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Everything posted by bassbiscuits

  1. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1438704132' post='2836559'] That's the stone tape theory. My mom knows someone who was on holiday. The last day she took a photo of an empty rainswept beach (yep she was holidaying in the uk 😁), when she got the photos printed, the empty beach was in fact occupied with lots of people all wearing old fashioned clothing. [/quote] What's the stone tape theory then? Sounds intriguing
  2. My weirdest one wasn't bass related, but was when i was a student. There was a big parkland behind the campus which we sometimes used to dawdle around at night after a few drinks and smokes. One night we found a interesting old derelict shell of a park lodge building which was being renovated, with some scaffolding, workmen's lighting etc, and unusual ornamental gardens outside, right at the furthest part of the park. We went back exploring a few more times over several weeks as it was quite interesting and scary to walk arounds the grounds in the dark. That all came to a stop the next time we went and found it was all completed and fully occupied, with plenty of noise and bustle and visible thru the new glass windows were lots of people moving about, sitting at tables and chatting in the well-lit interior. We didn't bother going there for a while after, but when we came across it again a month or so later, it was still all derelict, run down and completely empty. Never got to the bottom of that one. its since been converted into a restaurant.
  3. wow - Hiscox sounds like a good firm. Thanks all for your help!
  4. [quote name='hubrad' timestamp='1438697282' post='2836471'] I just spoke to Hiscox.. yes, they are interchangeable. If you email Peter at Hiscox - [email protected] - he'll get one or two in the post for you! :-) [/quote] wow! thanks guys - thats really kind of you to check it out. I'll drop them a line straight away. thanks all. Good old Basschat
  5. Wow that's a hell of an offer mrn1989 - thanks very much - but it hasn't actually got my bass in it at the moment, so its not a total disaster. the case is open, but the locking catch is actually clamped down in the locked position, so i can't open or close that particular lock rather than the whole case. I never use the key but the mechanism inside seems to have slipped into a locked position. i guess its just as easy for me to pop to a local music shop which has them in stock and see if one key fits all in the style of a MkII Ford Cortina.
  6. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1438696298' post='2836464'] Bad luck. I've had rubbish service from myHerpes on more than one occasion, and if I buy anything on here I make a point of asking the seller not to use them. [/quote] Don't blame you at all. I've never had any probs with other couriers (tho i accept that it must happen from time to time) but this one seems dreadful. I first complained to their customer services yesterday and got the response that "I had received it earlier today." Yeah thanks, that really answers my question.
  7. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1438695381' post='2836456'] I take it you checked the roof and gutter first? [/quote] ha ha yeah - the thing is they haven't even got my home address on the parcel cos I got it sent to the local drop-off point newsagents "...[i]because it would be easier....."[/i] sounds like they just couldn't be bothered to deliver it and its gone back to the depot. Spectacularly pointless crap service all things considered.
  8. Stupid question - but are the keys for hiscox lite flight cases all interchangeable, or all different? I ask more in hope, as someone whose case has a glitchy lock which has got stuck in the 'closed' position without a key. hmm. I also have a claw hammer which is looking tempting...
  9. Unfortunately I'm resurrecting this thread with another horror story about Hermes. A parcel which was sent to me a week ago showed up on the My Hermes tracker as having been delivered and signed for yesterday morning at my local drop off point. Except the guy at the shop reassures me nothing for me has come in, let alone been signed for. I hadn't received any confirmation from the shop or Hermes either to say it had arrived. Later that day the tracking info updates again to say its now been delivered to somewhere else during that afternoon. Again, i've got no idea where - seems to be making its way round the country. The clever guess is that they've made no attempt to deliver it and just sent it back to the sender, who I've tipped off that it may arrive back with him shortly. A local Hermes rep lives nearby and i've asked them if they use their contacts to try to intercept and redirect it on route. I've also emailed the Hermes customer service dept (of course there's no actual phone number....) Absolutely piss poor performance from Hermes i'm afraid. If it gets satisfactorily resolved I'll update this post in the interests of fairness, but as it stands they're not a firm i'd recommend to anyone.
  10. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1438532821' post='2835219'] The big question is; what did the audience think. I've seen bands, I've even played in bands with shocking drummers. The bass player seems to be the only person who knows what's wrong. Sometimes the rest of the band know there's something wrong but not what it is. The bands never seemed to get re-booked but there was never any feedback why, even though the floor was filled. Music is an odd thing sometimes. [/quote] Good point mate - I've been in a band which had two rubbish drummers in succession (the second one slightly less crap than the original one in fairness!) and your average punter just doesn't notice, or certainly doesn't single out where the problem lies. But some things like attempting heroic drum fills you know they're not gonna come out of in time are noticeable to everyone I'd say. When you play with a proper drummer the difference is easy for everyone to appreciate. I reckon if you've got rock solid bass and drums going on,you can get away with a ropey singer or a dodgy guitarist. But if the drums and bass aren't happening it all falls apart.
  11. Saw a band play at a party last night and they had a reasonably decent set etc but the drummer was shocking. It took me a song or two to work out why none of it was hanging together properly, and the feel of the songs was all out as a result. Regardless of what the rest of the band did nothing was going to disguise that. My missus told me to stop being so rude about them.
  12. [quote name='Cato' timestamp='1437600050' post='2827557'] The cover that most impressed me I saw done at a beer festival a few years back - a full on funk version of Bobby Gentry's Ode To Bille Joe complete with horns section. Completely filled the dance floor even though I'm not sure how many people would have known the original. I think it must have been the band's own arrangement because I've never been able to find a recording of the song being done that way. [/quote] That's a belting song too. Love to have heard that!
  13. Good lad! He's a great player isn't he? Always liked him from David Lee Roth days but he also does the straight groove playing thing as well as the shredding.
  14. My band sometimes does the music from Barry Norman's Film 98 ( or any other year around that time ) which is called something like Oh For A Life of Dreams I think. We talked about doing Sparks ' this town ain't big enough for both of us' but it never got further than that. I do some occasional solo acoustic/vocal/harmonica gigs and chuck in anything I feel like, however off the wall it is. Included in that has been Fleetwood Mac 'Big Love', Roachford 'Cuddly Toy' and Duran Duran's 'Ordinary World' which are all epic, seldom heard gems in my view... There's also been some Charles Aznavour and They Might Be Giants in there, in the same gig...
  15. Ah Westones - they were lovely back in the day. Over a few years from about 1986-1991 I had a white Spectrum ST bass, two natural Thunder 1A basses and borrowed my mate's black Spectrum DX as a spare for gigs. The Spectrum ST was my first serious bass after I'd limped along for a year on an awful short scale plywood Satellite bass. I got the Thunder 1As later as back ups as I'd tracked them doing cheaply secondhand. They were great but I remember both weighing a tonne.
  16. I've got to sing at a mate's wedding next month. The two songs he wants? Highway to Hell, and So Lonely.
  17. I'd say go for it mate, and just take it as it comes. I don't think any decisions I made when I was 22 have been irreversible, and you've got plenty of time ahead of you to decide what you want to do later ( I know parents and stuff don't tend to say that, but it's bloody true.) You're gonna have to work for long enough in life, so it's worth finding something that's actually right for you, and even if this does go tits up it'll lead you into something else, or just be a worthwhile experience anyway. Look at it this way - if your current job is deadly anyway, then even if you leave it and can't get it back later, is that really a huge loss or have you decided that it's not for you anyway? Doesn't sound like a huge thing to lose. I say do what you dream of now before life gets more complicated. Good luck, and enjoy it mate!
  18. Wow that's really not good enough is it. Especially when people are paying proper ticket prices to see you, though I'd never take to the stage like that regardless of payment. If he's got problems he really owes it to himself to sort them out first, before expecting people's good will to extend to stuff like this. It'll only piss on his reputation. Right decision from the venue? Most definitely. Unfortunate mess which sets alarm bells ringing? Sadly, yes. Hope you get yourself sorted out fella.
  19. If there was a current band of nearly contemporaries that I'd choose, you know, so we might actually get on as a band, then I'd choose something like Rival Sons or The Virginmarys. Both excellent, kick ass bands doing great music, and working their way up the ladder. I reckon playing a proper band member role in a band like that would be really fulfilling. Then again, being Darryl Jones is better paid ha ha!
  20. I gigged last weekend at an outdoor gig with a bi-amped set up of two MarkBass Little Marks (a II and a III). One went into an Aguilar GS410, and the other into my Schroeder 1210, with a Fender P bass. It sounded immense for the bluesy/rock stuff I was doing. Plenty of thump and goodness.
  21. My 1995 MIA Precision bass cost me £460 secondhand 10 years ago. It had been hanging in the shop for ages with really dead strings on, attracting nobody's attention whatsoever. So they agreed to knock £100 off the £550 asking price, but then added the tenner on to cover the new strings they put on for me to try it. It sounded great and has been my main bass ever since. Result!
  22. I think that's the whole reason i grew up loving metal. I remember the vast majority of 80s pop meant nothing to me as a kid, but then I discovered stuff like Iron Maiden, Aerosmith and Kiss which i thought were brilliant. Listening back now, there were some really good 80s pop tunes too - The Communards 'Don't Leave Me This Way' being a guilty pleasure of mine. But there was also a lot of utter tripe; basically anything from Stock Aitken and Waterman for starters....
  23. This is my whole rig running together at a festival I did this weekend. I normally use them separately - the Schroeder for pub gigs and the Aguilar for bigger shows. It's the first time I've gigged them as a pair and they sounded great - fat and loud!
  24. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1436452620' post='2818268'] I put a set on my 66 Jazz at the Herts bash a few weeks back. So far I'm very impressed and much prefer them to Roto Nickels. [/quote] I found Roto nickels to be pretty disappointing the one time i tried them a few years back - made my bass sound like it had been neutered in some way, with all the thump and zing gone. Hoping the XLs are a bit more mainstream.
  25. [quote name='LewisK1975' timestamp='1436448573' post='2818236'] Tried a few different sets on my Sandberg VM5 and EXL165-5's are the ones I've settled on. 45-65-85-105 and a stunning non-tapered 135 for the Low B. Great strings! [/quote] Ah now i was weighing up whether to put them on my Sandberg TT4 or my MIA precision - all the publicity for these strings makes a big deal of how bright they are, and with the Sandberg already being pretty bright, I had my doubts about them being a good pairing. In fairness on the little youtube snippets about them they sound nice and full, rather than harsh or toppy.
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