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Everything posted by mep

  1. Do anything you want to do. Eddie and the hotrods
  2. Keeping it on topic, another option is the Flare Audio ones are quite comfortable but I didn't get on with them as they cut the guitar too much for me compared to my custom moulded ones with elachin filters.
  3. Just had 2 rehearsals in a row. Ran through a set each time. Only a few songs had to be played more than once and we were pleasantly surprised how we got back into it after 15 months. Looking forward to our 1st gigs on Saturday which will have restrictions in place.
  4. Lucy in the sky with diamonds. The Beatles
  5. (Roth not Travis 😂 above) Another day in paradise. Phil collins
  6. Our pub gig on 26th is still on but with restrictions inside.
  7. Mansons are great. Haven't been there for sometime though.
  8. Shouldn't this thread be renamed with Autumn instead of Spring! We have 2 gigs booked before 19th July which are probably going to get cancelled.
  9. I've got a Marcus Miller Jazz on long term load from a friend which I'm keen to play. Really love this bass.
  10. Mrs Mep and myself have started watching it and really like it.
  11. Same here. Our local pub wanted our band to be the first one back, so we shall see.
  12. I've got a TC sub n up and occasionally us the octave up feature behind solos to help fill the sound.
  13. Australia - Manic Street Preachers
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