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Everything posted by rmshaw37

  1. does anyone have an opinion on the nexus range? sorry if i'm thread jacking, but they look ace! i have an ampeg 115 thats fantastic, but I like the look of the nexus range, and was thinking 2 15s and a 410 for my distorted top - will the nexus compare to the ampeg 15 at all? cheers
  2. i do this all the time! the sansamp has a -20db pad switch, but i like to drive it a bit harder. From what i understand, there are various stages of gain within a bass/amp/pedal situation anyway. there are guitar pedals at least designed to do just that! i think the only problem is if you drive it too hard! but with a 500w amp and appropriate speakers, you'll never struggle to get over a drummer driving the gain a bit harder than designed! just consider it to be running a little more "hot", which is the aim behind active basses anyway!
  3. I've found that with a 210 plus 115 set up, you need to feed them with different signals, otherwise they clash, gives a certain sound but certainly not the sum of it's parts! I crossover and there is a difference, especially with volume!
  4. nice one bud! bet it weighs a tonne though! lol
  5. dangerous ground with all the theorists on here! but..... i completely agree - nothing rumbles like a 15! (never tried an 18 on bass though!!
  6. for me, a jazz is suited to most types of music, sits well in the mix and never had a problem amplifying to hear it! but then with the amp on same settings a precision, goes higher (steve harris), lower (motown), but obv without a 15 you'll not get that really low end anyway (but thats another thread all together!) i've never been able to get the aggression of my tone out of a jazz, but plug the jazz in, and its just , well, there! no aggression, but infinately more articulate shall we say! in summary - and IMHO of course - you'll hear a jazz better, but it wont rumble your guts or scare ya!
  7. gutted! sorry guys, cant make the 20th, i'll be in southport! have fun and hopefully make the next one!
  8. The promoter did, it's the warm up show for hard rock hell, us 4 Friday night then 12, YES 12 bands battling for a place today. Apparently it's a 10 minute changeover! By the way, small stage doesn't begin to describe it! Plus we had to walk the entire length of the rammed narrow pub with our gear to do change over! Saying that, was a cracking gig.
  9. Friday – The Box, Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow – 7.30pm to midnight – 4 bands – The Black Cherry Group, Simon McBride, Attica rage and ng26 this is about all the info i can find on it - ruddy promoters!! as long as travel and hotel is paid for itll be a nice trip! lol
  10. That's some cracking info - shame about the stage but hey! May well take a venture to the other side of town Saturday morning Thanks
  11. Got to say, I smiled reading the header! I'm in the same position ATM with my shuttle 6!
  12. hi there, our band are supporting GUN this friday at the box? in glasgow, whats the stage like up there, how much space will we have, and what are the engineers like? first time up there, so also looking at what music shops are worth checking out up there! cheers all (ps - our band is NG26, check us out on youtube!)
  13. splendid - ideally i'd like to keep it in a rack (i seem to remember that being a pedal) currently running my hyperdrive out the rpm's unaffected out then rpm and hyperdrive through a stereo power amp, getting close, but no cigar lol
  14. there was a touch of overdrive on the sansamp, but not that much - if you can hear it, the lows are quite deep and fairly clean - this was the sound we left it with, then the studio we sent it to has added the extra distortion on the top end. thats just my opinion, let me know if you think its distorted across the full range. may need a system with a sub to hear the lows, normal computer speakers don't really give you the depth! thanks
  15. just noticed that its the 110v version - how does the transformer come? is it a big box version or fixed to the kettle lead??
  16. ok, so here's a track we recorded for the new album, then sent it away for mix and master [attachment=61657:NG26___Otherside.mp3] thing is, distortion was added to it, so how do i get it live? in the studio i used punisher (emg goodness) sansamp rpm (DI'd) ampeg svt3 (just to power the cabs) ampeg 115en (miked) marshall 2 12 gu**ar cab (miked) i believe the distortion was only added to the guitar cab channel? was looking at the sansamp rbi or psa1 to try and re create it, obviously i will be splitting the channels to different amps and cabs but am i best to look at guitar distortion or one of these units? is a crossover needed? low end is more than nicely dealt with with the rpm through the 15 btw! thankyou my fellow bass chatters!!
  17. this still up for going? any trades in mind? can't believe how long ago it was origionally posted!
  18. i picked one of these up not too long ago and fell in love with it! what scale length is it? mine is the 36" scale and was REALLY easy to adjust to - within 5 mins in fact!
  19. Nice one mate, gigging is my favourite bit about being in a band, and it should be a fun experience! Just don't end up like the ex bass player lol, where will you be gigging?
  20. You seen the svt 7? O know it's light but I don't know how light? Other option is sansamp plus light power amp
  21. asy idea on if the qsc gx5? its just much cheaper than the plx series! thanks for the quick responce!
  22. hey there! i'm looking for a power amp (2 channel) that will fit in a shallow rack and max 2u height! absolute maximum 14" deep bonus points for black and cheap(ish) preferably a decent name too! thankyou fellow basschatters! just thought - more specs might be useful! need min 600w per side at 4ohm was looking at the crown xls series (weight not really an issue) but it is 15.2" deep if we can't find it, i'll have to resort to a deep rack! (just gonna be massive at 6u and everything else is shallow) other things going in: line 6 g90 dtr 1000 sansamp rpm sansamp rbi power amp!
  23. i have essentially the same set up - the g90 is awesome! simply brilliant the dtr1000 i have had for 8 years and never had a simgle problem, just sits there doing its job! the sansamp rpm does REALLY fat low end amazingly well, next purchaces are the rbi (for top end grit) and my own power amp (borrowing the bands PA one atm) send em to 2 different cabs (i'm using 15's for the rpm and 10's for the top) using a distortion pedal atm for the dirty top and the difference is i have to rum the power amp at nearly twice the volume as its not a proper pre amp! but yes good choices none the less!
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