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Everything posted by Golchen

  1. [quote name='BlueBear' post='59469' date='Sep 12 2007, 07:30 PM']Astounded at 4 votes for vocalists. It's a doddle to find a singer.[/quote] I have a guitarist pal up in Salford - after 2 years of trying to find a singer they eventually gave up and disbanded.
  2. [quote name='woolleydick' post='52387' date='Aug 29 2007, 03:40 PM']....were supported by Tony Hatch's (wrote the themes for Crossroads, prisoner cell block h, neighbours) son Darren, and Lee Jenkinson son of Philip who used to present Film 76 with Barry Norman, whose daughters did a one off gig as backing vocalists with a band I was sound engineer for in Belgium[/quote] Funniest claim to fame ever! Son of Tony Hatch was good, but the daughters of the son of the man who did a film programme with Barry Norman in 1976 - performing as backing singers - Priceless!
  3. I don't think that a bad is duty bound to deliver their greatest hits every time they hit the stage. I DO think that bands should take gigs serionusly though, and treat the fans right. RHCP are OK but I'd rather see the Eagles!
  4. [quote name='Wil' post='51130' date='Aug 27 2007, 01:34 AM']Sex shouldnt come into it, to be honest. You either like her playing or you don't, simple as.[/quote] I disagree. Much of the industry is about image, and everyone projects an image whether they like it or not. Even having 'no discernable image' is an image. Play for someone like Beck, who has a predominately male audience, and people will notice that you are a girl. If you are a 'good looking girl' (whatever that may mean!) then you will also have that baggage to deal with.
  5. I use a macbook pro and Garageband for recording. Ridiculously easy to use! Drumbeats straight to hand for practice as well. When I 'play along' to iTunes stuff, I just plug into the laptop input with a cheap 'Monster' cable which only cost about £10. Processing: I got Guitar rig 2 recently, so whatever instrument I choose to play, it goes through that for processing now. With my laptop and a bunch of instruments I'm happy as larry for hours!
  6. A wise decision, I think that you would regret parting with it sometime in the future. Thanx for the pix though, I shall keep them for if I ever order a Status!
  7. That's fair enough I suppose. I can't see what's wrong with cash in hand and buying another bass though?
  8. Drooool ......................... That Bass is a beaut! If it were headless I would have to have it!!!! I don't have the spare cash right now, but out of interest how much would it take for you to part with it? (a feeler for your feeler!)
  9. [quote name='Johngh' post='46104' date='Aug 15 2007, 10:53 PM']........................... enjoy laying down a grove.[/quote] So you're into lanscape gardening?
  10. I'm of the opinion that if you HAVE to have something, then get it. Therefore I have 13 stringed instruments, two keyboards, 3 amps and a couple of dismantled guitars. Having said that, I realise that the house is at saturation point now! The wife isn't a fan of any of them, but she collects kids and I've given her 4 so far so it's a trade-off! Next GAS attack I think we will need an extra bedroom! Having said that, I never spend 'general money' on stuff. If I work overtime, half goes to the house fund and half to my GAS fund, so I think I'm being pretty generous there.
  11. Hmmmnnn ........ I don't gig and I'm teetotal ................... Dills leaves quietly by the back door.
  12. Dillsfretless - real name Dillsfretless White (parents can be so cruel) Multi-instrumentalist, but not really very good at any of them. Got some decent kit over the years but it's pretty wasted on me! Wannabee bass player. Member of GAS anonymous. I Lurkest here to try and glean the dark secret of ye low register instrumente, for with that cometh ultimate power and I shall RULE THE WORLD!!!!!!!! MWOAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH ............................. Failing that I'll just stick with the day job.
  13. This isn't a guitarist problem, it's an asshole problem. They come in all shapes and sizes and play all manner of instruments. In a great band everyone has equal value.
  14. Dood, you should get a medal for the way you have kept this thread alive! Has anyone since the dawn of time ever bumped their own for sale thread so much? I think not!
  15. [quote name='lwtait' post='38855' date='Jul 30 2007, 11:26 AM']never played one but they are fugly[/quote] My thoughts exactly. However, the fact that Myung and Dave laRue use them ......................
  16. Thanks for the responses - funnilly enough, I went cash in hand to the bass gallery to get a Gary Willis fretless, but they had sold it the day before!
  17. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='31675' date='Jul 14 2007, 09:40 AM']Most people are left or right handed. I guess the acid test is which hand do you masturbate with?[/quote] I prefer a threesome so I use both hands.
  18. I want to get a decent 5 string fretless bass, preferably lined. Any suggestions? I wanted to give fretless a go, so I got a cheap Harley Benton a while ago. I love the fretless sound, but I do not love the HB! Being a bit long in the tooth, I have accumulated a reasonable hoard of instruments over the years, and all my best ones are what I refer to as a 'decent bit of kit'. So really I'm looking for a fretless decent bit of kit, new or second hand, for less than £1000. Anyone got any suggestions? There doesn't seem to be that many good 5 string fretless basses that turn up on eBay?!?
  19. I've always thought of them as really ugly, shape-wise. Having said that, I just LOVE the sound of the bass on Stu Hamms first solo album - beeeutiful!
  20. That bass is an absolute beauty I would be so unworthy of such an awesome specimen (eg people would think I could actually play if they saw it!) Aside from the fact that the GAS fund is underperforming recently (my work won't pay me for 50 hours of overtime!) I'm not sure what I'd do with the sixth string. Great bass though, hope you get a buyer.
  21. I loved that record so I bought the album ................... didn't like anything else on it!
  22. That was indeed very tasty. Big fan of both. I saw Jack Bruce some years ago with BBM, but unfortunately never got to see Rory.
  23. Machinehead music in Hitchin is a good shop. They have a couple of small rooms with just basses. Their website is pretty useful - www.machinehead.co.uk Good staff as well.
  24. I live about 5 miles away, and I only found out about it the morning after. AAAARRRRGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!! Life can be so cruel ................
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