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Ian Savage

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Everything posted by Ian Savage

  1. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1364740245' post='2030194'] [/quote] Be honest, you bought it so you could brag about the size of your Koch, didn't you?
  2. [quote name='Monckyman' timestamp='1364295762' post='2024385'] So, I'm concluding that buying British is a sentimental thing, associated with better times and a sense of pride and national superiority. [/quote] I actually tend to buy British-made partly to save on unnecessary transport emissions - why have something shipped halfway around the world when it could be made to an even better standard within a hundred miles, and would keep money in the UK economy rather than the Far East's to boot? [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1364309521' post='2024625'] British wages pay British income tax, unlike overseas ones, that's a pretty big chunk of tax. Having spent considerable amount of time poking about in various amps, the general standard of UK made ones is far ahead of anywhere else. Forgotten also ran manufacturers made products with far higher quality than the US big hitters, and people making nostalgic tributes tend to follow the same standard, can still be seen in modern 'boutique' stuff. [/quote] All true.
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  4. Yep, Laney and Marshall if you don't mind the weight, Barefaced if you do And FWIW, I had a UK-made Ashdown ABM for a good while that never let me down and sounded great! The original-series MAG of theirs I had was pretty much rubbish though (the one they made when they thought that the fantastic magnesium-alloy casing or whatever it was would dissipate all of the heat and eliminate the need for fans - it really didn't ).
  5. Forgot about this - I 'won' the Tapco interface I'd stuck a bid in on, so shall have to pass - thanks though!
  6. [quote name='BigJim' timestamp='1363871177' post='2018657'] Well there was no scam... Walked round, picked it up, got it home, tested it... All good!! A great spare to my existing 25"4 track!!! I'll sell it for a ton if anyone wants it! Lol. [/quote] Bugger me, bargain - and to be honest, you'd probably get that £100 my band'll be looking to kit out a lockup at some stage over the next few months, should you feel a need to get rid of it do drop me a line...
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  8. A bump on this to say a massive thank-you to everyone who voted - 'cos we won! All down to you guys, onwards and upwards from here - thanks SO much!!!
  9. Will do - I've got a bid in on an interface on evilBay that finishes over the weekend but if I get outbid shall probably treat myself to one of those!
  10. [quote name='Ian Savage' timestamp='1362066960' post='1995268'] OIder Green Day stuff, The Clash can be got away with, Ash, Muse if your guitarist has the effects/chops, most Nirvana stuff, [b]Feeder [/b]/ Manics without the over-augmentation they've tended towards over the last decade - The Police maybe? [/quote] [quote name='Urban Bassman' timestamp='1362235555' post='1997356'] Feeder could be added to the list... [/quote] *cough*
  11. [quote name='ThomBassmonkey' timestamp='1362085251' post='1995661'] Ian, are you going down to the "ceremony" (that makes it sound way more glamourous than it is haha)? [/quote] I am indeed, we'll need to get a drinky or two! Done all we can do to coerce votes from people now, just gotta wait on the count! [quote name='joeystrange' timestamp='1362146153' post='1996416'] Ian, I think we're playing with you at the NLC gig at The Maze in May. Should be a really good night! T [/quote] Awesome - yep, I'll be sure to say hi!
  12. [quote name='The Dark Lord' timestamp='1362069178' post='1995309'] It is customary, for someone looking for votes, to give a speech pronouncing why they deserve our votes. [/quote] Picture me as Bob Geldof, only more self-interested and slightly more sweary
  13. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1362068910' post='1995306'] Voted. Don't forget to put any forthcoming Brum gigs in the Gigs forum, and/or send me a PM! cheers Shell [/quote] We're doing the Flapper on March 24th, one of those Emma Scott Presents....things; also probably going to do the Asylum 2 on April 12th? If you want to PM me your email address I'll put you on the mailing list How's things with you, anyways?
  14. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  15. OIder Green Day stuff, The Clash can be got away with, Ash, Muse if your guitarist has the effects/chops, most Nirvana stuff, Feeder / Manics without the over-augmentation they've tended towards over the last decade - The Police maybe?
  16. ...my band (The Blacklist Saints) are up for 'Best New Band' at this year's Pure Rawk Awards against some pretty stiff competition - deadline for voting is tomorrow, can I put out one final 'PPPPPLLLLLEEEEEEAAAASSSSEEEE vote for us'-type thing? Takes a couple of minutes, you don't have to nominate in every category (although our very own ThomBassMonkey is nominated for 'Best Bassist' and his band The James Warner Prophecies are up for a couple too) and Pure Rawk don't spam your email address - support the underdog!
  17. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1361287494' post='1983943'] [size=4]This is both 'Rock' AND 'Roll'... [/size] [/quote] Cheers dude
  18. Finally on eBay http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=350720254136
  19. As an aside, to help with cost and luggability it will often sound better having just one well-placed sub as opposed to two spaced either side of the stage, which can (and does!) cause phase issues which can actually DECREASE the perceived bass levels. Downsides of course are possible loss of visual symmetry and having to take stands for your tops, as well as finding somewhere to position the sub (centre-stage is perfect, but obviously not practical most of the time), but if you can get it right it's one less big, heavy box to cart in and out and one less amplifier channel needed. For a decent sound with a bit of headroom I'd be looking at 800-1000W for the tops and not much less for the sub(s), properly crossed-over; if I were building from scratch on a budget (and actually will be soon!) I'd want something like a 2x800W power amp, crossed-over at about 70-80Hz (experiment with this, it's worth it!) with one side feeding the homebrew EV Delta 12" speakers in Celestion cabs I already have (300W RMS handling, eight ohms) and the other side feeding a single 600W-ish four-ohm sub. Of course if you're buying active you're slightly more limited, but brand-matching should ensure that each speaker gets fed with exactly the power and frequency range it needs. I'm actually in a minority in having got (what I thought were) quite pleasing results from a Mackie SRM setup, but these were the original RCF-made Italian ones; from what I understand they've gone downhill since production went Far-Eastern.
  20. Been waiting to get this finished before I posted it, finally good to go: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v669/smokingbeagle/P1040195_zps2626c5d0.jpg[/IMG] It's monsterous best rig I've ever owned, certainly for rock, and the fact that I paid less than £500 for the whole lot makes it even sweeter
  21. Maaaannnn, I want one of those and have a P-bass with a Jazz-esque neck I'm looking to move on...too few strings and it'd f*ck up my endorsement though
  22. Where are you based? Might know someone who'd be interested in the DSL...
  23. [quote name='lozbass' timestamp='1360758733' post='1975888'] Extremely solid, compact and efficient. A bargain! [/quote] I can't argue with that - thanks Loz! Had one 'definite interest' message, but since nothing - quick bump to remind me to get actual pics! EDIT: cancel that, sold!!!
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