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Everything posted by mikeh

  1. Search YouTube for bedroom bassist, iirc his name is nick Latham? And he's a really good bassist. His channel is called bedroom bassist
  2. And other hump day bump. Dont be afraid to make offers, the worst I can say is no ;-)
  3. Had a cracking gig on Saturday night, first time out for the new rig, MM Jazz with the Orange TB500, sounded, well awesome. Very happy with it, we played as loud as we've ever played and I only had the volume and gain on 3, ridiculous amount of headroom!! Anyway the band played really tight, only real misshap was the guitarist forgetting to change guitars for a drop d tune, we carried on playing while he changed guitars. The crowd were brill, had a top reaction. The manageress came right to the band once we'd finished to rebook us. All in all one of the better ones.
  4. mikeh

    Fishman Fission

    I love my fishman fission, really helps with just having guitar, bass and drums. I run mine into a Marshall jackhammer, then into the PA.
  5. I use joinmyband.co.uk amd have good success on partysounds.co.uk as well
  6. You'll be the first ti know mate. I did actually consider going all orange! Will have to see how the rig goes at its first gig on Sat.
  7. This has to be bargain of the century, and from a top bloke. If it wasn't for the fact I like being able to take a single 112 to rehearsals id have this. Sounds monstrous live.
  8. Its this one basically [url="http://www.gak.co.uk/en/audio-technica-atw-2110-g-e-band/16430?gclid=CM3L7Nn0trUCFYXLtAod4xAAng"]http://www.gak.co.uk/en/audio-technica-atw-2110-g-e-band/16430?gclid=CM3L7Nn0trUCFYXLtAod4xAAng[/url] In excellent condition,comes with rack ears to take up 1U in a rack. Only selling as Ive changed from a rack mounted head so decided to shrink the amount of gear Im using. Looking for £150 + p&p Will consider trades, but would prefer cash.
  9. I've just acquired one in a trade and couldn't be happier with it. Seriously loud, easily as loud if not louder than the swr 700 it replaced. Mine still has the original tubes and doesn't start to breakup till at plast 11 or 12 o'clock. Played last night with my blues jam band, just plugged in one aguilar 112 and with the gain and volume on 3 was easily drowning out 2 guitarists!!!! Sounds even better with both cabs.
  10. Being one of this basschat 3 way swap!! I couldn't agree more, this place is amazing, and over the years I've met so many top guys, through various trades. Group hug!!
  11. So far I'm finding my fav setting as others have said, tone min, mid max and bass almost min. Sounds great, and there is so much volume it's crazy. Had the gain upto 12 o'clock without any real breakup, but with both cabs, aguilar GS112 x2 I only had both volume and gain on 2!!!
  12. [quote name='Ant' timestamp='1360610453' post='1973381'] i couldnt get on with the preamp at all! i always had to use an external pre/tone shaping device to get the sound i wanted, in the end i traded it away for an ampeg pf500 [/quote] Sort of ;-)
  13. Well I've recently picked up a OTB 500!!! Which does actually sound really good through the aggies. Hmmmm
  14. [quote name='yorick' timestamp='1360512665' post='1971489'] Could be... I'm left handed, so that may rule out a bass, judging by your avatar What have you got? Cheers [/quote] I was thinking a pair of Aguilar gs112s Whats the volume like for gigging with the pair of them?
  15. Another One Bites the Dust, Queen. Or maybe Grounds for Divorce by Elbow?
  16. Different amp and bass, so new entry to the thread. Orange Terror Bass 500, Aguilar GS112 x2 and MM Jazz...
  17. I just traded my status S3000 for Paul's MM Jazz, thoroughly nice bloke. And very happy with the trade.
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