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Everything posted by Kongo

  1. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='542817' date='Jul 17 2009, 01:03 AM']I should reiterate that I'm looking more for accessible pop music with interesting bass parts.[/quote] I'm afraid that doesn't work these days LOL! I never hear ANY interesting bass in pop music nowerdays...All this indie rock...pah...Euro techno-pop? Pah (all synths)... In that sence...I don't think you'll find what your looking for...unless you like picking root notes forever?
  2. The Arusha Accord Luke Williams is a giant of a bassist and plays a G&L L-2500. He does so much crazy stuff and the Arusha Accord are a prog mathcore band! #1 member in the band by far.
  3. [quote name='hubrad' post='540551' date='Jul 14 2009, 05:56 PM']Power Megalomania? [/quote] Power is an understatement.
  4. [quote name='lushuk' post='538243' date='Jul 12 2009, 03:04 AM']Many hours of fun on its way dude, enjoy![/quote] Yep...I'll send ya PM soon...Got rehearsal tomorrow and the next day so I'll send after that. It's AWESOME in my room but I want to give an all out on how I feel about it...Which OBVIOUSLY is only going to be good, as I have used Trace Elliot before. No more Markbass for me, Heavy mean and green Trace Elliot only baby! Who needs lightweight with sound like this? p.s. Shame about the Barefaced Big One mate...It's gotta be faulty or summit...Farting out like mad at such low volume!
  5. [quote name='soundcheck1' post='539944' date='Jul 14 2009, 01:01 AM']Bought a Yamaha bass from Kongo. Good communication, came well packaged and there were no problems whatsoever [/quote] Glad to shed some of my older, but still fine, gear. It never got played any more...I'm learning everything 4 on a 5-string and my 6-string on top of that so I don't touch 4 anymore for the reason that it will harm my progress. Hope you enjoy the pickup upgrade on it too.
  6. And now I also bought the very head that used to power my Trace ELliot 1048H I bought previous, the Trace Elliot AH1000-12 stereo head... Pretty much brand new and half rrp again! I wasn't wrong going back to Trace Elliot...No more Markbass for me. Sure, the head weighs 25KG and will break your back if your not careful but the sound is equal to it's weight and for a fraction less wattage than the Markbass SD800 it's much louder too! I knew this head from before but was shown the head...nice and shiny and new...Yup, all good here. And the 6-channel footswitch to go with it too...and of course the cover. Money exchanged hands after a chat...and an unfortunate Barefaced Big One test (It's gotta be fautty mate)...And I went home a VERY happy man... It's gotta be MEAN It's gotta be GREEN It's gotta be...Trace Elliot! People in Leicester be scared! Cause the loudest band in Leicester just got louder!!!
  7. Trace Elliot AH1000-12 is mine. Thanks for holding it for me man...it was a tough 3 weeks indeed! So, along with the Trace Elliot 1048H you sold me over a month ago I now FINALLY have a professional backline of my dreams! A powerful TE head with Valve pre-amp (for that lemmy tone if you wish), Pre-Shape cleaning up the tone, a wide range 12 band Eq and not one but TWO power amplifiers...Ok, 3 more cabs needed then LOL! So yeah man thanks...IT'S AWESOME...and BLOODY HEAVY! But at least they put the handle on the side and some rubber feet too. But once it's down it's no longer heavy...I love it!
  8. I do this when on a tight budget...Not sure about this credit-crunch hype though...isn't Swine Flue the front pager these days? Anyways, they get weaker over time though and start to stink so I looked into PVC tubing with Denatured Alcohol. I want to use this as it will not only clean better, but they wont build up a film that water causes over time (boiled strings never feel the same) but without added heat they wont weaken,only naturally fatigue over time. So yeah, a lot of people still do this..."Credit-Crunch" or not.
  9. Always prefered the look of the white ones but could only find black. Great gig bags, the only I will use due to them being padded to hell! I modded mine though to rid of the weakness at the bottom, as they have no rubber stop, the bag tears after a while...Not on mine!
  10. [quote name='henry norton' post='529810' date='Jul 1 2009, 05:50 PM']Couldn't agree more - I always liked the 2000/2500 series, they seemed to beat a new path beyond the Fender / MusicMan DNA, but indeed, not ANOTHER Jazz bass. I guess everyone's cashing on 'the worlds most popular bass guitar' at the moment but I'm a bit disappointed G&L are jumping on the bandwagon. I suppose MusicMan will be coming out with their version next....[/quote] I'd like to see the Legacy series exapnd more than a new shape. Not only a kick ass "swiss army" bass, but an awesome and VERY fitting name!
  11. One thing I love about the SUB-5: They use the 4-string scratchplate and chrome plate style. Normal 5-strings get the wierd plate that my OLP also has...No chrome!
  12. Carve top is nice...But MORE Jazz basses? L-2000 / L-2500 are the best G&L made.
  13. Kongo


    Sold my almost never used BOSS SYB-5. Payment was swift, item was sent, item recieved! Great guy to deal with, no nonsense and good with PM's...what more could be said?
  14. [quote name='ateyercheese' post='521581' date='Jun 23 2009, 11:43 AM']Just bought a pedal off Kongo, Nice and easy. Thanks Chris[/quote] No worries. Never used, expensive from new...It needed an owner, I needed the space...and a wee bit of cash. Glad someone can finally enjoy, and get a good sound out of my old BOSS SYB-5.
  15. [quote name='PURPOLARIS' post='528965' date='Jun 30 2009, 06:44 PM']Thanks for the heads up. It's a bit far for me unfortunately.[/quote] Sorry to hear...I'd go for it but I can't. They are worth having as much as a fretless / 5-string to your armoury.
  16. [quote name='Hodge' post='528952' date='Jun 30 2009, 06:37 PM']Aye, I remember the first time I heard the isolated bass tracks on the 'Standing in the Shadows of Motown' CDs...or cassettes rather, as they were back then. Many of these world class bassists were fairly clanky when you heard them without the full band masking the clunks and scrapes. I seem to remember Chuck Rainey in particular striking me as quite noisy, which made me worry alot less about how I sound unplugged.[/quote] I'm noisy and clanky but it works in a band situation and plus, I like that sound. Steve Harris was my first inspo...guess it shows...Still love his clanks!
  17. [quote name='PURPOLARIS' post='528943' date='Jun 30 2009, 06:33 PM']I'm thinking of buying one of these [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/ibanez_agb200tbr.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/gb/ibanez_agb200tbr.htm[/url] , mainly for acoustic nights that allow some amplification. I don't want to take my Jazz Bass there as I feel it would look pretty dumb in amongst all the acoustics. My personal experience with acoustic basses hasn't been very good so far so I thought I'd try this route. Does anyone have one or has played one that could give me an idea of the playability etc. Also if you have one or similar and want to sell it I might be interested.[/quote] £150 bags you one here! [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=52730"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=52730[/url] They are 32" short scale... I'd imagine it'd play similar to a bass version of a Les Paul...I too find accoustics a little odd on the hands. I recond, being a 'Nez as well, that this will be as easy to play as the Jazz.
  18. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='528449' date='Jun 30 2009, 11:10 AM']Hi all Fairly random post, and probably not news to 99.9% of you all, but... In the last couple of years I've taken to doing minor adjustments myself... truss, string height, etc. I've always set my action so it's the lowest it can be without the strings choking or rattling off the frets at the end of the board. As a result, the action on my basses has, over time, lowered to around 2mm (from string to top of fret) at the 12th and the heel end. Recently, I've become increasingly frustrated with my tone, especially at larger gigs. I just haven't sounded round enough, and when I've dug in, the notes have been 'barking'. It can't be the action, I thought. The strings are ringing cleanly... I even thought one of my 'ol sets of Le Bella flats had gone bad. I was about to retire them, when the penny dropped... Of course, when I've been adjusting my basses it's been at plink-plink room volume. At a gig, with more volume and adrenaline... you play harder. Hence the chokes! So, I've upped the action to about 3mm (it feels like a heck of a lot, but you really don't notice at a gig) and all the sudden my notes are ringing big and round, with plenty of growl in reserve when I dig in. Bliss. Why didn't I think of it before?? Don't be afraid to raise tha action a little more than you think, people... you might be suprised at how much difference it makes to your ears, but how little difference it makes to your hands! If this post helps one person, it'll have been worth typing. [/quote] My lifetime arguement said by someone else FINALLY! Although I too like yourself have found my action getting lower and lower and it does help for tapping...but it's gotta give...I need my medium action back. Plus, low action makes you faster to start with, and does overall...but weakens your fingers. Anyone here remember my 3/4 inch height practise bass? THAT takes some doing...For scales only mind of course!
  19. It's Trace Elliot...Why wouldn't it be good?
  20. [quote name='mike257' post='528411' date='Jun 30 2009, 10:31 AM']I've never got a sound I've liked through Ashdown gear - but I've only used when it's been house/shared backline. On the other hand though, I've seen a few people (locally, in small enough venues that you hear the backline!) get an absolutely killer sound out of it, so I can't help but wonder if it's just me, or just not having enough time to experiment.[/quote] Model of bass used + Finger flesh + techneque = part of how the amp sounds puzzle. Luke Williams of The Arusha Accord uses Ashdown from what I saw, with the classic VU meter jobbie (that I DO love!) and he has FANTASTIC slap and finger tone...but he DOES use a USA G&L L-2500 though...That could be doing a lot of the tone.
  21. [quote name='Jobiebass' post='528136' date='Jun 29 2009, 09:19 PM']+1 im more then happy with mine.[/quote] Same here...Perfere my Will Power for brute power but the 1/4 pound is awesome! [quote name='Schnozzalee' post='527639' date='Jun 29 2009, 12:32 PM']They're both Precision style pickups. I'm thinking the hard rock willpower, but I've only ever heard them with a maple fingerboard. I prefer rosewood don't know why, warmer tone I guess.[/quote] I changed the neck last. For a month I had the original rosewood neck in my P-bass with the Will Power. Still strong...I just prefere the look, feel and snappy tone of maple.
  22. [quote name='WHUFC BASS' post='527533' date='Jun 29 2009, 11:06 AM']Hmmm. I'd wouldn't go that far. I still reckon the Peavey 5150 is probably the greatest metal guitar amp out there. I've tried both Orange and own a 5150 and much prefer the 5150. I agree with you on the point about being better than Marshall - I just don't like any of their old or new stuff at all and I've own JCMs, DSLs, played through JCM800s and TSL heads. All of them just leave me cold.[/quote] Have a look. There all dropping the Peavey's. Architects used Peavey's...Now they use Orange. The problem with the Peavey is clean is distorted...and distortion only a bit more...no bell like clean tone like an Orange will. Jim Root of Slipknot now uses Orange over Marshall...and I just heard confirmed, Wes Borland just switched from Mesa Boogie to Orange with a witty one liner: "Once you go Orange, you never go Black!" So, Orange is coming! And rightly so! Bring on the British sound! I didn't mind the Peavey...well it didn't sound good clean...but the Orange Rockerverb 50 watt...Well... It's the reason I got a new backline as it is VERY powerful!
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