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Everything posted by horrorshowbass

  1. Thanks again guys, btw bassman, the behringer is an excellent wee pedal, for 27 quid you should snap it up. Not far off a Sansamp in a plastic box(who throws their pedals around anyways:)) back on darkglass, i guess what drew me to the b3k was the driving, agressive feel of the pedal(i love Justin chancellors sound). I play in a three piece classic rock band and if i could get agressive with useable tones, i might go for the vintage. Yes its probably overhyped and my pork loin/hardwire cm2 would do the job but my curiosity is too much!
  2. Hmm intriguing!! thanks for advice guys. Ive owned a VT bass but couldn't get on with it(i know probably the only bassist ever to say that:)) ill play the waiting game then, if i can hold on:) thanks Michael
  3. Thanks for samples Ant, in abroad at moment so internets playing up but ill give them a listen. Cheers
  4. Thanks guys, great info! Ant, thanks for the offer man but I'm in Ireland yeah i was very tempted by the vintage after hearing soundclips(especially the Tom Sawyer one:)) i like that Geddy/slightly overdriven tone. Only worry is Vintage will be too dark for me(found this with my Pork Loin although not selling it, ill find the sound for me eventually;)) The B7K is crazy money, not spending over £200 for a pedal!
  5. Hi guys, i know these pedals have been discussed before to death but in going to buy one of them soon and want to make an informed decision. Any adjectives would be great, i understand the B3K is more aggressive, metallic and bright than the darker, less gritty Vintage but any further information would be great. I'm leaning towards the B3K for the grunt setting especially. Thanks in advance, Mick
  6. Yes Danny lad! in currently gassing for the darkglass stuff and the vintage microtubes stuff sounds great for tubey goodness. I had the Dave Hall and VT pedals but found them too subtle for my tastes. But hey, what do i know, some people swear by the VT bass. Btw, well done(i suppose) on winning the league today, Chelsea ain't catching up now Mick
  7. Hi guys, just thought id hijack the thread;) recently got a gk 400rb head and lookin light, quite powerful cab for it. in pretty sure i want to get a GK neo 112 but just worried if itll be loud enough? I play classic rock in a three piece and 99% of the time in local pubs. I plan to use DI on the head to go through PA anyways, would 112 be ok as monitor for me? thanks Michael
  8. Thread resurrection:) just bought a 400rb iv head off eBay for £200. ill be getting cab in new year. thanks for advice guys Mick
  9. Great overdrive, sounds very similar to Animato at fraction of price. GLWTS
  10. What's the wattage on this mate? never seen a mark i in the flesh, a rare beast these days. Any big differences in this and the mark ii? Ive looked online but cant find anything.
  11. Yeah think so, its the 700rb/115. still no idea what to go for tho:)
  12. Hi guys, quick update: still looking(indecisive i know) also considering the backline 600 head, anyone have experience with this head and how it compares to the rb series? Can it attain similar sounds i.e. Growl:) thanks Michael
  13. Thanks guys Aende, thanks for the offer man but tink in gonna go down the combo route. cheers guys Mick
  14. thanks for all the great info guys im also looking at the 700rb/115 combo as theres a fella selling that locally. Think itll be loud enough with a single 15" and can always buy a 410 in the future this amp buying business is becoming an epic search
  15. Thanks guys, great info. Kirky thanks for the offer man but in in Ireland;) I'm leaning towards the mb combos, budget bit tighter than i thought. Would a GK MB112 be enough for a three piece classic rock band, small to medium pub gigs? I usually go through PA anyways(drummer is the soundman)so if amp had quality DI id be all over it. thanks Michael
  16. Cheers sifi2112 (rush fan?) yeah keep seein old 80s 400rb and 800rb heads on eBay. Been tempted cud i wouldn't need that much power really. Thinkin i want more bigger size too so prob gona go for a 210\410 with a backline head. Do u think the 700rb has to be pushed at too loud a volume to get growly then? cheers mick
  17. Loz, thanks mate appreciate it, gonna mull it over. cheers Mick
  18. can these babies "growl" without the boost switch like on the other models? Im looking into GK heads at the moment and wanna go for one with the "GK sound" i.e. a bit of grit and growl when required. I play in a three piece classic rock band so would like the option. Good luck with the sale, Michael
  19. Hi lads and lassies, ill try and not make this an essay. I need some expert advice on what route to go with GK gear, im looking to step up from my meh Behringer combo. For ages i was sure i wanted a RB head/cab or combo, mostly for the GK sound(more specifically "growl") but after reading reviews of the MB series, I believe this sound can be acheived with the MB500 and combo range. Im currently torn between a 700rb/neo 410 or a MB212 combo. Weighing up the power of the RB series and portability of MB is proving tough, especially if the MB can get similar sounds. I play mostly classic rock with my covers band but also enjoy playing along to more modern stuff at home (Muse,RHCP,Tool). Price wise, its pretty much the same so thats not really an issue. On a similar note, could I get away with the MB112 combo in a rock band situation? (3 piece). Ive been using a 12" 125 watt Behringer but been pushing it harder than it wants to go. I know the GK MB112 is a world apart and rated at 200 watts so leaning towards this. What do you think?. Sorry, it was an essay Michael
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