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Everything posted by EBS_freak

  1. 745s are probably the closest to getting that sensible(ish) priced one box per side solution. Remember though, ye cannae change the laws of physics. Dont get too dependent on a drive rack and flattening the response. The room changes when people are in it... and if you are trying to flatten whilst people in the room, you'll soon start peeing people off!
  2. Orchid Micro DI. If wireless, straight out of the DI output from my ULXD. All tone shaping at the desk - digital split onto two channels, one for FoH, one for IEM mixes.
  3. I wasn't going to say it... because it's all I seem to bleat on about these days. But yeah, utter dog if you have anything else digital in your chain. Probably on the verge of OK if you are just looking for something at home with nothing else in your chain. But I'd be worried what sort of latency is doing to my internal metronome.
  4. Take a trip down Halfords and get some Meguiars ultimate compound. Either elbow grease or buffing wheel will get you there.
  5. Hipshot are amazing. I send an email questioning saddle and string length for intonation... and totally unprompted, through the post I got so many spares and bits and bobs so I could work out exactly what I needed. Spectacular!
  6. Blue LEDs are the most energy intensive and the PIC microprocessors that are used in the STL system aren't the most energy efficient. (And 9v battery format is totally rubbish for capacity).
  7. @Mike Brooks- https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0BCWQB8TC/ref=sspa_dk_detail_4?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B0BCWQB8TC&pd_rd_w=zoe1j&content-id=amzn1.sym.15c0cc83-c6c5-4d44-aa3d-0de17a9f3682&pf_rd_p=15c0cc83-c6c5-4d44-aa3d-0de17a9f3682&pf_rd_r=RSBNSK0AWMD30PG9C3NM&pd_rd_wg=cwaX8&pd_rd_r=feb590b4-a352-481e-8267-fa7f7d9f05d3&s=electronics&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9kZXRhaWw Procell 550mAh. The above 1300mAh. Gives you some more LED juice.
  8. Uh oh - these reviews made for interesting reading - J***S Amazing idea and format, if it only it sounded good. Yes its too good to be true, this compact portable nicely packed piece of tech sounded awful. What do i mean by that? There is a grainy/staticy/distortion sound that blankets all of the audio that it transmits. Especially with tones that are of higher graininess already like distorted guitars, or metal music. Tried my kemper profiler, live mixer phones output, cell phone headphone out, all of them plagued by the same problem with this unit. This is not for critical listening expieriences, the sound quality itself i would say is on the budgetary side, if you just want low latency audio despite being pretty low quality sound this is for you. Yes the latency was very low, almost imperceptible, unless of course you are using a digital mixer with 1-3ms latency, kemper profiler with 5.5ms latency, and this unit with 5.5ms latency added. Then you notice a slight difference. But hope this helps. Show less L***E Great idea but a total fail! First off I was totally excited to use this product, but buyers beware you will be totally disappointed that you wasted $200 on this item. When I plugged this unit into my Focusrite interface and got a constant fuzzy static and distortion sound while playing guitar. I tried different audio sources with all displaying the same results. I would not recommend this product to anyone and I will be returning this product. Show less F***C Avoid this There is distortion and static in the high frequencies that I could not get rid of. I tried multiple headphones and it never would go away. I emailed support several days ago and have not gotten a response. This is the last NUX product I will purchase. B***R Garbage!! Complete loss of low end. Returned after one use. Do not recommend (from https://www.desertcart.co.uk/products/502867751-nux-b-7psm-5-8-ghz-wireless-in-ear-monitoring-system-charging-case-included-stereo-audio-transmitting?gclid=Cj0KCQjw2v-gBhC1ARIsAOQdKY1v6dK26QUr00TArm1UtwhaUT81yiZQVjkcVutNbUJsZ0T_qREUpGIaAl1TEALw_wcB) This line in the description rang alarm bells with me - Stereo audio for live shows and band rehearsals. Not recommended for quiet, solo practice.. - is this because of the distortion/static that people have referenced in these reviews I wonder?
  9. I been watching a few reviews of these. There's only a couple of things I dont like - the 5.5ms latency (depending upon your signal chain, this could be OK... or not) - and making up a cable dual XLR to jack socket cable as it is a bit of a niche use cable! (I'd probably use a coupler adapter so I'm onto more normal cables)
  10. You could do a kill switch from the volume pot... or you could do two kill switches, one from each pickup - it could make for a weird intermittent tonal thing - and a total kill with both pressed... Dunno.
  11. Just had a quick look at the manual for it. There is no focus mode on this. So yeah, the stereo and mono switch sums the L and R to mono. So if you are plugged into R, it should still sum so it comes out of both ears at the receiver. The receiver is pretty low on features in that it's channel select and volume.... but that's all you need really!
  12. If you did that and put the XLR into the R, you would have to run the pack in focus mode and select 100% R.
  13. Theres normally a setting on the receiver that sets it to mono or stereo. What this is doing, is take the L channel and put it on the right also. On some units, theres a focus mode, where you have two feeds in (via L and R) and you hear them both in mono - but you can blend the mix of the source coming in. (so you could your bass on L and the band mix on R... and then you could say put your bass as 60 % and the band at 40%. (the mix would be mono and being delivered to both your left and right ear)
  14. Two additions to the front - Series/Parallel switch and a kill switch button.
  15. Obviously, measure for the correct size... https://www.accu.co.uk/lightweight-round-ribbed-inserts/582828-HRLRI-10-11-5-PE?uk_google_shopping=1&c=3&gclid=CjwKCAjwiOCgBhAgEiwAjv5whPvJcaHkK7mVHcScNti4yPHJl4h27jbf9VdHvn7p9IZUiPB5UK1Y8hoCZ-IQAvD_BwE Or, dowels, sand flat and apply appropriate Goonies sticker.
  16. Hi @Mike Brooks- just checking out your affiliate links. Be wary when you cut and copy it can truncate and just leave you with some ...s on the end that leaves you with broken links.
  17. Suspect that you are clipping on summing. Roll back your aux sends on each channel by the same amount.
  18. Eh? I think I understand what you are saying. One to one, not one to many.
  19. Yes - it's radio. But payload is used to transmit digital packets, so when you connect, it could be a case that it negotiates a one to one connection. Certainly you can't do multiple connections with ULXD (granted thats not IEM though (wireless mic system)). That also offers a encrypted/non encrypted connection... however, I believe the peering is negotiated to lock in a pairing.
  20. I'd wager you'll be OK. When you are gigging - and certainly when everybody is playing, you probably wont notice it. And you'd still probably take it as it will still be more clear and have all the IEM advantages over using a traditional monitor.
  21. Yeah - it's a pairing. As such, I *dont* think that you can have multiple receivers receiving the same mix from one transmitter (but dont quote me on this). Also means you cant do the two seperate mixes by using Focus mode either.
  22. Thats the quality of the gate and compander in play. If it's any consolation, the chances of you hearing this when playing in a band context is low. Its worse because you are listening close. I know theres a fair few BCers who are happy with the LD in a live context. (Granted they may not of heard any alternatives) If you want to improve this from an analogue system, you'll need to dig deep into your pockets - even the Sennheiser has a bit of residual hiss, the Shure is the best - but you pay through the nose for it. Otherwise, I reckon the 5.8 Ghz digital system is the way - that should get rid of the compander... and should be clear as a whistle. Granted, again more money than the LD setup. The 2.4 Xvive is probably your next best bet - but that will be mono. I know you don't want to hear it - but I don't tend to recommend much from the analogue world - Shure EW300 G2+ and Shure 900+ (or 300 with the pro pack) being my go to.
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