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Everything posted by Muzz

  1. I can vouch for the TC sound - I had a LMIII and a Sansamp whcih I never turned off, and I've replaced it with a TC Classic (then quickly moved up to the RH450) because I could do all (and more) the LMIII/Sansamp was doing in one box. I do play a Precision mostly, tho, and I'm after a rock/old school sound. YMMV, natch.
  2. If I turned up to a rehearsal with something called a Pleasure Pump... well, let's say I might stop hearing about it shortly after I'd died. But it'd probably end up graffitti'd on my headstone, too...
  3. Dunno about your gigbag scenario, but I invested in a laptop-capable rucksack which holds my RH450, leads, pedals, spare strings and all manner of bits and bobs. And it'll go over a shoulder for loading, etc. Invaluable, and the sort of thing spouses can buy without too much help...
  4. Bump for pictures... [attachment=65578:DSC00725.JPG] [attachment=65579:DSC00726.JPG] [attachment=65580:DSC00727.JPG] [attachment=65581:DSC00729.JPG] [attachment=65583:DSC00728.JPG] And the ding - on the bottom horn. That's a zoom which makes it look worse than it is.... [attachment=65582:DSC00730.JPG] Oh, I'd forgotten about the Hipshot. I've got the original tuner, too... No pics of the case, but it's unmarked.
  5. [quote name='captain black' post='1045280' date='Dec 2 2010, 04:12 PM']Muzz, I have a nice Black/maple Precision and am giving this some serious thought. How does that sound? Joe[/quote] Oooo, now then...
  6. OK, so I'm being unusually disciplined, and I'm reducing the collection to the ones I'll actually use a lot. I'm playing my frankenP (see avatar) more than anything else, and the sound is bob on what I need. The last in the list of basses I like (but possibly not enough) is my Ray. Pics will follow, but it's a 2005 3EQ in black/maple, in great nick bar one very small ding on the lower horn. With MM hardcase, in great nick too. It's a great Ray, but I think I'm more a passive type these days...it's me age... What I'm after is a maple-board P or similar - given that I've had several Ps of varying suitability, it'd be nice to try first (and of course you could try the Ray). If you've a Shuker JJB, I'd be [i]very[/i] interested. Maple board is a must, tho. Anyhoo, hit me up with anything you might have for a trade. Cheers, Muzz NB Edited for 'maple board' rather than 'maple neck' - I'm shallower than I thought...
  7. I've put a Mighty Mite Precision neck onto an SX Precision - great fit, great neck. I ended up selling both my USA Ps on the strength of it. The 2907 which I bought was a satin finish (which I like) but I believe there are other options, too. AFAIK the fit is the same as a Fender, but I'm sure someone else will be along to confirm.
  8. Trade underway, pending slightly dodgy meet on neutral ground...
  9. "The item may have some signs of cosmetic wear". Never has such understatement been employed in an EBay ad...
  10. What does it weigh? The Caps Lock keys from the 90s are notoriously heavy...
  11. As the ad title says, a Sansamp BDDI Programmable as per the Tech 21 page here: [url="http://www.tech21nyc.com/products/sansamp/bassdriverp.html"]http://www.tech21nyc.com/products/sansamp/bassdriverp.html[/url] Still boxed, used for half a dozen gigs and at rehearsals. Cracking box, wouldn't be selling if I didn't have to. Three programmable sounds gives real flexibility - I've had mine set for 1. A bit of tube warmth, 2. More drive and grit and 3. Gonzo! Just needed to make sure I didn't hit 3 during that tasteful and melodic intro... Oh, and it comes with a power supply, too - something you don't get from Sansamp when you shell out £190 for one of these puppies. I'd include a pic, but it's exactly the same as the one on the Tech21 site, and we don't really need pics of pedals, do we? Cheers, Muzz NB SOLD, STC
  12. Apologies to the mods for the double posting, but this might get a bit more exposure. My Classic 450 is giving me what I need sound-wise, but I'm playing a variety of basses live now (inc the fretless and the acoustic), and so I'm doing a lot of knob-twiddling*, so the logical step forward for me is the RH450. Anyone have a RH450 they'd want to trade for the same-sounding-but-simpler Classic, and trouser a wedge of cash into the bargain? Cheers, Muzz * Oooer missus, etc, etc...
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  16. Given that your budget is a little short of the bigger MB combos like the 210, and I think the 112 MB is a little underpowered (on its own) for 'room to spare', I'd give some serious consideration to a Roland D-Bass 115 or 210 combo. Not very very light, but certainly moveable (castors! yeah...), and their relative unfashionableness* means they're a bargain second hand buy - I've seen them go for £200-250 on t'Ebay. Great range of tones, terrific build quality and plenty loud. If you get the urge for a monster stack, you can also add the 115X for 660w of doom**... Just my 2p * Not a word, I know, but you know what I mean... ** That's doom with a small D - I'm aware there a folk around these parts stacking 2x8x10s, and they're Doom...
  17. I think part of the problem is access to the higher end gear to try it - very often people have to buy without trying themselves, perhaps influenced by the opinions of folk on places like this (I know I have), and opinions, as we all know, are like... well, let's just say the only thing you can ultimately trust is your own ears. It's all part of the fun, though. Oh, and I've moved [i]to[/i] a TC head, having, for a change, actually tried one first...
  18. Yep, they certainly do - I had a US one I did myself via a bit of desperation-guesswork - the jumper is marked '240/110', or somesuch pretty obvious. There was an amount of clenching required to switch the thing on over here for the first time, but it worked perfectly. Incidentally, this one was stolen earlier this year, so if anyone in the North West gets offered a 110V stickered LMIII, do give me a shout... Edit: Just clicked that link above, and its the one I used. Ding dong.
  19. The love for the fretted ones never arrived here (despite owning a couple and playing a lot of them), but I do like my fretless Corvette. That upper horn isn't great, though. The money they're going for at the moment makes them a great buy if you like em, but they [i]are[/i] a bit Marmite, and I guess they always will be...
  20. Muzz

    Which Chorus?

    OK, so I'm using the fretless for a couple of numbers, and I'm looking for a chorus pedal to make it 'sing' a little more in the appropriate places. What's the general consensus in the 'reasonably cheap' end of the market? All opinions, no matter how raving, gratefully accepted...
  21. I've got a Mighty Mite maple neck from t'EBay, which is really, really good (I sold my 08 MIA P on the strength of it). Cost less than £80. If there's nowt on Ebay, they can be had for a little more than that, but they're still worth it IME.
  22. Got to try one of these at Bass Direct last weekend, and they are indeed a fantastic bass - soooo much output from those passive pickups, and the quality in construction and finishing s as good as anything I've ever seen. They are indeed a 'mega-Precision', but much as I like that sort of thing, I just don't like the looks (although a maple board would help), so they're not on my GAS radar. Interestingly, although Glenn Hughes has a maple-boarded one and is a very vocal endorser, he still used a 'real' Precision for the Black Country Communion album. Bet Yamaha were delighted...
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