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Captain Rumble

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Everything posted by Captain Rumble

  1. oh dear i never know what things are worth sold a Wal once after the guys on here persuaded me to double my asking price
  2. Just dont play this anymore everything works just as it should and looks real pretty especially with the gold strings. Comes with the usual Warwick bits and pieces Thinking £600 any questions or more detailed pics just ask Noticed a small dink in the body (photo)[attachment=120973:DSC02098.JPG][attachment=120974:DSC02095.JPG][attachment=120975:DSC02102.JPG][attachment=120976:DSC02106.JPG]
  3. my compact has cloth on a wooden frame held in with velcro I know because i had speaker fixings come loose and had to remove said cloth to fix. That velcro Alex uses is really good stuff had to prise one corner out and gently tease the frame out if you do this be carefull as the frame is not to strong and the way the cloth is fixed to it could be better but having said that mine has survived the event unscathed. john
  4. [url="http://www.bassic-bits.co.uk/"]http://www.bassic-bits.co.uk/[/url] Surprised no one else on here has suggested them I type so slowely that 2 others have suggested since I started
  5. Barefaced Compact does everything (nearly) 2 Barefaced Compacts does eveything (nearly) twice No prizes for guessing what I use
  6. [quote name='RhysP' post='965204' date='Sep 23 2010, 06:35 AM']I played a Wal in the Bass Centre in Wapping in 1988 that had a gloss finish.[/quote] So did I and I bought it too
  7. [quote name='ukbassboy' post='820051' date='Apr 26 2010, 10:19 PM']Sorry guys, thought I had posted a reply to this a while ago but doesnt seem to have gone through... I ordered the Roq Solid cover without the padding and its just what I was after - a nice waterproof, light weight cover for transport between car and stage/practice area. Just a note to say that the standard cover comes with the opening on the long end, i.e you have to put the cover on when its lying sideways. I would have personally prefered it to go on when sitting vertically but still, semantics I guess, it will do the job nicely. Thanks for the advice guys.[/quote] I got 4 extra feet from Alex and fitted them on the side means I can stack the cab any way I like for use and transport etc and the landscape format is good for me as I always have the cab on its side in storage and transport
  8. [quote name='RickIronWitch' post='983338' date='Oct 10 2010, 01:51 PM']Hi, my names Rick. I play in a stoner doom band www.myspace.com/ironwitch1977. i play a Tanglewood Canyon III through a big muff. currently between heads.[/quote] Hi Rick and welcome Gonna show my age now what is "stoner doom" ?
  9. Jon Cleary and the absolute monster gentlemen - Mo Hippa
  10. [quote name='keeponehandloose' post='978815' date='Oct 5 2010, 09:03 PM']Thats great,wheres Fred from?[/quote] Birmingham I believe I think he used /still does teach in that neck of the woods only thing I have heard him do band wise is on a Saunders,Baker,Clayton cd "Carried away" the tracks hen hoe down and Toccata and blues i find amusing from a bass perspective that plus the fact that I have absolutely no idea how he does what he does Come to think of it the ones I do understand dont get recorded
  11. all amazing but this does it for me [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOHNYFIDLpc&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOHNYFIDLpc...feature=related[/url]
  12. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='964510' date='Sep 22 2010, 02:26 PM']Spoke to hardware store guy, plan is Rustins Danish oil (has actual tung oil in it, unlike some danish oil), and white spirit, so it penetrates, and just build that up.[/quote] Is this similar to snake oil
  13. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='964520' date='Sep 22 2010, 02:39 PM']He does whats needed and yes, he gets the job done but i bet if he only use done bass for a gig no one would notice.[/quote] I bet people on here would And be able to tell what guage strings he was using
  14. As i dont have the massive levels of talent that you guys obviously do I can only listen in awe to him playing exactly what the music required of him, unless its at Wembly of course where the sound is so bad you cant hear most of what he is playing anyhow
  15. [quote name='razze06' post='906915' date='Jul 27 2010, 12:01 PM']At house practice volume, the differences are already obvious: the compact pushes out far more low end that the 2x10, but is less crisp and defined in the mid range. In essence, to my ears the compact sounds a lot warmer throughout, and my ideal solution would be use the tecamp AND the compact together. Alas, that can't be easily done, since the 2x10 is a 4 ohm cab...[/quote] I own a compact and use it with either a puma 350 or an Eden wt 500 bridged (600w) and the diferences between them are quite pronounced. I feel that the puma is probably a bit short on watts into 8 ohms to get the best out of the compact and I also feel the sonic characteristics of the Puma are more suited to smaller drivers (prepares to be shot down in flames by those cleverer than myself). Using the Eden I still have all the bottom end I could want but I definately have more mid top without resorting to extream eqing. I would suggest if you get the chance try the Compact using a diferent and preferably more powerful (into 8 ohms) amp. The Compact likes watts lots and lots of watts
  16. If you want hi fi then PJB good If you want down and dirty PJB not so good Friend uses one with I think it is a 4b extension cab seems ok for small gigs but the sound is to clinical for my ears given that I use a $$ Warwick into an Eden wt500 Bridged into a barefaced compact clinical was never something I was looking for.
  17. Awsome mate really nice if your ever playing down south I would definately like to see you play
  18. Tec amp puma my 350 drives my compact without any problems
  19. [attachment=54001:DSC01209.JPG] [attachment=54002:DSC01202.JPG] [attachment=54000:DSC01227.JPG] [attachment=53999:DSC01216.JPG] [attachment=53998:DSC01217.JPG]
  20. [attachment=53989:DSC01191.JPG] [attachment=53990:DSC01192.JPG] [attachment=53991:DSC01201.JPG] [attachment=53992:DSC01206.JPG] [attachment=53993:DSC01205.JPG]
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