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New Planet Waves NS Micro Headstock Tuner


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Ive just noticed these. Im not sure how new they are, i couldn't see a thread on here.



Ive been using the mini version since last year, and have had no issues with it, but this looks even smaller, and apparently more sensitive and accurate.
Ive placed an order with StringsDirect and will hopefully get it before the next gig.

Edited by dave_bass5
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I've been using the Mini version too, for about 18 months. I like it - it works well, takes up no room and you don't need to have your bass plugged in or turned up for it to work. This makes it very easy to silently check your tuning on stage.

This Micro version looks like it takes up even less room, if that's possible! And at twelve quid you can't go wrong, really.
Let us know how you get on with it. :)

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[quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1375115641' post='2156881']
Are these any good with a low B?

You [i]may [/i]have a problem with the Mini version depending on where it's located on your headstock... but if you play the harmonic at the twelfth fret the tuner will pick it up fine. There tends to be a 'sweet spot' on the headstock where it works best.

Looks like the new Micro version is more sensitive, so it can only be an improvement ...I'm guessing. :)

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Unfortunately I don't have a 5 string to test it out. I did use my mini on a 5 string and it seemed to work fine.
I don't tend to suffer from stings going out at gigs, but I do tend to check tuning every now and then.

Ill let you know what the new ones like when it arrives. SD are waiting for them to come in but it should be here before sat.

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Mine arrived today. Its not that much smaller than the "mini", and the screen is more directional, if you view it from off centre its harder to see than the mini.
It is adjustable though so its not an issue.
The screen is smaller but it does show the info in a clear and accurate way.
It does seem to be a bit quicker than the mini, and seem to be more sensitive, so i guess thats good as well.

Edited by dave_bass5
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[quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1375305497' post='2159643']
It's not that much smaller than the "mini"...

I wondered about that. Thanks for the pics. I would mention that I have a 51-type headstock which makes this type of tuner slightly more difficult to locate compared with a 57-type headstock, but it CAN be done. :)

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Ok! Mine has arrived too!

I can see some significant improvements on the previous model! The ratchet that locks the clamp is way easier to release now - and those buttons on the top of the new unit are much clearer and easier to see. It's definitely faster at tracking and although I've only tried it on my guitar so far, it's as smooth and doesn't wander too much like some clip-ons I've tried.

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[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1375537811' post='2162664']
Thanks for that, dood - I think I'll get one. After all, it's not exactly a major outlay, is it? :)

Gone are the days of coughing up lots of money to get an accurate tuner that's for sure! I suspect that I'll end up putting one on each of my basses. They can be left in situ'.

The only thing I do have to figure out for a headstock tuner...... Where to clip it on my headless bass!

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Seems like we all agree its s great, cheap bit of kit.
I've still got my Peterson Stroboclip (£69) but the only time I ever use it is for setting intonation, as the display is a lot more accurate.
Last night I had all 3 clip on tuners, plus my B3 tuner on and all were more or less spot on.

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Very useful pics, Dave, and thanks dood for the comment about the release clip - I've got a mini, and the release is a bit of a pain.

I can't see me using the metronome, but I'm still tempted to get a micro, just because it's so cheap and would be useful to have one in situ on each instrument. Unfortunately, I think that currently means an outlay of about £160 :( Perhaps I need to sell some stuff :)

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