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March Composition Challenge


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Its time to get serious , Mr Smalls has been on a roll for some time and has just landed himself a double bagger !

Fine work indeed and worthy congratulations are due, but onwards we go with no time to dawdle :D 

This month we get to delve into @Leonard Smalls holiday photo album. 


"This one's a pic from holiday in Mallorca. I asked for apple juice in a bar in Soller and this is what arrived!"





Simple rules 

✔️ Entries must be <5 minutes and recorded between now and the deadline.

✖️ No illegal samples, copyright infringements or other snide goings-on

✖️ No Bagpipes/panpipes, everyone had the chance last month's last month, so there!

✖️ No voting for your own entry. We'll know. And we'll shame you..


Deadline-wise, we will go for Midnight on the 24th (but probably until tea time 25th) 


A line or two of blurb as usual for the vote thread will be lovely. 


Good luck, Have fun 


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If it helps, the waiter asked us in German what we wanted... I said "Apfelsaft, gespritzed bitte".

Presumably he didn't really speak German very well, or my pronunciation was appalling, so he assumed I wanted an Aperol Spritz...


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  • 2 weeks later...

Look, I've been banging my head against the screen for ages trying to get some music recorded but I've got the start of something that I actually quite like the sound of. I don't know where it's going to go - I'm going to leave it for a while and come back to it and maybe think about some vocals and an arrangement, but this is a sort of starter/demo/


Edited by kwmlondon
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I done one!

Remembering the Babycham ad with a bit of jazzyfunkyrock...


Bass is the trusty Wal with a touch of chorus. Guitars are a strat through various Helix programmes. Horns courtesy of Loopcloud, and drums programmed in EZ Drummer. All rolled in a spot of Neutron 3 and Ozone 9.

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having just booked our summer holiday…


I just tried to get my head in that “first cocktail in the sun”


came out like a pseudo Foos track.


pretty happy with that


Ripper, Yamaha acoustic and my trusty £40 Pacifica…everything else is GarageBand.

Edited by lurksalot
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1 hour ago, lurksalot said:

I tried to learn flamenco for this one , but I have failed miserably , so it’s back to square one 😂


It wouldn't have helped you anyway; we can't see you dancing on Soundcloud. -_-

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1 minute ago, Dad3353 said:


It wouldn't have helped you anyway; we can't see you dancing on Soundcloud. -_-

Shame really, as I’m sure you would have been impressed with the way I can handle my castanets 


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I have now stitched some bits together to present , however, I intend to have a couple of home brews later on , and revisit the thing for some fun.

The standards round here have been far too good for too long , this one should bring the average down a fair bit 😁

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Well, you didn't ask for it , but nevertheless you can have it !


I went with confusion and thus fusion , based on the fact that Lenny's holidays are often in the Alps , Austria or the like , I reckoned with the language problems , he forgot where he was. Thus knocking up a couple of loosely Spanish and German style samples and some stereotypical noises seemed a route to take , apologies.   :D



Tecnical ... well lots of random played pieces stuck together in Reaper, a castanet sample from freesound shoehorned in and a quick flight to the alps to record a traditional sound in the mountains.  




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In like Flynn (with a limp).


The old gang reconvene at the pub one more time to enjoy a few drinks in the sun and reminisce about the days when they had everything going for them and all the time in the world to loon around.


Lo-tech talk: Unbranded Strat, Daphon Wah Wah pedal, Vivlex Delay pedal, Westfield bass, Roland Cube amp, Apogee Mic+ and MT drums. Recorded with Wavepad, Audacity and Ableton.


Fancy some lyrics to go with this Fisher-Price Fun Lovin' Criminals funk? Here they are. Won't mean owt to you lot but all the names included in the song are various drinking acquaintances of mine through the 80s, 90s and 00s, although I'm not sure they were all ever in the same pub at the same time!



Getting back together for the first time in years

With the promise of sunshine and a couple of beers

It's been a long while since we've been in touch

But meeting up again will be such a rush

Life got in the way and the old gang split

It's part of getting older but I've got to admit

I've missed these fellas


Grab some tables out front, set up a tab

Big Tom sorted that out with his gift of the gab

Binksy's telling jokes that we've all heard before

But the guy is just so funny and he tells us some more

Fat Hammer's giggling as he rolls a smoke

His health is not so great now he's had a stroke

We're pretty worried about him


We used to drink all day

Not a care in the world

Having fun, come what may


But all good things come to an end


Here's my man Chris Nucks, Waggy and Grant

There's little Tom there with his hair transplant

Johnny Max is lining up the Apple Sourz

The ones we used to down in the small hours

Clubbing every Saturday, boozing to be done

Football in the morning, in the pub again by one

More stamina than common sense


Matt's on the lager, the beer is downed

“Mine's an IPA” as he buys another round

Dazza's getting chippy just a pint or two in

He's been full of anger ever since his split with Lynn

We talk a load of nonsense as we shoot the breeze

Reminiscing of the days when we did as we pleased

Those summers were long and carefree


We used to drink all day

Not a care in the world

Having fun, come what may


And we'll raise a glass to absent friends


Hanging loose, sipping juice

Hanging loose, sipping hooch

Hanging loose, sipping juice

Hanging loose, sipping hooch



Edited by upside downer
The bird is the word
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23 hours ago, upside downer said:



Fancy some lyrics to go with this Fisher-Price Fun Lovin' Criminals funk? Here they are. Won't mean owt to you lot but all the names included in the song are various drinking acquaintances of mine through the 80s, 90s and 00s, although I'm not sure they were all ever in the same pub at the same time!




that's cool that is , I like it 

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