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Cabronita Precision Bass - a Review

Cat Burrito

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[size=4][font=arial]I've never done a review before but seen a few on here and as I have no affiliation thought I'd give it a go. Be gentle! I must confess I'd be interested in the Cabronita range for a while. There seemed to be a fair bit of interest on Basschat when these were announced and I thought having finally picked one up it might be useful to offer a different perspective from the YouTube videos. It may be w[/font][/size][font=arial]orth mentioning mine was a surprise present from my girlfriend (there is another thread on that if you are really keen) so first I knew about this was when a delivery guy rang my doorbell![/font][font=arial] The main thing with the videos raised at the time was does it sound so fuzzed up in reality. [/font]


[font=arial][size=1][size=4]I'd wanted to opt for the Squire as 1) I'd read it was better value for money (& even superior to the Fender in some respects according to some comments) and 2) I'm just totally blown away with the quality of the Squier range these days. If you want to know how they compare, I don't know - never played a Fender one - so search elsewhere.[/size][/size][/font]


[size=4]Taking the bass out the box it felt fairly light but substantive enough to know it was a quality instrument. The bass was well balanced and incredibly, it was set up to play. [/size][/size][/font][font=arial]The black with white pickguard looks classy and classic.[/font][font=arial] The tuners are solid and sturdy with the neck glossed which is my preference. As I slid my hand up the neck thetop of the tiger stripe felt slightly rough higher up but this is being really picky (& to be fair I tend not to venture up that far anyway!) Feeling the bass now I can't find that first impression so I could be even pickier than I thought. The frets are well finished and the neck is straight. Probably the best set up I've ever had from an online order. My 50s butterscotch Squier was straight in for a set up when I got that - it sorted it out but always nicer when the shop have set it up to play. [/font]

[font=arial][size=1][size=4]I tuned it up and the tuners were good with no slipping. A persona niggle of mine (normally) is the bridge is very modern looking. I seem to be one of the loudest voices on Basschat when it comes to championing the retro finishes but to be fair I can certainly live with it. The Fideltron pickup looks classic for a new feature and the 2 knobs (volume / tone) are flat top finish with nothing cheap about them. The body is cutaway rather than slab which isn't always the case on the tele bass design. It kind of reminds me of the Yamaha Pacifica in some respects but is suitably Fender-ish enough at the same time. At the moment the jack cup (curse of all tele basses & where Leo got it wrong) is actually very sturdy and not a problem. Ask me again in six months though![/size]

[size=4]Putting the bass on it immediately feels comfortable and well balanced. The setup is spanky (er!?!) with no dead notes on my bass. It felt strange playing roundwounds though as I haven't done so for about 10yrs. This bass breaches two of my main preferences - roundwound strings and it is active. Incredibly I love it and I feel challenged. Time to plug it in...[/size]

[size=4]The first thing that got me was it sounded familiar, very bassy but not a million times removed from that classic P bass tone. It wasn't the same as a P-bass but certainly a variation around the same theme. The next thing that got me was the variation on offer from just the tone knob. I've played basses where you roll back the tone and just get a washed out muddiness. Not this bass. Rolled right back it has an almost uprighty tone as would sit in the mix, turned on full there is enough cut through to really make your playing sing. I cranked it through a Vox Pathfinder 10 (can you crank on a practice amp?) and the tone wasn't really breaking up. So I decided to take it to that evening's gig and try it at volume. Once again the bass just delivered and felt like an old friend. I think this one will stay as stock and that includes the strings staying. Enough tone for everyone to find something from vintage to modern and cool enough looks for even the biggest poser (me!) A keeper, much like the girl who bought it ;)[/size]

[url="http://s38.photobucket.com/user/Tim_73/media/NBD_zps4597382d.jpg.html"][/url] [/size][/font]

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Nice review, I have one too and agree with almost everything you have to say about this bass. The Fidelitron pickup is not quite punchy enough for my taste, I tried other strings and am now thinking about putting a TV Jones Thundermag.in it. You say that the bass is active; that is a mistake. I opened the control cavity and there is nothing there but two pots and a capacitor. :)

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[quote name='John Schoen' timestamp='1392750624' post='2372345']
Nice review, I have one too and agree with almost everything you have to say about this bass. The Fidelitron pickup is not quite punchy enough for my taste, I tried other strings and am now thinking about putting a TV Jones Thundermag.in it. You say that the bass is active; that is a mistake. I opened the control cavity and there is nothing there but two pots and a capacitor. :)

Thanks for the clarification John. I (wrongly) assumed the back white control cavity was a battery compartment. Mine is very punchy but then I don't like stuff too punchy (possibly down to the new strings?). Those TV Jones pickups are fantastic though, nice idea for a mod. I'll be staying as stock though.

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Nice review Tim, I`m also championing Squier at present - tho mine is 23 years old as oppose to brand new. Have also had my eyes on these for a while, and think the Squier demo seems to give a bit more of the character of the bass, rather than the amp - whilst I loved the sound on Fenders demo, there must have been a lot of drive on it. I may well look at one of these if work is nice and gives me a bonus this year.

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