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So it has been a while since I've been on, I suppose life caught up with me leaving me with very little time. So hello old friend, also I love the new layout very clean and nice!


I have a mesa boogie walkabout that I purchased from here (thanks, BB2000) but before this I always wanted an eden as I love the sound of some famous people ya know. Well I'm wonder are they as good as I think they are? Would I be mad for trading the mesa in for a WT550 or WT405? Any opinion is welcome!

Also I see bass direct have a couple in now, what is up with that?


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Subject to you playing one and liking it..I think Eden used to be quality gear

Like oftens happens, small cutting edge company sells out to Large corp and the product line and ethos is overtaken by an accountants vision :)
and therefore not quite the marque it was..but you may be able to say the same about Boogie...and others, of course.

SH, I think it is probably decent bang for buck. People like new things and maybe the lighter-weight thing is a factor.

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Aye, I think that goes for everything I suppose! I might keep a hold of the mesa and try to get a WT405 or 550 in and sell the one I prefer least maybe. However money is always the issue in today's economy! Unless there was someone in Belfast who would let me try it! tehe.

Does Mark (poptart, i thinl) still come to this site? if so would he explain the intake of eden products?

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I've only played through the WT800 but it was a nice rig. The Eq was certainly more versatile than anything I've come across on a Mesa. As JTUK was saying the quality has apparently dropped a little. On pro bassist I know has had his back to a tech a good few times with suspected overheating issues.

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My main gigging amp for a while has been a '91 Eden VT.40 (with Eden 410XLT if backlining or Aguilar GS112 if DI-ing) - these were fitted with Demeter all-valve pre's, which I beleive led to the model being discontinued as too expensive to make. Totally happy with it, and even by modern standards it's pretty compact & lightweight.

Haven't tried the newer models, but you do hear frequently that the quality is not as good as the older models - whereas the Walkabout always seems to be highly praised by owners and reviews. So as suggested above, do try s/h if you can. I think Beedster recently changed from a Walkabout to an Aguilar pre / Mesa power rig - may be worth asking his opinion.

There have been a couple of the Eden Navigator pre-amps FS recently (don't know if this is still available - http://basschat.co.uk/topic/121801-eden-navigator/page__hl__navigator__fromsearch__1 ) - I was extremely tempted to get one and pair with a decent 1u digital power amp for a seriously nice portable rig.

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I have just sold my WT400 head and I reckon I will be regretting it soon - for that Eden sound it is probably the best head they made. The only reason I sold mine is that I have gone the TC Electronics route and the Eden hasn't been used for several years. I was happy just keeping it until I was persuaded to part with her and at least it will be getting used.

I agree that the recent amps do not sound the same and wuality does seem not as good, but then my Eden cost £995 back in 2000!!!!

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I managed to cook an Eden WT550 a while back - not the Eden's fault - and Liz the techie I use was very complementary about the build quality, the circuitry and general layout of everything. She's a very picky about this sort of thing and doesn't hold back criticism on anything that looks inferior in her eyes. It was easy to fix as well.

As far as sound and gigability go... I love it.

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Eden products are regarded as being very high quality. As far as sound goes, see if you can get hold of something, and play it. If you like it then its good :) If not, then don't bother. Ive played high end stuff that to me was totally useless... And budget stuff that for me was some of the best around!

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FWIW, my feeling is that Eden were a serious rival to SWR when they first came out..and both followed the over specced build.
The old SWR's are superbly made inside..and I'd expect the Eden to be the same. When that company philosophy changed I am not sure..for SWR, it was pre Fender.

My 1990 SM amp has not missed a beat apart being knocked off stage under power..which is why I know it is well made as the tech confirmed it under repair. It runs unbelieveably hot and was indeed designed to ...so I would put more store in the early editions, myself.

Once both companies decided to run budget lines, that was the end of the company ethos, IMO.

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as you can see from my gear list ,i too love the eden sound .................................. FWIW all my examples are older USA build ........ as i understand some of the newer(far east ) builds are not quite so robust....................................i hardly touch the eq section and there`s an instant usable quality sound yet still have loads of options available should i need them,and the cabs are lovely...........

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Love them. I have a USA built WT550 which was built around the time of the US Music takeover so hopefully hasn't been a victim of the cost cutting etc. It certainly seems well built and sounds bloddy great.

jhk's rig sounded sweeeeet on Saturday at the Bash :)

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Have a wtx500.

It does its job of being light and loud, so suits me. I went with it from markbass.
Even though I think wtx series is supposedly cheaper side.

Despite the gimmicky features I prefer its clean hi fi sound over the MB stuff.

However I use the vt pedal nearly always on but still it articulates the sound rather well.

Negativism would be I find it lacking in wattage compared to other "500" watt heads.

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