who ever made an 'offensive' joke at something , I'm pretty sure you'd starve to death fairly quickly. But like I said, thank you for your input. Anyway, back to the subject in hand after all this is a 'For Sale' thread. I may part this out if anyone is interested?
  21. Mark recently bought a neck off me and was gracious and easy to deal with throughout the entire transaction. Diamond.
  22. I went to a dyslexic rave last night, everyone was taking F, and one bloke in the corner was trying to inject a heron.
  23. I rang the council to ask if I was allowed to have a skip outside my house. Bloke on the other end of the phone says "You can do cartwheels round the block for all we care...."
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