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Everything posted by jhk

  1. [quote name='E sharp' timestamp='1325746003' post='1486905'] I don't know what your budget is , but I've yet to hear a 210 combo of any other brand , out perform the Eden Metro 210 . 2nd hand price - shop around , and it is bloody heavy . [/quote] [size=5][i]+1[/i][/size]
  2. jhk


    niks trb5 is a lot of bass for a very good price........ i`ve seen and heard and played it .........well worth the money.........!!!
  3. they are really good basses ....... hopefully it might be possible to salvage it!! good luck
  4. much appreciated ......................................
  5. [quote name='AttitudeCastle' timestamp='1324501756' post='1475094'] Not in the video here in the OP It's a Mattisson, a swedish company. [url="http://mattissonbass.se/"]http://mattissonbass.se/[/url] thanks for that....... [/quote]
  6. about a 2 weeks ago i`m sure there was a 4 string alembic orion in a similar style store called ` cash generator` in station road, portslade near brighton priced at £1400
  7. what is the bass he`s playing in the above vid?
  8. probably a silly idea but............................ try regular speaker out(eg not bridging it) for each side ,in a solo mode and see if maybe you can narrow that element out of it. to see if both amp channels work independantly one at a time................. I`ve never felt comfortable bridging amps........ but that`s just me!!!!! hope this helps good luck
  9. a very playable bass for not a great deal of money....................i leave mine at work for practise before i start work in mornings ....... but would also be very happy to gig with it!!
  10. what an incredible looking bass...........................................!
  11. [quote name='chardbass' timestamp='1318781270' post='1406118'] TBH and in your defence the cracking vol pot is a common, but minuscule, problem with these heads. +1 for a great amp. [/quote] +1 even chris at bass centre says its common with these,mine do the same but once set ,in no way affect operation of amp
  12. if you go to this link you can see pics from my gumtree ad...................... [url="http://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/flight-case-for-bass-guitar/89736693"]http://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/flight-case-for-bass-guitar/89736693[/url]
  13. USA made,1999,in good working condition, given the once over by `chris` at bass centre................................ No post,courier etc........................just, maybe, deliver for `nailed on ` cash buyer............... between brighton and SW London............or bigger `maybe` would be home counties............herts/bucks/oxon/hants/berks etc
  14. just tried to upload pics in other gear for sale section ........ same as previous members........ both methods still not allowing straight forward pic loading...... thanks in anticipation........ i know you guys are beavering away back there!!!!!!!
  15. cannot seem to upload standard j peg pics   .........................................anyone have any ideas? have tried both methods on offer at bottom of post page ....................................(tells me upload error 413) whats that? if interested i can e mail to you direct.....I think!...........................(still cannot upload pics to thread!!!)
  16. very sturdy flight case for bass guitar ,no key unfortunately,but catches and hinges work fine.............. thats my TRB6P in it to give you idea of size,although my sr5,and trb 5 have travelled in it with no sliding about inside...........the white bits in pic is gaffa residue..................... note..................... cat and bass not included........ could possibly deliver to nailed on cash buyer........(thats in between brighton and london and home counties etc) £40 go to this link for pics as i cannot get them up using the uploader tool on reply box............................. [url="http://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/flight-case-for-bass-guitar/89964840"]http://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/flight-case-for-bass-guitar/89964840[/url]
  17. thanks to everybody`s hard work in organising a fine bass bash.These are such friendly,informative events and are worth coming to even if it involves a bit of travel (for me about 55 miles).you get to see an astounding array of basses and gear,get to meet some great players and i think everyone who came along went away with more knowledge than they arrived with ( I know I did!)......................thanks from myself to Jake,blimey !!what a great ,solid pro..................................... also a nice cross section of young and old,beginners and experienced...................... and people prepared to spend time with any one who asked.......................great to meet young and talented player Leetav.............pleasure in spending time with you ........ Look forward to the next one and congratulations again to organisers and supporters!!!!!
  18. jhk


    as you can see from my gear list ,i too love the eden sound .................................. FWIW all my examples are older USA build ........ as i understand some of the newer(far east ) builds are not quite so robust....................................i hardly touch the eq section and there`s an instant usable quality sound yet still have loads of options available should i need them,and the cabs are lovely...........
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  20. loads of stunning bass for very reasonable money ...................................
  21. when i was cab driver in london during 80`s,i took craig charles (dwarf,corry) a few times and remember him telling me excitedly about his fender jazz bass .........................
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