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Everything posted by ashevans09

  1. Righty o, On my travels out here in Boston I've found a very nice Fender american deluxe J at a very nice price. It's a beauty - tobacco sunburst and sounds awesome, however, there's one problem - it doesn't have a maple neck. Being a stickler for these kind of things aside from Warmoth or the like is there anywhere i can source fender branded necks? ta' Ash
  2. [quote name='Mr Fudge' post='229596' date='Jun 30 2008, 12:03 PM']Simple question. Is the ABM markedly better than the MAG.[/quote] In a nutshell? Yes. Owned one a while back, nice head, though it wasn't for me.
  3. Save yourself alot of hassle, just buy a transformer. No one will touch my mesa to change the transformer . And the whole 300 watt thing doesn't work, my mesa needs a 2000 watt transformer. Hope it helps
  4. Jeez...seems I'm blessed - all the bands I'm in have (usually) the same drummer, been friends with him for yonks and we're tighter than a tight thing Still, people just upping and leaving is just not on - frontman/only guitarist did for one band of mine a while ago. Lost some nice gigs over it too. Dicks.
  5. Can't recommend a boogie enough, I've got a big block 750, which from what i can understand is a slightly stripped down version of the 600 (preamp wise). Absolutely love it, and through two 410s? Yum
  6. Don't know if it fits with you but I got that a while ago, just random dizzyness that got progressively worse - turned out to be Labyrinthitis. Had it a couple times since then, and I found when it starts up loud noises don't help... I could be talking out my arse here though.
  7. [quote name='steve-norris' post='209880' date='May 30 2008, 10:00 PM']hopefully i have bagged myself some indoors playing time, the other day my wife said "what parcels should we expect this month then? I never get any parcels.." fair comment with all the bass equipment i have been through, my reply was "none got every thing i want/need (actually i did order a badassIII )" . Well i am feeling slightly smug as she is away at her mothers so i have brought her a laptop and made sure it's addressed to her, should be OK for some uninterrupted playing time when my shuttle arrives [/quote] You dog you
  8. I have to say it, never liked BC's before. But damn. Those are some tasty basses.
  9. [quote name='The Funk' post='209079' date='May 29 2008, 06:18 PM']My top gig tip: go to the toilet BEFORE you go onstage. Less chance of cacking yourself.[/quote] I cannot +1 this enough Didn't go before a 2 hour gig once...eugh. Was not pleasant.
  10. First of all, it's not slayer. It's SSSSSLLLLLLAAAAAAAYYYYYYEEEEERRRR but +1 for disciple and raining blood but you want simplicity - Bloodline Awesome song too.
  11. [quote name='sam_' post='208518' date='May 28 2008, 11:29 PM']guessing you'll be seeing the Never say Die tour in November then [/quote] Ooooooooh yes!
  12. I likes my metal too I have to say though I'd been dragged away from the dark side into an indie band because my metal band failed, but things are on the up again! Hopefully will be posting some clippings of the new metal band veeeerrry soon And yeah, I'm a whitechapel and despised icon kinda guy [url="http://youtube.com/watch?v=j-cro_l8HLY"]http://youtube.com/watch?v=j-cro_l8HLY[/url] [url="http://youtube.com/watch?v=vSdplEm95h0"]http://youtube.com/watch?v=vSdplEm95h0[/url]
  13. Whoops...didn't read whole post before posting. Ignore me, sorry.
  14. Heya, Been looking into buying a good bass for metal recently as I really don't want to keep taking my Ped to those gigs. I've been looking at the Ibanez SRX 595. I won't be able to play it before I buy, but I played and loved the SRX705, so I'm hoping that it will be similar. Basically, I'm looking for a 5 string with a nice fat tone, nothing fancy, just good for busting out some metal. In a perfect world it would be 35" scale, 19mm string spacing and two humbuckers though i'm happy to compromise on that since I'm not looking to spend alot. The only thing that's a must is the string spacing. This will basically be a gigging bass only, recording will be left to the Pedulla and Pbass, I'm just looking for a roadready bass that can take a beating Oh yes and I will be using mostly fingers but occasionally a pick. So...any suggestions? Ta! Ash
  15. [quote name='Merton' post='202682' date='May 20 2008, 10:35 AM']Why thank you! Thought it summed me up nicely [/quote] Small, fluffy and partial to insects?
  16. [quote name='budget bassist' post='202554' date='May 20 2008, 12:59 AM']We all wish we were that lucky My ex used to like it because she played guitar, we used to jam a little bit, was pretty cool. Also a couple of girls that like me (i know i know, can't get enough) keep asking me to teach them bass too bad i suck! haha[/quote] She's a drummer - think it helps
  17. Can't really claim to have an "other half" since me and my lady haven't been together that long in the grand scheme of things...but she's been to all but two of my gigs in the time we've known each other, and actively encourages me to go to practices and *shock* buy basses. She helped me set up and unwrap my new cabs. I think she's a keeper And i want that tshirt.
  18. Hmm I'll be honest it depends on the bass for me. I really don't like J's or P's with an active circuit as a rule of thumb (though i make an exception for that five string fender P with the chunky pickup at the bridge), however I love my rapture and I have rather a soft spot for those tasty active spectors . Depends on the bass?
  19. Nice find mate! Guitarist in my band has one that hasn't been defretted and it certainly ain't a bad bass Well in
  20. Weeey! Happy birthday Also can I just point out I've always liked your meerkat type creature in your avatar Merton. I also saw a meerkat being taken for a walk in the university parks here not long ago...was slightly surreal. But i digress, happy birthday! (edit for spelling error)
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