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mike 110

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Everything posted by mike 110

  1. Great looking , funky Jazz Bass . Bought already reliced from BC member The Davisch ( a damn fine job Sir ) I've added the new chrome knobs and the block inlays that are actually stickers ( from jocomo on ebay , easily removable if they're not for you ) and a new wiring loom courtesy of our very own kiogon . The tone cap is an 0.1, so bassy and warm , my own preference as I was intending to keep this , but as I need to raise funds for a new cab I need to let it go . The neck is a Precision profile and very easy to play . It also has a battery compartment if you want to convert to active . Postage would be extra and I'd prefer to post the bass with the neck removed . Cheers Mike [url="http://s1055.photobucket.com/user/Mazz110/media/DSCN2162_zps554da9ad.jpg.html"]http://s1055.photobu...4da9ad.jpg.html[/url] [url="http://s1055.photobucket.com/user/Mazz110/media/DSCN2155_zps93ab29d5.jpg.html"]http://s1055.photobu...ab29d5.jpg.html[/url] [url="http://s1055.photobucket.com/user/Mazz110/media/DSCN2156_zps3dcd4cc1.jpg.html"]http://s1055.photobu...cd4cc1.jpg.html[/url] [url="http://s1055.photobucket.com/user/Mazz110/media/DSCN2157_zps36e0b5ca.jpg.html"]http://s1055.photobu...e0b5ca.jpg.html[/url] [url="http://s1055.photobucket.com/user/Mazz110/media/DSCN2159_zps47606e36.jpg.html"]http://s1055.photobu...606e36.jpg.html[/url] [url="http://s1055.photobucket.com/user/Mazz110/media/DSCN2160_zps90d188ed.jpg.html"]http://s1055.photobu...d188ed.jpg.html[/url] [url="http://s1055.photobucket.com/user/Mazz110/media/DSCN2158_zps72588079.jpg.html"]http://s1055.photobu...588079.jpg.html[/url]
  2. Just sold a p/guard to Chris , dead easy to deal with , first class Basschatter
  3. [quote name='Davetbass' timestamp='1400215918' post='2451872'] Pm'd jazz guard. [/quote] Replied
  4. MIBass purchased ! Now then ….which Cab …mmmm…?
  5. This is interesting for me as I've just bought an Ashdown MIBass Amp head and I'm still pondering which Cab/Speaker to get
  6. Just to add my 2 pen'orth , Simon is great to deal with , a good guy indeed , a credit to BC
  7. Gregs a great guy to deal with , do so at no risk at all . Top chap ! Thanks for the wires mate Project nearly done
  8. I had a White SG that I sold a couple of years ago , a beauty it was too . there are some decent pics of it in the thread ….. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/174467-for-sale-gibson-sg-reissue-bass-sold/page__view__findpost__p__1658319__hl__sg+__fromsearch__1"]For Sale Gibson SG Reissue Bass - SOLD[/url]
  9. [quote name='Geek99' timestamp='1398698237' post='2436686'] Tony Levin said "I'm a bass player, I enjoy doing the same thing over and over again" It's what we do, sometimes at least. Shrug. It makes people dance. Look at it this way - it could be worse, you could be a guitard I have small children (including one born yesterday); I would kill for regular jam sessions [/quote] Off Topic but Congatulations
  10. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1398633660' post='2436109'] Difficult to get onto one line and doesn't give any clues about the genre. How about Feverish Cheese? [/quote] This !
  11. A guitarist friend of mine saw them( supporting I can't remember whom ) recently and raved about them , texted me from the gig in fact . I like the song and the singers voice reminds me of the guy from Mansun .
  12. I seem to have used up my allowance for pics , so if anyone wants more pics just pm me mob or email address .
  13. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1398581690' post='2435376'] I had this problem with an MB30. I solved it by opening up the front ang carefully using a vacuum cleaner round the cone moving parts. Ithink you'll find Marshall speakers are susceptible to dust clogging the cone movement. [/quote] Thanks mate , I'll give that a try
  14. It sounds like the speaker is on its way out , it was really distorting last night at about a 1/4 volume . I'm getting rid anyway , but does anyone know how much roughly it would be to repair ? Or should I just sell it cheap with the relative info ?
  15. Wilkinson Bridge - Chrome plate , Brass Barrels , inc screws - £6 posted [attachment=161172:DSCN2154.JPG]
  16. I have a Sunn Mustang Strat copy . Darkish Red , Rosewood board , in reasonable condition , quite a few little dings but nothing major . Unfortunately its p/guard has been painted purple by its previous owner . Pick up selector needs a tip . With some love and attention it could be a nice little guitar . Electrics and pups all work , but wiring loom could probably do to be replaced . This was going to be another project for me , but my amp is on its way out , and , well needs must so this probably has to go to raise funds . Ive asked about these on here and they seem to have a good reputation according to the good people who know about such things ,which I'm not The price is including postage , £25 collected . For some reason I can only get ! pic up ... Mike [attachment=161177:DSCN2135.JPG] SOLD
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