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Everything posted by toneknob

  1. Caravan are great: check out Waterloo Lily, If I Could Do It All Over Again I'd Do It Over You and their brilliant In The Land Of Grey And Pink. The common thread with these albums is bassist Richard Sinclair - I can't recommend him enough, and his voice is perfect for the band as well. You'll also find him in Hatfield And The North, look out for their eponymous album and follow-up The Rotter's Club. I saw Soft Machine a few times in recent years when Hugh was still with us - wonderful stuff. I once ended up sitting a few feet away from him when they played downstairs at the Pizza Express on Dean St. A big lesson there.
  2. [quote name='toneknob' timestamp='1328304555' post='1525392'] ...the ring finger mutes the string above the one your first two fingers are playing, and plays the first note when you move to that string, with your thumb coming off the string lower (or the pickup or wherever its resting) to mute the string you've just stopped playing.[/quote] And then you move your clothes down onto the lower peg immediately after lunch, before you write your letter home, if you're not getting your hair cut, unless you've got a younger brother who is going out this weekend as the guest of another boy.
  3. I use a three-finger technique similar to that demonstrated by Gary Willis, see the clips at [url="http://garywillis.com/369"]http://garywillis.com/369[/url]. Mine varies in that the ring finger mutes the string above the one your first two fingers are playing, and plays the first note when you move to that string, with your thumb coming off the string lower (or the pickup or wherever its resting) to mute the string you've just stopped playing. It's probably much easier to demonstrate than describe. Either way, it's built up enough oomph in the ring finger to pull off a good consistent triplet/gallop feel without breaking a sweat.
  4. When I was in Genesis tribute land, we played the Half Moon in Putney a few times. Steve Hackett came along to one of them, and was observed to be singing along to Land Of Confusion. Odd. Al Murray was a fan of the band too, he'd often come along to Half Moon and other London gigs.
  5. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9HoBYl6_XQ"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9HoBYl6_XQ[/url]
  6. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhV6kX9r9uM"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhV6kX9r9uM[/url]
  7. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1323030341' post='1458507'] Beautiful. You know you've made it when you have to dodge the camera boom. [/quote] The fill at 1m02s still makes me a little bit funny in my tummy
  8. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1323005362' post='1458126'] The best strap locks IMO. No squeaking, no drilling, no having to remember the correct strap. Plus there's beer involved, wins all round [/quote] Absolutely, I've been using them for years. I prefer the old style rubbery variety compared to the newer plasticky style. But you're right - either way, free beer with each straplock purchased
  9. Same song - Who Did You Think I Was - from the Pino POV [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLCmw2zMP6Y"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLCmw2zMP6Y[/url] Dig the Grolsch bottle-washer straplocks.
  10. Jimmy Johnson does this, I had a chat with him after an Allan Holdsworth gig at the Sutton FC Social Club (yes) and he explained how it works. Of course I've clean forgotten now, but you'll find a couple of threads on talkbass and the Alembic forum and others that might help out.
  11. The world's best bassline ever is Muse's "Hysteria" as voted by readers of MusicRadar.com: [url="http://www.nme.com/news/muse/60107"]http://www.nme.com/news/muse/60107[/url] Looks like MusicRadar readers should listen out a bit more if you ask me.
  12. [quote name='Keefyboy' timestamp='1319453070' post='1414136'] hello, I'm a newbie on this forum, so hello to all my new bass wielding friends out there :-) I'm selling an Ebs Mutlidrive for £90 and a good friend of mine who is aleeady a member recommended that I advertise it here. [/quote] That'd be me - Keefyboy's a good chap, straight up and an effects nut. And here's a free plug for his band The Penny Black Remedy! [url="http://www.thepennyblackremedy.com"]http://www.thepennyblackremedy.com[/url] - coming soon to a hip nitespot near you soon.
  13. [size=4][font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif]Hello - after many years trouble-free service, my reliable Panasonic TX-21MD4 20" CRT television has been replaced by a younger, slimmer, faster model. It's fully working, with excellent picture and sound. It has been extremely reliable and has not needed servicing since I bought it new in 1998. The original remote is supplied, sadly the stand has fallen by the wayside at some point over the years. There is one aerial input, two SCART inputs, and stereo audio out. It's free to anyone can come and get it, I'm based in Balham, SW London, not far from the tube station and easily reached from the A24. Drop me a line if you're interested, any questions - please ask. Tony[/font][/size]
  14. There's a story here [url="http://www.rickresource.com/rrp/rutherford.html"]http://www.rickresource.com/rrp/rutherford.html[/url] of how the cut'n'shut Ricky came about: "it was still sticky when he took it."
  15. Yeah, MR started using Shergolds in the mid/late 70s. The Microfrets was around for The lamb Lies Down on Broadway in 1975, before that his double-neck Ricky was around for Selling England era gigs. The Genesis Discography [url="http://cyberreviews.skwc.com/gendis.pdf"]http://cyberreviews.....com/gendis.pdf[/url] lists his Foxtrot era gear as follows: Custom build Zemaitis 12 String Acoustic Guitar Rickenbacker 12 String Guitar Rickenbacker Bass Guitar `Mr Bassman' Bass Pedals 100w Hi-watt Stack Acoustic 370 Bass Amplifier Acoustic 201 Cabinet
  16. [quote name='Delberthot' post='1369016' date='Sep 11 2011, 01:12 AM']How about the cheap and cheerful Grolsch washers?[/quote] Agree. Here's my current facebook pic with Grolsch washers in action, supporint my 1975 4001.
  17. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' post='1370204' date='Sep 12 2011, 10:52 AM']Not dealt with them but I hate the snobbish "tude" they have towards anyone that walks in there just to have a look. You can only sit on their posh sofa to try something if they think you look like you are going to buy any of their extremely overpriced old instruments.[/quote] Couldn't disagree more - whenever I go in (which used to be a lot - I worked around the corner), they're always first to suggest that I try out whatever I like the look of, and are more than happy to chat around any aspect of their stock. They've also helped out with valuing some of my more aged guitars. As someone else said, one of the more pleasant places to shop on Denmark St.
  18. [quote name='ednaplate' post='1363150' date='Sep 5 2011, 05:48 PM']I don't even remember seeing Music Ground there the other day.[/quote] Music Ground's shop is now occupied by the second branch of Macari's (the original is on Charing Cross Rd still). The Bass Cellar have left their shop and have moved in to the basement of Rocker's. Hank's has moved into what used to be Andy's. There's a general move away from the north side as (I am told by the chap in the Bass Gallery) the ongoing Crossrail developments might impinge on that side's property.
  19. Speaking of Bass Player, has anyone seen the August issue anywhere? The one with Nate from the Foo Fighters on the cover. It's either late in the shops, or it's been and gone.
  20. [quote name='dc2009' post='1324039' date='Aug 2 2011, 11:43 AM']It just so happened to work when I got home, no idea why... Hope it doesn't happen again though, will get myself one of those behringers as a backup when i bit more cash....[/quote] Sounds like what happened to mine! I blamed the rehearsal room and a grumpy Behringer stack.
  21. [quote name='dc2009' post='1323904' date='Aug 2 2011, 09:59 AM']So after all the fuss of taking my bass and now ok sansamp through rush hour, the producer said I couldn't input my bass to the desk, either via jack or balanced xlr and insisted I played acoustic....thankfully about 25s into the first song the building manager came and silenced us due to complaints from a neighbouring office. What a load of fun....[/quote] How did you fix it?
  22. [quote name='dc2009' post='1322787' date='Aug 1 2011, 09:36 AM']Hi all, Had practice yesterday, using my Sansamp through the practice room's Markbass somethingorother (which I loathe) and Hartke/tc mix, as per usual. Using my Epi Pro-V through it, which I have done before. I had the bass on full volume as per usual, though the amp was barely over 2 or 3 as it was just the guitarist and myself going over some arrangements for some acousticised numbers. Right at the end of that period, my Sansamp suddenly started screaming - a constant high pitched note, though you could still hear the bass sound too. I turned off the channel and left it for about 15 minutes. When I came back I tried it again and it was screaming through all three channels, though not when on bypass mode (i.e. no channel selected). I took it out of the circuit and played straight into the amp (ugh) for the rest of the session. So three questions: a - What's wrong with it? b - How do I fix it? c - I have to play a couple of these acoustic numbers on a radio show tomorrow morning. Does anyone in London (ideally SW, Hammersmith area) have a spare Sansamp I can borrow for it? I will repay in sexual favours.... Thanks, Dan[/quote] I had similar weirdness with my Sansamp BDDI a couple of years ago. It only happened in that session, and I've been back to the same rehearsal room since and it's been fine. I posted to another well-known bass email list at the time, here's what I write - see how it compares to your experience: "I've got three sounds stored: a normal, slightly gritty day-today bread and butter tone; an overdriven, snarly tone for covers of 1974 King Crimson; and a deep quiet dubbier tone. All three have been in use for some time, not recently adjusted. Batteries are not fresh but not run down either. After one song last night, keyboard player said "hey where's that high-pitched beep coming from in that song? it's not me". we all looked at each other and shrugged, then ran through the song again. Keys stopped when he'd heard it again. "There - I just heard it again". Of course it'd stopped by now and we began to think he was going mad. Just as we were about to start again, the beep came back. Then went. Back again. Keys looked at me - it's coming from your amp (which was the other side of him from me). This is what was happening. The beep (more of a high-pitched buzz when heard on its own, not mid-song) only happened when I was hands-off, not touching strings, bridge, metal etc - it's a '75 Ricky 4001 btw; only happened with preset 2 (the high gain overdrive setting) selected on the BDDI; went away (faded away, not cut suddenly) when I turned around to face away from the amp. We checked all other parts of the signal chain and found them to be ok, the only potentially suspect item was my Trace dual compressor pedal - medium high-end compression, low bottom-end compression, EQ dialled at about 25% in favour of the high end." The amp was a rather unpleasant Behringer stack. I tend to avoid rehearsal room amp these days and just DI into the PA. Did you try going straight into the desk? Otherwise, are you running on batteries or PSU? Whichever it is, try the other.
  23. Grolsch bottle washers make the best straplocks ever. The newer ones are more plasticky, the older ones are more rubbery and a bit better. Lidl do them as well as far as I remember.
  24. Caught most of it - brilliant stuff. When's the repeat?
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