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Everything posted by ashevans09

  1. If you're happy where you are, stick with it I say
  2. Heya, I've only really just come accross these. After getting absolutely perfect stage sound at Alice in Chains a guitarist I went with then started assuring me it was partly due to the Sonic Maximizers that they were using. The guy (guitarist) swears by them, are they really that good? Other forums are just dismissing them as "lazy EQs" but is that unfair? The phase realignment sounds an interesting idea but then again others are saying it completely kills all valve tone and makes everything sound SS. So, anyone had any experience with em?
  3. [quote name='AttitudeCastle' post='663185' date='Nov 23 2009, 09:25 PM']Hi Ash, once again truly sorry that our deal fell through =( Is that an SVP PRO? pre amp or? If at Christmas i get more money i'll once again be interested! Adam,[/quote] No worries dude, and yeah that's an SVP pro pre amp
  4. [quote name='JayC' post='668628' date='Nov 28 2009, 07:15 PM']Nice feet! Haha, I want the ampeg if I can sell my BBE to the interested buyer![/quote] Haha, my hobbit feet snuck in shot there! Sounds awesome dude, hope things work out
  5. [quote name='phil_the_bassist' post='663085' date='Nov 23 2009, 07:51 PM']I'd also like to think that I'd think about the ethics behind my bass, but to be perfectly honest, it really doesn't cross my mind...and considering some of the exotic woods found in my (and many, many others) collections, I doubt if many people check for certificates to make sure the cocobolo/wenge/zebrawood/mahogany/wtf are sourced for sustainable, ethical forests! A damn shame I know, but I doubt it's gonna stop any time soon [/quote] Hmm fair point actually. IIRC Mike Tobias makes sure all of his wood is sourced from sustainable sources so I think I'm covered there, but as for the rest... . It does make me a bit uncomfortable that some luthiers use purpleheart, I've heard this is in serious trouble (I have absolutely no source for that)...
  6. If you're looking for the lightweights I'd recommend Epifani cabs in a heartbeat. Brilliant brilliant cabs, had a pair of 410s for a while and they could be lifted one handed. Sounded huge too. IIRC aren't aguilars supposed to be around the same weight if not heavier than ampegs?
  7. [quote name='NickH' post='662030' date='Nov 22 2009, 07:00 PM']Holy crap! At the risk of sounding like a gamerhead - Dudes, we just got wtfpwnd[/quote] True, there is just something gorgeous about an ampeg rig...
  8. [quote name='tombboy' post='658992' date='Nov 19 2009, 10:41 AM']Until I got this!!! Loved it, but my bandmates used to groan when I turned up at a gig upstairs somewhere!!! [/quote] I saw this exact picture on ebay a while back!
  9. I've only done one wedding, so not entirely qualified for response, but we know someone who had 8 days a week and that was brilliant . Also "True" by Spandau, epic.
  10. [quote name='The Funk' post='660576' date='Nov 20 2009, 09:55 PM']You don't need a second bass. I have 6 or 7 (not quite sure). I only need 1. I always gig with spare batteries for the actives. What more do you need? How many of you have ever broken a string on a gig?[/quote] Another +1 for the amp, if money is tight hartke's are incredible for the price. There are also alot in the second hand place here at stupidly low prices. As for broken strings I actually broke a B at a gig once. God knows how. Had my Geddy with me however so just switched to that and managed without the low B.
  11. [quote name='Phaedrus' post='660942' date='Nov 21 2009, 12:48 PM']The bit in bold itallics is a big thing - most pro sound engineers would probably love bands to have no backline at all, and just have everything coming back to the band through in-ears or monitors. I'm sure you guys already know that Geddy uses no on-stage amplification. I reckon the cabs in the TBS video are either just tables for the amp heads, which might be DI'd to FOH, or the cabs are facing backwards and mic'd to minimize interference with the FOH PA. Mark[/quote] Doing a bit of research it appears a bit of both. Apparently the orange player likes to have his cabs mic'd, the mesa guy likes DI's for live. The Mesa cabs are probably present to make sure the stage looks balanced. Also to even out live sound, not that it matters on that big a stage I guess...
  12. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='660907' date='Nov 21 2009, 12:09 PM']Bands that can play gigs PA systems are sell outs. Guessing cause its a festival, thats baackline for everyone there, and maybe they don't want to be onstage with a bunch of labels, except for that nice brown Aguilar there.[/quote] Nah, every band there brought their own rig and set up. No backline to speak of. Also there was hardly any ampeg so it was nice for gear spotting . And sorry for being slow, but what do you mean by the play gigs PA systems comment? Also the orange cabs appear to be plugged in, 1min55.
  13. [quote name='SteveO' post='660768' date='Nov 21 2009, 08:07 AM']do you mean at 0:58? They're not even plugged in, possibly a statement about bands who have massive doom rigs that are just for show or something. [/quote] [quote name='lojo' post='660827' date='Nov 21 2009, 10:12 AM']Yeah not plugged in, just very nice tables[/quote] Nah, look at 1min55sec, at least one orange cab is plugged in. But the explanation does make sense , thank you.
  14. BUMP! Decided to make my bumps more interesting...and so for the sheer insanity:
  15. I've recently been noticing that a couple of bands have taken to pointing their cabs away from the audience, with the backs facing them instead. Now this seems slightly odd to me to say the least - surely you'd want to throw sound out right? And this is on all size venues too. I first noticed it at sonisphere during this performance (nice aguilar rig btw): And also noticed Paramore doing it on smaller indoor venues, bassist included. What is the reason for this? Is it just an aesthetic thing?
  16. 60 mile round trip for main band, <10 mile round trip for other
  17. [quote name='gilesisaac' post='658218' date='Nov 18 2009, 03:36 PM']thought there might be a for sale section, but couldn't find it![/quote] Scroll to the bottom of the homepage [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showforum=20"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showforum=20[/url]
  18. de gustibus non est disputandum surely?
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