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My outlook on amps has just been thrown in the bin!!


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I have just had my first rehearsal with my Tech 21 Sansamp Para Driver DI and as i had to travel a bit to get there i borrowed a friends old Peavey 2x10 combo with a 15" Laney cab as extension which was in the rehearsal room.

I havent used a solid state amp in years as i fell in love with valves and never looked back but after setting the sansamp to the SVT settings i could have well been fooled that i had my trusty V4 and Ampeg cab behind me. It just sounded incredible and it has really made me think - Do i actually need all this big heavy valve gear when i just got the sound i love from a little box!!

Obviously i would need an amp and cab etc but my view that you NEED valves to get a grindy rock sound has been rather altered and i dont really know what to do about it.

I mean, its great showing up for the big rock show with all the cabs in the world and the backline looking massive, thats part of rock n roll but then i think - i gotta carry this sh*t everywhere and i hate doing that!

I guess i will only know when i plug it into the V4 next and if it wipes the floor with what i used tonight then i know i will have to keep it but if it aint no different, i could end up in a whole world of mess and......... might even sell the Holy Grail that is the V type V4!

I'm rambling now and need to go to bed, just needed to vent!


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Sansamps are great they do a really good job of a tube sound. I use one a lot of the time these days, as stage monitoring is so good these days. I used a tech 21 Landmark while I was working in the states it's basically sansamp and a very high quality power amp in a small head unit. I have never seen one in Europe but they are fantastic amps. I wish I had stolen it now haha! Their cabs are good too. If you ever want to sell you V4 I will buy
it for the studio, a great amp, heavy though!

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Yeah I'm loving the Sansamp right now. I will have to try my rig properly with it as I got the feeling it's gonna sound incredible all together and that will force me to lug the bloody stuff around! Haha.
Thinking of selling the V4 makes me cringe a little inside so we shall see.

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I've always used pedals to get the sound(s) I want out of mediocre amps. You might tell the difference between your valve rig and a pedal when you're playing alone, but int he context of a band with distorted guitars - who's going to hear those nuances?

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[quote name='cheddatom' post='1309000' date='Jul 19 2011, 12:26 PM']I've always used pedals to get the sound(s) I want out of mediocre amps. You might tell the difference between your valve rig and a pedal when you're playing alone, but int he context of a band with distorted guitars - who's going to hear those nuances?[/quote]

As I recently discovered not many people could hear much of my bass, once guitar and drums kicked in, when I used a BDDI. The sound guy who owns the rehearsal room we use was amazed by the sound of my VT2 compared to the Sansamp.

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[quote name='bartelby' post='1309313' date='Jul 19 2011, 04:17 PM']As I recently discovered not many people could hear much of my bass, once guitar and drums kicked in, when I used a BDDI. The sound guy who owns the rehearsal room we use was amazed by the sound of my VT2 compared to the Sansamp.[/quote]

I was a little worried about this with the BDDI as the sound of th sansamp is very scooped to start with so I bought the PDDI which has the semi parametric mid range. No chance of that being missed in the mix, the thing is as clear as a bell.

Totally agree with you cheddatom, once the band have kicked in, you could be playing through anything!

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Personally there is a difference between what a tiny box can do and a valve amp. At one point I was running a Orange HTC120 into two 4x12, but very overkill, however I soon learned that the difference becomes rather lost in a mix.

The para driver is 100% better pedal than the bass driver aswell. I miss mine from time to time. It's a shame they no longer produce them.

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Hey Tom, are you Tom from no logo? If you are then I have spoke to you a good few times at the old Stoke rock scene gigs n stuff. I used to be in Long Time Dead if that rings any bells. If you ain't then ignore me! Lol.

PRIME - totally agree with you about there being a difference between the two when Playing without the band and from what I experienced the other night at rehearsal with using the SS amp with the pedal, the difference is not noticeable at all!

I think I have solved my problem as well. I think I am just going to have to buy an Ampeg PF500 with the 2 matching cabs to use for rehearsals and small gigs and keep the big stuff for bigger shows and recording as I can't bring myself to sell any of it :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well i have seemed to have solved my problem. I have put my Ampeg HLF up for sale as i have acquired a Trace Elliot V Type 4808 Combo and am going to be getting hold of the 1153 compact 15" cab to go with it.

With this set up i can run the V4 with both or either of the speaker cabs, or use the V Type combo on its own or with the 15" cab depending on what i need and when.

This is perfect for me as i now have a rig with 5 different ways of using it and is nice n small enough to fit in my boot! It aint lightweight as the combo comes in at a nice 42Kg and for something the size of a shoebox is just crazy! But it sounds INCREDIBLE!!!

Cant wait to get it all together. Its gonna be fun.

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If you like the SVT tone, try the Tech 21 Sansamp Svt Bass pedal. I have an old handmade solid state amp by VAJ Electronics. These guys do the servicing for HH Amps. The head i have is a 300 watt head and i run dutch made cabs branded Koch. I have a 2x12 and a 1x15. The pedal transforms it into a Ampeg and blindfolded, you'd swear it was an 8x10 behind you.

The downside to my rig is that bug bearing weight of the cabs.

I did try an Orange Terror Bass 1000 and one of the Isobaric 4x10's.......that was very nice.

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