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Everything posted by silentbob

  1. [quote name='BassMan94' timestamp='1321393064' post='1438708'] Squier still avaliable and where are u ? [/quote] Yup, still available. I'm located in the Taunton/Bridgwater area of Somerset.
  2. [quote name='sk8' timestamp='1321265960' post='1436992'] Got one coming in the post so hoping it will be great! [/quote] Be sure to let us know what you think when it arrives.
  3. ............but what i really wanted was a B C Rich http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Original-Hand-crafted-Bass-Guitar-/200674794019?_trksid=p5197.m7&_trkparms=algo%3DLVI%26itu%3DUCI%26otn%3D5%26po%3DLVI%26ps%3D63%26clkid%3D4150680266521650360
  4. [quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1321131567' post='1435794'] Good call. How did you find out their email - doesn't ebay disguise that these days? [/quote] Looked at sellers feedback, found the item, clicked on the buyers id then sent a message.
  5. Just sent the buyer a link to this thread. Normally i wouldn't interfere, but as both Ebay and the seller were aware that this item was fake, i think it's only fair that the buyer should know what he's really bought, and gets the chance to do something about it maybe.
  6. Thanks for that, that's this years Xmas present sorted then
  7. [quote name='Evil Undead' timestamp='1320826817' post='1431799'] Lovely Spector. I don't have anything that I want to trade unfortunately, but good luck [/quote] Thanks, i've been having a noodle on it tonight and it would be fair to say that i'm definatly torn over this one. [quote name='Fitzy73' timestamp='1320833846' post='1431925'] i would love the westbury , would post to rep of ireland or maybe my mate near ipswich [/quote] I will look into posting.
  8. First up we have a Squire Standard (not Affinity) Jazz Bass in antique burst. In very good condition, i bought this to see if i was more of a Jazz person than a Precision person. I wasn't. I have shielded all the cavitiys and rewired using CTS pots, a switchcraft jack socket and cloth covered wire, and she is strung with a new set of Fender flatwounds. There is one small problem, and that is that since re-wiring her i can't for the life of me remember where i put the control knobs, so she is currently knobless, but a replacement set shouldn't cost more than a few quid on the 'bay. £125 Next up is a Matsumoku made Westbury Track 2. Bought a couple of years back because it was the same as my first bass, but i don't really use it so time to let it go. It's looks like it's seen some action over the years, with quite a few knocks and dings, though nothing that effects the playability. The pick-up is a Dimarzio Model P which can be switched between series and parrallel wiring and the bridge has been changed from the original (which were known for being weak and breaking) to an identical one from a Gibson/Epiphone bass. She has had a set-up and been strung with EB Extra Slinky strings. [color=#ff0000]SOLD[/color] Lastly is my Spector NS-94. I genuinly thought that this was going to be my ideal bass, but for reasons i don't understand, i just can't seem get on with it. This is a great looking bass, and imho, the best shaped bass Spector ever produced. It's thru-necked, and features the curved body that sits just soooo well. There is a little bit of info on them here [url="http://www.spectorbass.com/about/model_years_3.html"]http://www.spectorba...el_years_3.html[/url] As far as i know it's all original except that at one stage it had a de-tuner fitted which has since been removed and has been replaced with a standard style tuning peg which although not a 100% match, is very close to the originals, and that it has been fitted with straplocks. I'm still not totally sure that i want to get rid of this so i won't put a price on it, rather see if i get any interesting trade offers. Anything with 4 strings will be considered so fire away, i can only say no. [color=#ff0000]WITHDRAWN[/color] Please feel free to ask any questions or request extra photographs.
  9. [quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1320709313' post='1430504'] Man that's weird. I actually did something I've never done before and reported it. I put forward a decent case that it was a counterfeit rather than just "not as advertised". I heard nothing back but presumed that ebay would pull it. I guess that makes ebay knowingly complicit in the distribution of counterfeit merchandise. [/quote] That makes two of us then. Shocking that the buyer knew all the time.
  10. £ 230.87. Somebody's going to be mighty pissed if they ever find out what they really bought.
  11. Bought a Gotoh bridge from Will. Great guy to deal with and item was exactly as discribed.
  12. Anybody using one of these and got any feedback they'd like to share. Cheers.
  13. Comparing the pictures against the two i have here i am 100% certain it's an LTD 83. They're actually a pretty good solid bass. The body is actually ash, not alder as the seller discribed, and the neck has a much flatter profile when compared to a Squire. I reported this on Saturday, but have heard nothing since, and i see it still running and been bid up to eighty-odd quid. Just for reference, the last one of bought a couple of months ago cost me £30. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=220828808298&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT
  14. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1319929512' post='1420324'] All well and good, but 'Star Wars Encyclopedia'? Tragic! [/quote] Busted
  15. Have you looked here http://www.spectorbass.com/index.html Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on "Model History". Should tell you all you need to know.
  16. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  17. Nearly there now, decal applied, headstock laquered, tuners and string tree fitted and neck attached to the body. All that's left now is to take it to my local tech guy to get a bone nut made and fitted (hopefully next week) and Robert's your mothers brother.
  18. Not sure if this is a genuine mistake or not, but i am 99% sure that this is an Encore LTD 83. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=290625811099&category=4713&_trksid=p5197.c0.m619 The tuners and string tree are definatly from an Encore and i'm sure the LTD 83 was the only bass they made with gold hardware. Also i can see the fading on the wood where the Encore QC sticker was. It does look very much like somebody has just swapped the neck plate and added a new decal and the story seems a bit long winded to just be a mistake. Do you think it's worth emailing the seller to let him know. I know even as a Squire it's not going to fetch silly money, but shouldn't the new owner actually be aware of what he is buying?
  19. That looks very nice, good work fella.
  20. Decided it ain't the speaker as it's stopped doing it for now. Must be some sort of dodgy connection. Having never taken an amp to pieces before, if it was a bad connection, would it be obvious to the untrained eye, or should i just take it to somebody who knows what they're doing? P.S. I accidently posted this in the wrong section, could a mod please move it to somewhere more relavant.
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