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Everything posted by lettsguitars

  1. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1353610128' post='1876619'] I never actually went ahead with an order but I asked Aaron Armstrong about some custom pickups and he was way more than helpful if you want a UK alternative to Wizard [/quote]Kent's son? The kent armstrong custom pups are very very reasonably priced.
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  3. I have to dissagree. Matchsticks are made from boxwood. They have to be strong enough not to break while striking and after they soak up a little glue they are hard as nails. Each to their own.
  4. Yea, maybe refitting the bridge may do something?!
  5. If the neck is unfinished then they may require a little natural oil every now and again. However if you play an unfinished neck regularly you should never (well hardly ever) need to re-oil. If the neck has a glossy finish then just wipe it with a damp cloth or buff with swirl remover like you get from halfords and clean with lighter fluid..
  6. Mr Dye. You are more than welcome to borrow the beech 5 string fretted if you're willing to pay the postage.
  7. Is it piezo? Sounds to me like it's all out of line. Rebuild it would be the answer in any case as the fact that there is some kjind of output would suggest that the pickup is working to an exten,t which rules out most wiring based problems.
  8. There really is no easy way to line a fretless board. Any paint/pen/laquer you could think of will rub straight off. The only way i to do it properly with quarter lines or full lines with wood veneer/maple or other hardwood. You could paint them on and then epoxy the board which is an art in itself. The online fret calculators can tell you where they need to go, Stewmac have one on their webite. Whatever you do, DO NOT try and laquer a fretless board with rattle cans. It doesn't work.
  9. Necks actually do not require any finish theoretically. The natural oils from the hand will seal a well played neck and I would advise never refinishing/oiling even a natural neck as finish can build up and slow it down.
  10. Definately use it in the 'active' input. Are you loud enough? That's the question. Loudness is only relevant in a live situation and if you drive the passive input too hard the amp will break up at lower volume which is useless with a full band anyway, unless you want dirty.
  11. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1352208085' post='1860078'] We've been trying to help him get a few over here. [/quote]Royal mail?
  12. La bollocks. A company who have never responded to my emails.
  13. They get my vote. Someone who is actually doing something good.
  14. It happens when the poles are in contact with the pickups circuit ie; the coil. It shouldn't happen and I would think about new pickups.
  15. All sounds like a load of cobblers to me. Ramps for thumb rest, yes, for slapping???? Fingers get trapped under strings that are too close to the body, not the other way around.
  16. Whats the f***ing point of that then. It's quicker to make em by hand.
  17. I tried building a kit once. I could never get the flashing light on the bonnet to work though, and it kept calling me Michael.
  18. Good stuff. Not my kinda stuff, but obviously the stuff is good. Can anyone add songs to spotify?
  19. By the way, I managed to pick up dadmancat vinyl for 50p a couple of years back so
  20. I'm sure he had the ric when i saw em at mosquito coast in the 90's.
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