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Everything posted by Pow_22

  1. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  2. Great amps! I have the B50R and it sounds more 'old school valvey' that my actual 'old school valvey' SB12!
  3. Came on an old jazz bass i bought but im more of a BBOT man and need to fund some nice pups for said jazz. Price includes UK p&p. I dont have any fitting screws im afraid
  4. Got an old Badass II bridge on a knakcered jazz i bought.  Whats the going rate for these nowadays?  Im more of a BBOT man

    1. Lozz196


      Roughly around £60 - £80 

  5. Two brand new unopened sets of these up for grabs. £20 a set posted in UK or £35 for both?
  6. Yes, both sets of hardware will be included in the sale. They are both drop in exact replacements with no extra holes or anything
  7. It's a Spector Euro4 LX Limited Edition (Full maple wings and chrome hardware) obviously ive put the gold hardware on. Im still clearing old ads to free up space for more pics so will improve the original ad asap
  8. Funnily enough i did have some NPS Blue Steels on here as thats what Leigh Foxx uses and it was a lovely tone. Its the old case of “its not her, its me” 🤣. Im still very much umming and ahhing so may well pull after ive slept on it. Massively struggling to get pics up tho, keeps saying i cant upload so much MB?
  9. For some reason i cant add photos....will keep trying edit. Saying ive reached my upload limit. Will need to do some Housekeeping i think
  10. May massively regret this as its the most expensive and stunning to look at bass ive had. However, everytime i buy something that isnt a basic Jazz or P bass i end up battling with it 😔. So, i believe its a 2018 but happy to be corrected. I swapped the chrome hardware for gold but originals can be included in the sale (gold looks miles better on these). Bought it on a bit of a whim watching the most recent Blondie line up where Leigh Fox sometimes totes one of these along side his NS2 and gets the most ballsiest tone. Alas, ive seen a nice simple jazz that’s probably more me but if i pull this ad at any point im sure people would understand. Not really sure what more to add....its got EMG PJ pups, adjustable Tonepump preamp, is currently wearing GHS pressurewounds and sounds like a nuclear bomb going off. Ive wound the tonepump back to just under 50% and its still a hot donkey beach 😀. Collection from Bolton or could meet within reasonable distance.
  11. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  12. Years ago i briefly owned a Warwick Tubepath 5.1 and it did that ‘tube amp’ spongey sag thing superbly, it reminded me so much of the Mesa BB750 that i loved. I see a lot of the old Warwicks used the same idea of using a valve pre-amp section but then putting a EL84 between that and a mosfet power stage. My local junky type shop often gives me a call when something bassy comes in and it turns out they have a Warwick Quad VI in that ill go and check out. My question to any Quad users is are these amps similar tonally to the tubepath in that they do that bouncy slight breakup thing or are we talking a much cleaner amp with the Quad VI? Ill be running it with a hot bass (Spector Euro) so im guessing with the right settings i could push the pre into breakup but its more the sag/bounce/spongey valves sound im after rather than just grit
  13. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  14. Not ebay so please delete if not allowed but bargain ashdown combo at Crack Generators up in that Scotland. Id be all over this like a cheap suit if this was local, alas they wont post. IMHO the spyder series were some of Ashdown’s very best work https://cashgenerator.co.uk/products/ashdown-220-amp?_pos=1&_sid=a6dbbb18b&_ss=r
  15. Reduced on ebay so will follow suit here. £850 collected
  16. Unused still in bag GHS Pressurewounds. Lovely strings and were my favourite for a while on my new 'non flats' journey. Finally settled on nickel rounds tho. £30 posted to your UK front door
  17. After being a long time Elites Flatwound/P Bass guy lockdown did funny things to me i ended up going in a completely other direction with the purchase of a Spector Euro LX4. Ive quickly discovered this beast loves nickel wounds and the pre amp can give them an almost flat-esque thump/pump while retaining clarity and growl. As a cheap first set i got a set of 106/48 Dean Markley Nickelsteel off that ebay for not much £ and have been very impressed. I like a bit of tension to my string and these certainly have that. Delving more into the Markley range i can see the also offer their Blue Steels in an NPS version and was curious how these compare to their 'standard' nickel steel at almost a 75% price difference? Any Markley users have experience with their range of Nickels care to chip in?
  18. Pow_22


    Mine has been used loads in lockdown with remote recording and has been a godsend. Like you say, it just adds a little ‘something’ extra - thicker and more musical to my ears
  19. Tell me about it, was advertised in a few places to be fair. Still pending usual but uber quick that!
  20. Here we have an original Ampeg B50r combo. Its a 1x12 50w combo in the style of the old fliptops withs its grey/blue diamond tolex covering and silver grill cloth. Very loud for its 50w rating and very vintage/valvey sounding. Does have a 1/4 jack line out for bigger venues. Grill cloth has aged over the years but i think it looks better for it. As with 99% of these older Rocket Bass combos the power light doesnt work (google it - its a standard issue) but other than that it works perfectly. collection from Bolton or could meet within reasonable distance. pics to follow
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