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Everything posted by WalMan

  1. I use the Duo on my Wal & G&L fretless and got a couple of the straps that go between strap pins across the back of the bass to loop the second strap around rather than the top horn. They're supposed to be for using with single cut basses, but I didn't want to be messing up the finish on the top horn of the basses so added the back strap instead - if you go for that get the more expensive leather version, not the nylon one ( I found that not sturdy enough compared to the leather one)
  2. Particularly helpful photographic evidence of a Hermes delivery that I received, thankfully after wifey had already found it dumped by her car. Of course this being Lockdown, and having barely left the house in a year, we were both in all that day
  3. Other than our current Lockdown choon I am tasked with mixing, I am currently listening to the Lifesigns catalogue that arrived yesterday, and have the latest Thunder album queued for this afternoon
  4. Saw them loads, and on the final tour missed the last train home for the encore so slept on Portsmouth station and caught the milk train home (thankfully a kind porter took pity on two or three of us in the same boat and let us kip in a carriage parked up for the night
  5. The Alibi - Unconditional Love Latest Lockdown video covering Unconditional Love from a Norwegian band called Street Legal. Funnily enough I didn't record the bass with the Clifton EUB, but it seemed the thing to use for the video. Once again recoded on my faithful old Wal 🥰 I got tasked with the mix on this one, which was a monster that ran to nearly 60 tracks in Reaper with all the BV's & guitars. Pleased with the bass sound and keep coming back to it for other projects as it sits nicely. A snip of the bare bass submix attached which is made up of: Wal with all push/pulls up, pup pan set towards the neck, bridge pup 3, neck pup 7 recorded onto two tracks through the Helix with the Sheehan SVTPro patch on one, and DI from the input on the other DI track reamped with Helix Native with the Rochester compressor on parallel paths Alibi - Unconditional Love v2_13 - Bass Sub1.mp3
  6. I bought Paul’s Series 2, having been on the lookout for a better version than the beaten up Series 1 I acquired a few years back for a while now. Easy transaction and we met up for a socially distanced exchange yesterday outside my office when he was coming down to nearby on business. Good comms and happy to deal with Paul again
  7. Sold to a man who has been on a Mesa pilgrimage today 🙂
  8. The mix for our next Lockdown Video, that I have been charged with mixing, over and over and over again 🤣 Just got some 'notes' from the band zoom meeting, so into night 3 of the mix and time to find two guitars that have got lost somewhere in the last two days exertions
  9. Of course the 'charge' if it's stopped when marked as a gift, and found to be clearly no such thing, is confiscation, so it's a dangerous game to play. Customs Duty cases used to be so much fun to read 🙄
  10. A bit of Lizzy for a soggy Sunday morning 😎🤘 but why on earth did YouTube select that particular clip for the front page 🤪 The Alibi - Lockdown Video #8 - Do Anything You Want To
  11. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  12. New Year. Time for a new lockdown video 🙂 Midnight Moses - SAHB covered by The Alibi
  13. Different ATF. That was After The Fire. We were All That's Fiction
  14. Now finished (I think), and a link to it HERE Good news is there was no comment about the slight change in style, so all's good 😁 Might even get to play it again if the vocalist makes it back to the UK for a visit next year
  15. Finished - I think - the re-record of our eponymous song from probably 40 years on today. This was v1 of All That's Fiction, before the vocalist went on to other things, and we then reformed a few years later to record some demoes and play a showcase gig with him, and then carried on in different lineups until he emigrated in the late 90's. I have been recording with him and the guitarist from ATF v1 recently on a different project, and he and I have been remixing old 8 tracks, but I started messing with this old song. and it has bounced around the globe for input by the original line-up. It's also my granddaughter's first appearance on a track - I'll leave you to work out where 🤣 Got the final guitar tracks yesterday and set about finishing the mix, which I think is done now. Always liked this song and have memories of recording it the first time around when the producer had the guitar amp maxed for the lead break and set up at one end of the live room, with the guitarist cowering 4th the other end of the room on a long lead with a guitar on the verge of feedback. So much more refined doing it nowadays 🤣 All That's Fiction - 2020
  16. Funnily enough I considered this again last night from a similar Facebook post. For probably 20+ years I used 4 strings, and for quite a lot of those (until I joined here and got GAS) just the one bass. Then I bought a 5 from Silverfoxnik, followed by others, so that pretty much every bass since has been a 5. Often I am only using the B to play across the neck rather necessarily than going down to the low B. In Lockdown we have been recording and posting cover videos to keep things going, and I realised that the last four of those I have recorded with my only 4 string - it is the Wal though and sounds blahdy marvellous, so...
  17. The wait begins. We'll see in a few months then 😎
  18. Pre Christmas 'Buy me Buy me' Bump Look into my eyes...not around the eyes...You're feeling very sleepy......and you're under. Now when you hear the word Mesa you will immediately search out Walman's BigBlock 750 Amp For Sale post, realise the longing in your heart for this wonderful amp, and contact him to arrange a swift purchase 😁
  19. Well if you have two guitarists it’d be rude not to 😁
  20. Actually recorded with the Wal again, but I wanted a red bass for the video, so time to break out the FPPR S1 😁 Merry Christmas all 🍻
  21. Christmas fairy 'nuff. Hopefully it won't get pinged for rights. A silly 2 minutes decided on a week ago. Guide created same night. Redone guitars the night after. Vocals the next. Changed the key. Redid the guitars & vocals. Final guitar & drum track then mix last night. Job's a good'un. We're getting quicker at this after 9 months of lockdown 😁 Not exactly our normal fare but hey ho (EDIT or even hey HO HO HO) Tomorrow the video, before hospital Now with video 😁
  22. Well our fractionally over 2 minute long Christmas cover is done in record time, now then, been a while since I posted one of these. Looks like everyone recently has been posting from soundcloud, or can it be any link - dropbox etc..?
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