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Everything posted by purpleblob

  1. I was never a fan of Japan, but Mick's sound, feel and playing always stood out from the norm. an inspirational musician and a great shame to read this news.
  2. This is just fantastic, so wish I had the money at the moment - damn it this always happens !!!!
  3. In order of influence 1. Geddy Lee 2. Steve Harris 3. Stanley Clarke 4. Mark King 5. Jonas Hellborg Good to see Jonas mentioned in the previous post also EDIT: When I say in order of influence, I mean time line wise, i.e. Geddy was the first bassist I really noticed along with Steve Harris, then I heard Stanley Clarke and the world opened up for me and so on
  4. Shame there's no pictures, but then again I cannot afford another instrument at the moment, so maybe just as well
  5. The salesman has an interesting view point As other's have said, it sounds like he simply doesn't want to stock a fretless due to the lower number of potential customers - which is fair enough, but spouting a load of rubbish about nobody playing fretless except in their bedroom is a little rich Anyway, I'm off to play my fretless, umm, in my bedroom - damn it, he was right !
  6. [quote name='daz' post='1070303' date='Dec 27 2010, 05:51 PM']i think its pan left or pan right with the middle being both equal.[/quote] This is the usual as far as I'm aware. So dead centre is both pups equal, turning towards one direction will increase the prominance of that pup and reduce the other - thus blending the pups output. It gives you far more variation than just switching one pup on or off as you can see. Disclaimer: that's how it works on my Wal, I assume it would be the same on other instruments. EDIT: [quote name='bubinga5' post='1070308' date='Dec 27 2010, 05:55 PM']Think 'Balance' on a stereo/hifi control.[/quote] Damn, that's a far simpler explanation, so it's what B5 said
  7. I've got two new instruments on order, at least one (and hopefully both) should be with me next year. But I'm also damn tempted to place an order for a Sei singlecut series 1 - been thinking about it for nearly a year now but really need to clear out some gear first as I have a few items I no longer really use - but I'm a hoarder by nature and boy it's hard to actually getaround to getting rid of anything. EDIT: Oh and I also need to seriously look at getting together a fairly good recording set-up.
  8. I prefer to be simply called "the cool dude at the back next to the mad drummer" but it's not too catchy I admit EDIT: But of the options offerred, I suppose Bassist, but I really don't care that much either way.
  9. If I were forced (at gun point and fearing certain death) to choose one configuration, I would choose a five string tuned E-C. In reality this offers me everything I really want from an instrument. Thankfully I can have more than one instrument, so I'll keep my 4's, 5's, 6's, 7's and 8 string ERB
  10. I've never been into the idea of owning a sig bass myself. But I suppose if I were to look at getting one it'd be an Alembic Stanley Clarke.
  11. What a crying shame ! Would love that Wood & Tronics Zoid, but no money available at the moment. So the best I can offer is good luck with the sale.
  12. I can't sing ! So I've never had to try and learn to play and sing. Hell, it's hard enough playing an instrument let alone singing, I'm amazed how the likes of Mark King can do it. I did backing vocals in my first band but I was so bad they turned the mic off, so I was putting my all into it but nobody in the crowd could here me - I think that was probably for the best looking back at it
  13. [quote name='chris_b' post='1042055' date='Nov 30 2010, 10:27 AM']Stop making sense and start arguing!!!![/quote] Ofcourse, sorry, I had a moment then where everything seemed peaceful. Okay, I'll go 5 strings tuned E-C is obviously the only way to go unless you need a thumb rest then go 6 string and add a B string for that very purpose [quote name='Low End Bee' post='1042058' date='Nov 30 2010, 10:28 AM']Don't ruin it all and bring music into the debate.[/quote] I apologise - not sure what came over me.
  14. I really don't get what all the fuss is over people who play ERB's or equally over those who prefer to stick with 4 strings. Surely the tool used doesn't matter one bit, it's the music one plays that matters ?
  15. Had to leave the bash fairly early - I'm afraid the loud room lived upto it's name and I found myself with a truly awful headache after visiting it one too many times, ah well it's a sign of me getting older and not getting out enough I suppose Very well done to those who organised the event, I got to see silddx's wonderful Chris Squire tribute bass and got very close to two beautful Fodera's from bass gear (luckily I got close and didn't get my credit card out !) and also checking out a fair few other lovely instruments Unfortunately missed some of the talk on setting up a bass, but the bits I saw were very helpful. Great talk from Mike/Urb talking about theory and technique. Very well done to all involved.
  16. [quote name='TommyK' post='1037968' date='Nov 26 2010, 04:48 PM']+1 to this. Why do people do it? I just can't see the point.[/quote] Maybe somebody who's removed the price can say for sure, but the conspiracy theorist in me wonders whether the seller has been asked to remove the price so if the item appears at a higher price later (here or elsewhere) people don't have that price point to compare against. But maybe I'm just a little cynical
  17. For my 2p's worth I have nothing but respect for those not wishing to make a profit from the sale of something they've purchased via this site and whilst I think the OP's view is maybe how things should be in a community such as this, the truth is it's really upto the person who owns the goods what they want to sell it for and it's upto the buyer to make a decision on whether that's a fair price to pay or not. The area I would have reservations about people making a profit would be if somebody had offered something for free and it then appeared for sale, but there's really nothing one can do about this (not that I'm saying I've seen this happen). Whilst we're on the subject of buying and selling though. I also find it a little sad when people have sold something on here and the price disappears from the "for sale" ad. it's always useful seeing the price for comparison if a similar instrument came up for sale - just as a guide.
  18. I've never really thought Fender basses, in terms of their sound or the quality of build, were that good. Thing is, as other have said, they come with a certain history that means their name sells them and therefore there will always be a market for a "Fender". At the end of the day if you like the sound and feel of a Fender then who cares what anyone else thinks, you're in good company, Jaco, Jamerson, Harris, Miller....
  19. [quote name='Born 2B Mild' post='1034567' date='Nov 23 2010, 11:06 PM']Even more weird. I was going to suggest a used Modulus Quantum before I noticed you said it as well! However, there's some nice Yamaha's around too and I look forward to Chris's review.[/quote] Great minds and all that [quote name='ThomBassmonkey' post='1034588' date='Nov 23 2010, 11:32 PM']Surprised no-one's said it yet, but £1500 is a huge outlay to try out a 6 string. If you're going to spend that much, make sure you go 2nd hand so you won't lose much (if anything) if 6 strings doesn't suit you.[/quote] This is very true, too be honest at £1500 one can find a hell of a lot of bang for the bucks in the 2nd hand market.
  20. [quote name='Chris Horton' post='1034513' date='Nov 23 2010, 10:12 PM']Hi Everyone, Thanks for all who gave great comments and thoughts into my question. It is great to get other peoples thoughts/opions , very helpfull Just a quick up date . . . . . . . I have just got hold of a fantastic Yamaha TRB 6 II in dark red colour. I am super chuffed with this awesome sounding and playing 6 string. It is a beautiful instrument. I will post a pickie soon. Thanks again Chris[/quote] Whoops I just posted (and deleted) a recommendation without reading you'd bought a bass, funnily enough I was suggesting a Yamaha 6 string as a hell of a good bass for the money EDIT: Just for the record I also suggested possibly a 2nd hand Modulus Quantum
  21. [quote name='silddx' post='1031918' date='Nov 21 2010, 09:20 PM']This is a track I recorded in 1992. I was a guitar player, and a complete f***ing fretw***er, but I think it's pretty good, but maybe a bit clichéd. I called it "No Feet Allowed" for some reason It was recorded on a Fostex X-26 4 Track cassette portastudio. I had a Yamaha SPX50D digital effects rack, and the drums were programmed on an Alesis HR16. I seem to remember it took nearly a week to do that! [attachment=64571:01_Track_1.mp3][/quote] Absolute love this, I tend to agree with Paul H, reminds me of Satch. You got a really good sound out of that portastudio, nothing I ever did with mine came out this clear [quote name='EdwardHimself' post='1033137' date='Nov 22 2010, 08:13 PM']...and something from this year: [attachment=64699:ControlFinalMix.mp3][/quote] Well this is brilliant, I think you had another thread with this on and I liked it then and I still like it now - fantastic stuff. [quote name='urb' post='1033696' date='Nov 23 2010, 11:20 AM']Anyhow the first one is a classical/Tango piece by Astor Piazzola arranged and played brilliantly by a guitarist friend of mine called [url="http://jameswatson.eu/"]James Watson[/url] - we recorded this in 1995 or something like that - pre-digital and all that, hence it's a bit hissy... I'm doubling his lines and playing chords under the solo, on my trusty old Warwick Thumb original: [attachment=64747:Tango_Suite.mp3] The second tune is one of my first solo bass recordings I did when I move to London 7 years ago, this is the modal jazz classic Little Sunflower, I'd just got my fretless custom 5-string and loved the Christian McBride version of the tune so decided to do my version of it: [attachment=64748:Little_Sunflower.mp3][/quote] I only have one word AWESOME ! [quote name='Bilbo' post='1034279' date='Nov 23 2010, 07:39 PM']1982 [/quote] Classic stuff ! Loving it.
  22. I really like it's colour as it is - so I'd say leave it as is Or if you had to change it what about a deep purple laquer that you can still see the grain through, i.e. same as you have but a deep purple.
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