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Everything posted by mikeh

  1. [quote name='skidder652003' timestamp='1359790057' post='1960293'] be careful with your amp! Best of luck mate! [/quote] Dont you worry it was going to be a studio amp. Thanks for all the comments, but I guess it wasn't to be!! Swapped basses this morning, now have a gorgeous mm jazz which was like coming home. But my other half was in bed with what I thought was just a cold, but as the morning went she got worse so had to take her to the hospital, so had to cancel the audition!!! Although I had been in touch with another band, and from the message today are keen to get me on board and have gigs booked all the way till December! Happy days.
  2. Well, I've been in quite a few bands, pretty much all of them I've been in from the start so no auditions. My current band I was the only one going to play with them, and was there for a jam really at the start. Although my first gig was only 2 rehearsals in. But tomorrow Im auditioning for a new band, and this will be my first actual audition. I was first to contact so got the pick of slots and I chose last!! Is that good or bad? My slot has also grown from half an hour, to an hour. Im guessing a couple of people have dropped out, so that may be good. I just hope ive learnt enough of the stuff I was given!! Genuinely cr***ing it!!! Oh Im also trading basses in the morning so may very well be playing a different bass!!
  3. Well since Monday I've been listening to Seriously amazing album, ram packed with quality.
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  6. Worst I've ever had was a Laney RBG300 1x15" combo. Seriously awful, really wooly and absolutely no volume.
  7. I'd love to do pink Floyd's 'One of these day's' live. Always have the patches setup on any effect pedal I own, but as of yet not been in the right band to do it.
  8. [quote name='sloth132' timestamp='1359490979' post='1955682'] tRade for a 1000w hartke hydrive 4x10 cab?? [/quote] You, really, really want to trade that cab eh? See above, this is on hold pending trade for another amp. cheers
  9. Dont do it!!! I did exactly the same thing, 2 years later had to buy all new gear again!! Take a break, but I really wouldn't sell.
  10. At the moment I'm using a pair of aguilar 1x12"s.
  11. I'm half tempted to offer my aggies?! I can vouch for how good this sounds live.
  12. I dont normally like basses like that, but that is a thing of beauty. Love everything about it. Shame I'm skint, but good luck with the sale.
  13. My cover band Detroit Red, had a brilliant gig last night, at one point we thought we would be spending the night with the amount of snow coming down during the 1st set. Infact we fully expected to play to an empty pub, which turned out to be completely wrong. The pub was quite busy when we got there, and stayed busy all night. We had a really responsive crowd, who enjoyed the entire gig. It was our first gig for nearly 3 months as our guitarist had a brain hemorrhage just before christmas. Even the drive home was fun, even though it took an hour to travel 4 miles. Not bad considering at the same time my brother was trapped on the M6 for 4 hrs!!
  14. Woah, that's a thing of beauty mate. Shame you have to but I'm sure it won't be on here for long.
  15. I suppose the old 'try before you buy' comes into play. Anyone in Lancashire got one I can try?
  16. Hmm I was looking at getting one of the OTB500 heads as a trade for my SWR 700, might not be for me if you cant get any 'clean' volume?
  17. [quote name='skidder652003' timestamp='1358884615' post='1946629'] doh just turned down an OTB straight swap! [/quote] That's a shame ;-)
  18. Ah mate, nice one. Really would like to give a whirl for a set. Id actually hope I didnt like it, save me having to change from this ;-)
  19. Ah cheers, I wouldnt surprised if after Fridays gig I changed my mind about changing. I do love the amp, it sounds brill through the Aguilars.
  20. Hmm, not sure about the PF500. Now if it was a OTB 500 we'd be sorting something out ;-)
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